von BK-Nils | 30.09.2019 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Neuheitenvorschau und Red Gobbo

Games Workshop zeigen die Neuheiten der kommenden Woche und geben einen Ausblick auf die Weihnachtszeit mit dem Red Gobbo.

Coming Soon: Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus and an Action Figure

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 1

A new warband comes to Beastgrave, the threat level increases on the Blackstone Fortress, an ancient team returns to the astrogranite, and the first-ever Warhammer action figure arrives. Strap yourself in and prepare to learn what’s going to be available for pre-order next week…

Earlier this week, we told you all about the awesome Space Marines Primaris Intercessor action figure that is being made under license by Bandai. Now, we can reveal he is going to be available to order from Saturday!

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 2

We’ll have more details later in the week on exactly how you can get your hands on this incredible, 8-inch-tall poseable model. Make sure you’ve got space on your shelf!

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 3 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 4 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 5

Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave

Following hot on the heels of the new Warhammer Underworlds:Beastgrave Core Set, the noble Grymwatch arrive seeking to slay the monstrous entity that they believe lurks at the heart of the mountain to protect their crops and livestock. Despite this shared delusion, Duke Crakmarrow and his warband have the numbers to overwhelm tougher opponents. They can also replenish their forces as the game progresses – the Flesh-eater Courts are coming for you.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 6

This new warband comes with a wealth of universal cards that can be used by any warband in Warhammer Underworlds to win glory. You’ll also be able to get warband-specific dice and card sleeves for the Grymwatch.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 7 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 8

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress

Finding Blackstone Fortress too easy? The Abominable Intellect cards let you crank up the level of difficulty for you quests – once you’ve beaten Challenging level, you can dial it all the way up to Abominable! Can your explorers handle the test?

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 9

One of the ways that these cards make the games harder is by adding more hostiles to your encounters. That means that you’ll need additional models, but don’t worry – two new sets have got you covered. Servants of the Abyss contains 17 models, all of which were originally available in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, while Cultists of the Abyss features 8 miniatures that first appeared in Blackstone Fortress: Escalation. All of these models also have rules for Warhammer 40,000 and would make a great addition to a Chaos army or, thanks to the rules in White Dwarf, Kill Team.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 10 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 11

Blood Bowl

Get ready to scale up your games of Blood Bowl – the Lizardmen are coming! The Gwaka’moli Crater Gators bring all the skills of the New World to the Old World. Bring the muscle with Saurus Blockers, add the speed with Skink Runners and finish off your team with the sneakiness of Chameleon Skinks. The kit includes 12 models, which covers your dino-mite starting roster.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 12

You’ll also be able to get yourself the Lizardmen team cards, special dice, pitch and Spike! Journal: Issue 7, which features all of the rules you’ll need to use this team in Blood Bowl.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 13 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 14 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 15 Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 16

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 17

There’s no reason for your Lizardmen to be saur losers – for one week only, you’ll be able to get hold of the classic Kroxigor on a Made to Order basis. If you want to add some brute strength to your team then you need this player.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 18

On the pitch, Goblins cause absolute anarchy, but coaching them doesn’t have to be. This Goblin Team Card Pack makes it easy to keep track of your squad. Reference cards let you track your Star Players, Dirty Playerz or legends of your own team, with blanks letting you track your favourite players across leagues. It also includes six all-new Special Play cards, usable by any team.

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 19

You’ve got the cap, you’ve got the clipboard and you’ve got the whistle – you’re almost ready to be a Blood Bowl coach! All you need now is the Blood Bowl Head Coach pack. Not only does it feature all of the rules that you need to play both one-off games and league seasons, it includes all of the current team rosters and Star Player profiles, and also comes with Blood Bowl plastic templates, team roster pad and a set of tokens.

Of course, just because you’re ready to be a coach doesn’t necessarily mean that your players will actually obey your orders from the touchline!

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 20

You can change your tactics and your line-up, you can bring in Star Players and employ all of the best inducements but as every coach knows, there is no substitute for luck! Of course, we can’t guarantee that these new Blood Bowl dice will be lucky, but if you’re on a losing streak then changing dice couldn’t hurt, could it?

Games Workshop Coming Soon Grym Watchers, Abominable Intelligence, Sporty Saurus And An Action Figure 21

We’ll be taking a closer look at the new Space Marines action figure, Beastgrave warbands, Abominable Intellect and the Gwaka’moli Crater Gators throughout the week. Make sure that you’re signed up to our newsletter to keep up to date with all of the latest!

The Holidays are Just Around the Corner…

Fancy hat? Check.
Billowing red cloak? Check.
A bag stuffed with goodies? Check.
Beloved by all of the little ones? Check.

You know him. You wish you could meet him. Who could it be?

A few readers may be seasoned enough* to remember a classic game called Gorkamorka, in which Orks were left to their own devices on a barren world called Angelis. In that game, the Red Gobbo led a group of separatist grots, seeking to throw off the yoke of oppression – making him a true underdog hero.

Can you imagine a more iconic greenskin in all the galaxy? Well, of course there are loads more, but if you’re a grot he’s the tops – leader of Da Revolushun, champion of the exploited and the dakka-less!

Games Workshop The Holidays Are Just Around The Corner…

Unlike other jolly, red-cloaked gift-givers, the Red Gobbo is very real. He even has his own Twitter page, and obviously those can’t be faked…

The Return of a Folk Hero

Now, the Red Gobbo rises again just in time for this holiday season! He wants nothing more than to arm Revolushunaries like yourself with all of the gubbinz that your heart desires.

If you make a gift list in a Warhammer or Games Workshop store, or on our website, and let the Red Gobbo know why YOU deserve to be rewarded with shiny gubbinz, he’ll check it over and bring his findings to Da Kommittee – he’s no dictator, of course. If it passes Da Kommittee, when November rolls around, he’ll start to deliver gifts to worthy grots!** We told you he was a hero!

Now, get over to the website or your local shop and start putting together a list. It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays – or to overthrow your Orkoid overlords… You want to have it ready for November 9th, when the Red Gobbo starts givin’ gifts to da best gitz.

Keep a watchful eye for more news about the Red Gobbo and his plans. Make sure you follow him on Twitter, check the Warhammer Community website often, and subscribe to our newsletter, so you don’t miss anything.

* We seem to need a lot of euphemisms for ‘old’ these days…
** Okay, the gig is up – this is a real contest. Take a look at the terms and conditions.

Warhammer40.000 ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das Echsen-Team ist schon verdammt cool geworden. Das wird wohl mein Einstieg in Blood Bowl werden.
    Was den Red Gobbo betrifft, gefällt mir das Original immer noch ziemlich gut. So Spaß-Figuren waren aber noch nie meins. Aber vielleicht gibt’s das Original ja bald auch als „Made to order“

    • Stimmt, man kann zwar bis zu sechs Sauruskrieger einsetzen, aber weit mehr als die sechs gezeigten Skinks. Wenn ich die beiden Chamäleons mal auch als Skink Runner zähle…

      oder weiß jemand, ob nun auch Catcher eingeführt werden sollen? Danach würden die Chamäleons ja fast aussehen.

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