von BK-Marcus | 27.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Wyrd: Chronicles und Malifaux/TOS Previews

Die neueste Ausgabe des Wyrd Games (Gratis-)Magazins „Chronicles“ ist als Download erhältlich! Außerdem gab es wieder einige Previews für Malifaux und The Other Side zu sehen!

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Check out this brand new Chronicles, full of goodness! Click on the image above to get it from DriveThruRPG for free!

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  • A Look into GG2018: A quick rundown of the newest Gaining Grounds document and what to expect.
  • Never Look a Gift Kentauroi in the Mouth: Being a Guild Guard is not a good job in the best of times…
  • Iron Painter 2017: Check out the winners of last year’s Iron Painter.
  • Building a Gaming Board – Part One: A hobby article looking at building a winter-themed game board.
  • Elements of Matrimony: A Through the Breach one-shot adventure involving a wedding and the planner getting arrested.
  • What Lies Beyond: Two famous Earthside explorers find out what it’s like to go into the wilds of Malifaux.
  • Be Mine: A Malifaux story encounter for finding true love for up to 4 players.


WG Wyrd Games Malifaux The Other Side Chronicles 34 Previews 2

Hey Wyrdos!  It’s Monday and that means more previews!!  This week we are bringing you the other half of the Undying encounter box.  This week we are taking a look at Minako Rei and her Katashiro!

Last week we looked at Manos and the Mourners. This week we look at Minako Rei and the Katashiro, the other side of the Undying box.

Minako Rei is the last surviving member of the Order of Balance, whose job it was to hunt down the corrupted sorcerers who used their magics to feed on the souls of peasants, using the energy to extend their lives. After her Order was wiped out by the traitor, Manos, she became single-minded in her pursuit of the Jiangshi and the evil Manos.

On the table, Minako Rei is a force to be reckoned with. She is able to use kharma to seal another’s fate, causing an enemy to suffer any damage that Minako herself suffered. Perhaps most notably, Minako is able to create the Katashiro that she uses to aid her in her mission.

The Katashiro are paper creations brought to life with magic. They are able to attack immediately upon being summoned or placed, and they are able to turn into origami cranes to place themselves in new locations. As constructs and Oni, they can find a home in many Ten Thunders crews.

These three models join forces with the Wanyudo, a moving, flaming wheel in order to hunt down Manos and bring balance at last.


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Hey Wyrdos!  Time for another Monday Preview.  This week we continue taking a look at the Undying box, this time we are taking a look at the Grave Golem!

The Grave Golem is, essentially, a large chunk of graveyard that has been animated by the Resurrectionists to serve as a heavy enforcer. During battle, a Grave Golem can sink into the earth and reappear a few moments later halfway across the battlefield, provided that there is a corpse for the golem to form around. That something so large could move so quickly often comes as a surprise to the golem’s enemies, many of whom end up either battered to death by its massive Tombstone Fists or buried in a landslide of corrupted earth and grasping skeletal arms.


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Happy Friday Wyrdos!  As always Friday means it is time for another Other Side preview.  This Friday though the preview is ready to make a big boom!  Let’s take a look at the artillery team.

One of the most defining features of the King’s Empire is their widespread use of artillery on the battlefield. Their investment into firearms has paid dividends in both equipment for normal troops and the development of large-scale weapons like the howitzer. By achieving superior range over their opponents, the King’s Empire has managed to keep casualties down through the application of superior firepower. Typical Artillery Teams are made up of three soldiers: a gunner and two loaders. Even so, each member of the team trains in each position, allowing them to function even after they’ve suffered casualties.

On the tabletop, Artillery Teams are very long ranged units with poor accuracy. Their incredible Strength easily makes up for this, though, and they can comfortably sit on the backline and shell enemy troops all game long.


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Happy Friday Wyrdos!  Today we are looking at a unit from the Cult of the Burning Man, the Twisted Horrors.  Let’s take a peek!

As the aetheric energies of the Burning Man pour into the fragile bodies of mortals, some are remade into monstrous aberrations. Unable to internalize the magic inside them, it spills outward, warping their bodies until they are as much magic as flesh. These Twisted Horrors have mutable forms that can withstand immense punishment, and their flesh has contorted to form living weapons. In moments of peril, their bodies can even unleash bursts of magic, causing them to be one of the most randomly dangerous forces at the Cult’s disposal.

On the table, Twisted Horrors are strong frontline forces. Their melee attacks make them a threat in combat, and their ability to generate their own Reinforcement Tokens makes them hard to kill. When they flip to Glory, the Twisted Horrors gain the Unpredictable Ability, which can often result in the unit gaining multiple Activations during the Turn.


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Happy Friday Wyrdos!  It’s time for another look at the units of the Other Side.  This time we look at the Mechanized Infantry of Abysinnia.  This unit consists of both some Infantry and a powerful Walker.  Let’s take a peek!

The Mechanized Infantry make up the primary firebase of an Abyssinian force. Every member of the Infantry is skilled with a machine gun, and they have been trained in how to pilot the massive Walker that serves as the unit’s heavy artillery. What’s more, the Infantry are trained to make field repairs to their Walker, ensuring that their Squad stays at fighting strength for as long as possible. If the Crow Runners make up the bulk of the vanguard of an army, the Mechanized Infantry make up the army’s core.

On the tabletop, this Squad serves as a powerful ranged option. Their machine guns can lay down solid fire, and when supported by the Walker’s battle cannon, they can do serious damage. Like many Abyssinian units, they are well-rounded and serve as a solid choice in almost any situation.

Link: Wyrd Chronicles – Ezine – Issue 34 auf DriveThruRPG

Link: Wyrd Games


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Angeblich soll das zeug im Mai kommen. Glaube aber auch noch nicht daran. Gefühlt dauert das jetzt alles schon eine Ewigkeit

  • Sind Manos und Minako Rei Warlords für Malifaux? Die könnten mich doch glatt von dem System überzeugen und so hätte ich gleich zwei Crews, die man gut gegenüberstellen kann! 🙂

    • Es werden beides Henchmen sein (mit „Warlords“ meinst du wahrscheinlich Master), wahrscheinlich ist die Box als Starterset geeignet. Für „richtige“ Spiele brauchst du dann aber schon noch einen Master. Yan Lo (Masters of the Path Box) kann evtl. alle Modelle aus der Box verwenden, da er zu beiden Factions gehört.

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