von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.01.2019 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

3D Alien Worlds: Samurai Castle Walls STL

3D Alien Worlds veröffentlicht ein Set mit STL Dateien für Mauern einer japanischen Burg.

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Samurai Castle Walls Set – STL Dateien – 8,00 USD

A modular set of stone castle walls from old Japan, allowing you to create any size or layout of defensive structure. This set can be combined with the Samurai Castle, Samurai Castle Gatetower and Samurai Castle Corner Tower sets. 

Each section measures 120mm x 120mm, and is approximately 75mm tall. Sections can be fitted with the textured tops to simulate earth or gravel, or the tops can be flipped over if you require smooth surfaces.

Sections can also be fitted with defensive walls (38mm high) and support posts, or low pine fences (20mm high), or just left empty.

This set contains straight sections, corner sections, inner corner sections, centre sections, and a double-width slope section with detailed stepped textures and an optional wooden gateway. The gates in the gateway can open or close if you use some spare filament in the 2mm holes (or a paper clip or brass rod etc), and the locking bar actually works. All sections can be connected using the small clips included in the set, or can be fitted with 5mm rare earth magnets for even greater convenience.

This downloadable ZIP file contains the following STL files :

  • 120mm straight section, with wall and fence options.
  • 120mm corner section, with wall and fence options.
  • 120mm inner corner section, with wall options.
  • 120mm centre section.
  • 240 x 120mm slope section (in two halves), with wall and fence options.
  • Wooden gateway
  • Upper wall support posts
  • Joining clips and pegs
* Samurai warrior models not included.

* Please note that the upper walls are not textured – they have been sprayed with stone-effect spray in the painted pictures above, prior to painting.

Related blog articles:

  1. Designing the castle walls
  2. Printing the castle walls
  3. Adding magnets to models
  4. Painting the castle walls
  5. Castle Walls available NOW!!

This product will be delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing STL files for use on a home 3D Printer. The files are set to 28mm scale but can be rescaled before printing.


  • All of the parts of this file can be printed on a 3D printer build plate of 125mm x 125mm.
  • All parts have manifold (3D-printable geometry) and have been test printed.
  • Models designed for 28mm (1:58 scale) wargaming, but can be resized for other scales on your printer.

Link: 3D Alien Worlds

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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