von BK-Herr Kemper | 31.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Mittelalter

Steel Fist Miniatures: Neue Samurai

Steel Fist Miniatures veröffentlicht neue Samurais.

Steel Fist Samurai08

SAM 08 – Samurai Fighting – 8,00 GBP

Samurai fighting 4 figures with hand weapons in fighting and charging poses. One has helmet that mimics the shaved head of a Samurai,another has an interesting eboshi or court hat kabuto, these helmets were very common among Samurai. Figures are supplied with separate heads and mixed hand weapons, (please note: weapons may vary from the photo until we have production moulds done).

Steel Fist Samurai09

SAM 09 – Samurai with bows and arquebuse – 8,00 GBP

Samurai armed with bows and arquebuses. 4 figures with separate heads (which may vary from those shown in the image). Although Samurai were primarily used as hand to hand combat troops, they were also trained to shoot so we have added this pack so you can mix them with the Ashigaru, or use them for sieges where they would have undoubtedly used ranged weapons from the walls.

Steel Fist Samurai10

SAM 10 – Elite Samurai ready with yari – 8,00 GBP

4 Samurai standing ready with yari. These are elite samurai in static poses, one figure is in a tengu birdman style armour, the second is in a namban or European fashion armour, third we have a eboshi or court hat style helmet on an elaborate mixed lace style armour, and finally a fur covered armour with a helmet sporting large ears!Figures supplied with separate heads and provided with yari.

Steel Fist Samurai12

DYMO 12 – Mounted Daiymo wearing kabuto – 4,50 GBP

Mounted daimyo wielding sword and wearing a kabuto. This is a one-piece casting with 2 separate heads. One represents either Fukishima Masanori and Kuroda Nagamasa wore, the two different helmets were very similar. The other head is modelled on Kato Yoshihaki. Fukishima Masanori was a very fierce general who served Toyotomi Hideyoshi and later sided with the Tokugawa, he had a large contingent at the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 where he was denied the honour of starting the battle by Ii Naomasa who raced ahead and made contact with the enemy with his bodyguard. Alternatively one of our other Samurai helmets can be used to create a generic daimyo.


Quelle: Steel Fist Miniatures

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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