von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Wyrd: Previews

Ein kleine Zusammenstellung der letzten Previews für Malifaux und The Other Side.

Wyrd Undying

The Undying

The Undying details two forces that have come into contact with each other: the Resurrectionists and the Ten Thunders. Today, we’ll be looking at the leader of the Resurrectionist forces, Manos the Risen, and his two  Mourners.

Manos is an immortal assassin who once belonged to the Order of Balance, a group of priests, warriors, and assassins who brought an end to those who had fallen from the kharmic wheel. The Order were mortal enemies of the Jiangshi, terrible sorcerers who fed on the souls of helpless peasants to extend their own, unnatural lives.

The immortal sorcerers corrupted Manos and taught him how to feed on the souls of the fallen, and he used that knowledge to grant himself a perverse form of immortality. Bolstered with forbidden knowledge, he returned to the Order and murdered all of his former friends… all save for one, Minako Rei.

After he takes an assignment, nothing – not even death – can stop Manos from completing his mission. On the table, he harvests the Chi of those who die around him and expends it to increase his own capabilities, becoming Fast, more resistant, or empowering his powerful Celestial Strike attack, which ignores Hard to Kill.

Accompanying Manos are his Mourners. These undead women are defensive Belles; with Disguised and Manipulative, they’re difficult to target, and their Funeral Shroud action prevents enemy models in their engagement range from targeting anyone not in base contact with them.

The Mourners aren’t entirely defensive, though. They also possess the Feed off Grief attack, a ranged attack that heals them if it kills the target. Better yet, the attack is resisted by Willpower.

Perhaps it’s time for Seamus to swing by the local cemetery to pick up some new friends!

Wyrd Crawlers

Speckled Crawlers

Speckled Crawlers, like their Barbed cousins, occupy the lowest level of the Hordes’ food pyramid. They are the most plentiful species, partially because of their incredible ability to adapt to their environment. Upon arriving on Earth, the Crawlers took to the land, tunnels, buildings, forests, and every other environment they came across. They lurk in many dark and unseen places, waiting for prey to come into reach of their clawed hands. While Speckled Crawlers are not strong by themselves, they more than make up for this with strength of numbers.

On the table, Speckled Crawlers occupy two five monster Fireteams. This makes them quite a tar pit, and their resilience is further bolstered once they flip to Glory and begin gaining automatic Reinforcement Tokens. Their basic melee attack is somewhat weak, but it becomes stronger if the Crawlers can get into contact with terrain (such as a conveniently placed Tide Pool).

Wyrd Rooster Rider

Rooster Rider

Whether he was too egg-cited from watching the mayhem of the race or accidentally found himself on the track and decided to wing it, the Rooster’s joined in on the chaos of the Bayou Bash and has been ruffling feathers ever since.

Running at beakneck speed down the track, riding this reckless Rooster is the nest best thing to being catapulted toward the finish line, and just about as challenging to control, too. His ability to kick it up a notch by gaining movement dice at the risk of staggering more often allows this bird-brain to fly by the competition, even if it might mean taking a dust bath off the track.

You won’t have to pull out any feathers in anticipation for much longer. The cluck is ticking until Bayou Bash is released this year!

Wyrd Mehal

Mehal Safari

The empire of Abyssinia is led by the Emperor, who is in turn assisted by a large number of aristocrats that help govern its cities and regions. These individuals make up a large and complex Imperial line of succession, and the Mehal Sefari are tasked with protecting the first one hundred Abyssinians in line for the throne. Equipped with powerful takoba swords and machine guns, the Mehal Sefari are ready to lay down their lives for their charges and for the empire of Abyssinia.

On the tabletop, the Mehal Sefari function best by staying close to your Champions, which most often means that they are supporting your Commanders. Their battle competence is excellent, but their ability to gain Reinforcement and Tactics Tokens sets them apart from most other units. While expensive, there is very little the Mehal Sefari cannot accomplish, in terms of both brute strength and battlefield support.

Link: Wyrd Games



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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