von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Wyrd: Previews

Wyrd Miniatures zeigt aktuelle Previews für Malifaux und The Other Side.

Wyrd Preview 090318

Kassa Okoye – The Other Side – Preview

Kassa Okoye showed a penchant for engineering from a very young age. Even among the youth in Abyssinia, she was particularly gifted.

After a childhood of intense schooling, Kassa eventually left to join the Abyssinian army. She was placed with the engineers, in charge of keeping equipment functioning for the front lines. Over time, she proved to be a capable soldier and demonstrated shrewd tactical prowess on the battlefield.

After rapid promotion, she was sent as an emissary to the King’s Empire to promote good relations between the Empire and Abyssinia. There, she worked with engineers and their Guild technology, heightening her craft with a completely different type of machinery.

Kassa never had trouble making friends, and she easily was accepted as a fellow woman-at-arms in the Empire’s forces.

Upon returning to Abyssinia, she was given the freedom to explore her own inventions and ideas. She has chosen to do so on the various battlefields unfolding across the globe.

On the tabletop, Kassa supports the massive constructs known as Titans. She gains resources when they are damaged, repairs them, and lets them take extra Actions.

Though she functions best in her supporting role, she is capable of putting up a good fight in her own right. Kassa is no slouch with a machine gun and can lay down a good firebase all by herself.

Kassa’s greatest weakness is that when her Company’s Titans have all fallen in battle, much of her usefulness dissipates. Ideally, she will have gained enough resources and advantages by that point that she’ll be able to coast to victory with just her machine gun.

Kassa is a fan of any Assets that give her another Morale Action, as that lets her stay at maximum effectiveness even when there is no friendly Titan nearby.

Wyrd Preview 050318

Whiskey Gamin – Malifaux – Preview

Unlike elemental Gamin, which are summoned by powerful magic spells and rituals, Whiskey Gamin are created by enterprising Gremlin artificers to carry their moonshine from one place to another. After the first few Whiskey Gamin disappeared into the swamp, the Gremlins started replacing their feet with wheels in order to make it more difficult for the little machines to run off with all their alcohol. When this made the Whiskey Gamin too cumbersome to escape predators (most notably, other Gremlins that wanted the moonshine they carried), the engineers replaced their arms with pump nozzles, allowing the Gamin to spray their attackers with the high proof (and very flammable) moonshine they carried.

This is Gremlin engineering at its finest, folks.

On the table, Whiskey Gamin are fast models that spread around (Alcohol) Poison(ing) and light inebriated models on fire. Like true Gamin, they explode when they are killed, showering everyone around them with moonshine.

Wyrd Preview 030318

Devouring Eels – The Other Side Preview

The eels in the oceans of Malifaux tend to be fairly nasty creatures. There is one particular species, though, that is well above the rest in the amount of damage it can deal: the Devouring Eel. This eel is very large and possessed of incredible regenerative abilities. It constricts its prey, but it does so by opening its body down the middle, directly exposing its digestive organs. In this way, it begins devouring its prey immediately upon constriction, an incredibly painful process that has thus far served the Devouring Eels quite well. Since they can reproduce asexually, a single Devouring Eel can quickly lead to an infestation in an area with abundant food.

On the table, Devouring Eels are fast and difficult to hit. This, coupled with their Regeneration, makes them very survivable units. Worse yet, once they are in Glory, they can split apart and create additional copies of themselves.

Link: Wyrd Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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