von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Z First Impact: English Edition Kickstarter

Z First Impact ist ein kooperatives Horror-Brettspiel – hier soll eine englischsprachige Version finanziert werden.

Z First Impact KS


Z First Impact is a co-op game of survival horror for 1-4 players set in a cityscape ravaged by meteors, zombies, mutants, and aliens. Originally published in France, in 2015, Z First Impact is coming to the English-speaking world for the first time through this Kickstarter!

Players control powerful Survivors in the employ of a mysterious corporation over a series of linked scenarios in the tradition of over-the-top retro horror games like Parasite Eve and Resident Evil. The game offers substantial replay with additional gameplay modes and is supported by a free Augmented Reality app.

With the game already produced, this Kickstarter will allow our team to repackage the core game and it’s first big-box expansion with English-language rules, new back-of-box text, address the game’s errata from its first edition, and bring the game to the English-speaking world for the first time. We’ll also be producing digital, French-language documents of all new rules and expansion materials.

This means we can deliver backers their copies of the core game and first expansion in just a few months! Stretch goal content is all new and will ship separately in September of 2019, but you’ll be able to start playing with the core game and Chapter 2 Expansion right later this year.

Pledge Level:

Z First Impact KS2 Z First Impact KS3 Z First Impact KS4 Z First Impact KS5 Z First Impact KS6 Z First Impact KS7 Z First Impact KS8 Z First Impact KS9 Z First Impact KS10

50,00 USD Basic Pledge

Z First Impact KS11 Z First Impact KS12 Z First Impact KS13 Z First Impact KS14 Z First Impact KS15 Z First Impact KS16 Z First Impact KS17 Z First Impact KS18 Z First Impact KS19 Z First Impact KS20 Z First Impact KS21


100,00 USD Expansion Pledge

Z First Impact KS22


180,00 USD All-In Pledge

Stretch Goals:

Z First Impact KS23 Z First Impact KS24


Finanziert? Nein, erst 3.600 USD sind bislang zusammen gekommen (Ziel sind 50.000 USD)

Backer? Derzeit über 40

Ende? 23. Juni 2018 02:00 CEST


Link: Z First Impact KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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