von BK-Nils | 17.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Crowdfunding

Zenobian Zeniths: Fantasy Football Kickstarter

Mit den Zenobian Zeniths soll ein nur aus Frauen bestehendes Fantasy Football Team über Kickstarter finanziert werden.

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In our first Kickstarter Campaign, we are offering you the chance to own our all-female Fantasy Football team, the Zenobian Zeniths.

The team includes 16 individual sculpts: 

  • 4x Blitzers
  • 2x Catchers
  • 2x Throwers
  • 8x Linewoman

Each purchase of a full team will also include all unlocked stretch goals. Miniatures will be produced in White Metal, unpainted and may require some assembly. 25mm round bases will be supplied for all models (32mm for ‚Big guy‘ models).

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From concept art to digital sculpting, 3d printing and metal mastering.

The concept art for the 16 woman team was commissioned from B. Mure, a comic artist and illustrator from Nottinghamshire. There were then sent to Tom Lishman who has previously worked on Godtear, Dark Souls: The Board Game & Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game, for digital sculpting. As you can see Tom really captured the style of B’s concept and carried it through to the sculpt.

Once completed these were sent for 3d printing on the highest resolution resin printers available from Printmakr. Finally these were sent to Griffin Moulds for master casting. The detail from both processes has resulted in no loss of detail and we are delighted with the final product.

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Size comparison Versus Games Workshop Human Catcher, Greebo Obsidian Dusk Elves and 16mm Dice.

At this stage we have all 16 members of the team mastered and ready to produce final products from. This Kickstarter is to fund the production of these miniatures and, if stretch goals are achieved, commission additional art, sculpting and production of additional star players and team members.

For more information on the project so far see our blogs on The Tacklezone.net.

The Miniatures

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Photos of Master casts with Ink wash to show detail

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Photos of Master casts with Ink wash to show detail

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Photos of Master casts with Ink wash to show detail

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Photos of Master casts with Ink wash to show detail


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Photos of Master casts with Ink wash to show detail

The full Zenobian Zeniths 16 Woman Team plus all unlocked stretch goals. First 60 pledges available for £60. After this costs £75.

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Don’t want the full team? This pledge gives you one miniature of your choice* from the team or unlocked stretch goals for £6. Use this pledge for any combination of miniatures or products by using Add-Ons (See below)

*Human sized miniatures only. Larger ‚big guy‘ miniatures cost £12 each. If you only wish to purchase a single big guy select this pledge but enter £12 in the value field.

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„In the city of Ismyre, Ed the sculptor works as his widower neighbour sings strange melodies late into the night. He places the finished figurine and notices there is an empty space on the shelf where another one should be. Perplexed, he sleeps, whilst his neighbour continues to croon. Meanwhile, across the city, a government building explodes into a mess of plants and flowers…

Exploring themes of loneliness in cities, ecology, craftsmanship and the self doubt that goes with making things; Ismyre is a quiet and fantastical mystery tale, set in an old world of ordinary magic.“  

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„In the city of Ismyre, something is stirring…  

An aristocratic businessman reveals the latest must have: a pillar of crystals that when placed within a home allows for the creation of beautiful illusions and more powerful spells to be performed. At the same time, Henriett, a disgraced biological professor now studying botany in a town far away, feels the disquiet in the air as specimens she has studied for years begin inexplicably dying out.  

On travelling to Ismyre, to warn the current Prime Minister and council of an imbalance within the world’s ecosystem and magic, she encounters a young magician called Niklas who is there for a very different reason. Alongside a crew of ex-academics and inhabitants of smaller surrounding villages, Henriett and Emlyn work together to uncover the strange imbalance being created in the world.  

Set years prior to B. Mure’s first graphic novella in this series Ismyre, Terrible Means explores the motives and back story of the mysterious eco-anarchist wizards and their terroristic, floral tendencies.“

B. Mure is a comic artist and illustrator from Nottinghamshire, with a love of drawing animal people, fantasy worlds and exploring the human condition. For £6 get a copy of either graphic novel or for £15 get both.

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Love the concept art as much as we do? This pledge gives you the opportunity to own one of the original pieces created for this project by B. Mure. A full team of 16 miniatures plus stretch goals is also included for the price of £180.

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Does everyone in your local league want a copy of the team? This pledge gives your 5 copies for £300, which is effectively the same as the first 60 pledges got a team for!


All reward levels can add additional miniatures or products to their pledge. Simply increase your pledge by the appropriate amount and then we will then collect the information on what additions you want in the pledge manager phase.

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Due to popular request we have also created three further add-ons you can increase your pledge for.

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A booster pack of two werewolves and a yeti big guy so that the team can also be played as another fantasy football team. These can also be pledged for individually per the £6 (or £12 for the Yeti) single miniature pledge above but will be cheaper if purchased as a pack.

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A pack of 5 double sided team tokens for tracking the turn and re-rolls. Each is a double sided coin with coloured enamel detail.

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A Ball token so you never get confused who is in possession, or not, of the ball again. This is a double sided coin with coloured enamel detail.

Add-on example; If you selected the Full Team reward (£75) and also wanted the token pack (£14) and both graphic novels (£15) you would enter (75 + 14 + 15) – £104 in the pledge value field.

Stretch Goals

Now that our campaign is underway we can release our social stretch goals. If the linked Facebook post below reaches 200 likes & shares before the end of the campaign we will add an additional Dirty Player Linewoman sculpt to all full team pledges!

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Exit 23 Games on Facebook

If the linked Tweet below reaches 200 likes & Retweets before the end of the campaign we will add an additional Kicker Linewoman sculpt to all full team pledges!

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Exit 23 Games on Twitter

Additionally if we achieve our funding before the end of the campaign we will be offering funding stretch goals. Our first set are shown below and the commissioning process will begin as soon as the funding is met. Each will be included in all full team pledges!

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Shipping Information

Shipping costs will be charged through the pledge manager. Estimated shipping costs are as follows:

  • UK: £7.50
  • Europe: £13
  • Rest of the world: £20

Shipping costs may vary, depending on weight and size increases as a result of unlocked stretch goals.

You can also choose to have your pledge part shipped. If you choose to have you pledge part shipped, you’ll receive the 16 miniature team before any stretch goals stretch goals will be shipped out separately once ready. Estimated shipping for part shipped pledges is as follows:

  • UK: £12
  • Europe: £25

Retailer Pledges

We are offering a retailer pledge so stockists can order the team for resale.

We will be verifying each retail backer to ensure legitimacy, and emailing further details upon campaign closure.

All retailers will receive an invoice.

Please note that UK retailers will be charged an additional 20% in the pledge manager due to the VAT.

Risks and challenges

This is a very low-risk project and I’ve mitigated risks as follows:

Sculpts for the team of sixteen are complete, and Master moulds have been created. Production moulds are complete for eight of the miniatures with the remaining production moulds for the team of sixteen scheduled to be made during the first week of the campaign. All that’s left to do is to instruct the caster to spin the mould and produce the number of miniatures required. Should a mould suffer any damage they’ll be replaced by the casters. The sculpts are digital and I have a set of master prints so in the unlikely event of the master mould be lost or a damaged, I can ship them to the caster to produce another one.

Sculpts are done by Tom Lishman (Resident Evil 2, Horizon Zero, God Tear)
The master prints were produced my Printmakr, a Steamforged company, using the highest resolution 3d printer available.

Moulding and Casting are being taken care of by Griffin Moulds who have handled casting for J Bone Industries (Frogmen), Steamforged (Guild Ball) and the examples produced so far are exceptional.


Some of the later stretch goals will not be sculpted unless their target is met. To minimise delay, I’ll be commissioning each additional sculpt as soon as each target is reached.

Once sculpted, a master print needs to be produced, checked and sent to the casters to produce a mould. It can take eight hours to print a 32mm miniature at high resolution, and there is often a queue of jobs. That said, Printmakr and Griffin Moulds excellent to work with so I’ll be able to update backers on the progress. Experience suggests it takes two to three weeks to take a finished digital sculpt and produce a master mould.

Packing and Shipping:

Backers will receive updates throughout the campaign, keeping them updated on the progress of sculpting & printing (for any stretch goals not already sculpted), and casting. Estimated dates will be communicated throughout the process along with confirmation of any tasks completed. Once I know the number of orders, and I’ve received the orders from the Casting I will be communicating estimated shipping dates.

The risk here is the project wildly exceeds expectations in which case I’ll be hiring help to ensure all orders are packed and shipped promptly. As the 16 miniature team will be ready for production from day one of the campaign, we’ll be offering part shipment. With this option, you’ll be able to receive the 16 miniature team as soon as the miniatures are produced rather than waiting for any of the stretch goals to be sculpted. Stretch goals will be delivered once the production is completed.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne steht kurz vor Erreichen des Ziels, die Restlaufzeit beträgt noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Zenobian Zeniths Fantasy Football Team auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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