von BK-Nils | 04.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände, Wild West Exodus

Wild West Exodus: Juni Pre-Order

Von Warcradle Studios kommen die Vorbestellungen im Juni für Wild West Exodus, zwei Posse Sets für das Hex und die Order, eine Box für die Viridian Betas der Watchers und am Galgen schlägt die letzte Stunde.

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 1 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 2 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 3

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 4 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 5 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 6 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 7

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 8 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 9 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 10 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 11

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 12 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 13 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 14 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 15

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 16 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Hex ABSOLUTE POWER POSSE 17

Absolute Power Posse – 35,00 GBP

Absolute Power is the posse of the Third Man. Alongside this formidable Hex Boss is his loyal guardian Kreechur, the insidious Garratt Morden, the scheming Megan Wild, the vengeful Maria Torres-Villa and the traitorous John Hunter Bennett. The set also comes with a Hexalith, a mysterious totemic idol that the posse can draw power from.

The Absolute Power Posse contains 7 multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 1x The Third Man
  • 1x Megan Wild
  • 1x Garratt Morden
  • 1x John Hunter Bennett
  • 1x Kreechur
  • 1x Maria Torres-Villa
  • 1x Hexalith
  • 7x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Stat Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 1 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 2 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 3

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 4 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 5 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 6 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 7

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 8 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 9 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 10 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 11

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 12 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Order DIVINE INTERVENTION POSSE 13

Divine Intervention Posse – 35,00 GBP

The first of the Cor Caroli to walk the Earth, Maraka leads her Divine Intervention to deliver humanity from the clutches of the Hex.Fighting alongside their leader are the powerful warriors Haan, Vulana, Mithun and Siraj, each encased in heavy armour and wielding a variety of advanced weaponry.

The Divine Intervention Posse contains 5 multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 1x Makara
  • 1x Siraj
  • 1x Vulana
  • 1x Haan
  • 1x Mithun
  • 5x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Stat Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Watchers VIRIDIAN BETAS 1

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Watchers VIRIDIAN BETAS 2 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Watchers VIRIDIAN BETAS 3 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Watchers VIRIDIAN BETAS 4 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Watchers VIRIDIAN BETAS 5

Viridian Betas – 15,00 GBP

Like others of their Clade, the Viridian Betas are cunning tacticians and well versed in the art of war. With either flight-pack or heavy weapons array, the Viridian Beta’s command the units of Chigoe and Locus, directing them at the squad level and carrying out the plans of their Alpha.

The Viridian Betas box set contains 2 multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 1x Viridian Locust Beta
  • 1x Viridian Chigoe Beta
  • 2x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Stat Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Terrain RED OAK GALLOWS AND CLOCK TOWER 1

Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Terrain RED OAK GALLOWS AND CLOCK TOWER 2 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Terrain RED OAK GALLOWS AND CLOCK TOWER 3 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Terrain RED OAK GALLOWS AND CLOCK TOWER 4 Warcradle Studios Wild West Exodus Terrain RED OAK GALLOWS AND CLOCK TOWER 5

Red Oak Gallows And Clock Tower – 20,00 GBP

Justice is often delivered in the Union Frontier at the end of a noose. In such turbulent times these gallows are both a form of macabre entertainment and a warning to the citizens that lawlessness will not be tolerated. Legally, the execution can only be carried out at an appointed hour and only by a Lawman. Many outlaws have gone to their deaths, watching the clock tower as it ticks towards their final moment, waiting on a reprieve that never comes.

This Wild West Exodus Scenery kit contains

  • 1x Red Oak Gallows
  • 1x Red Oak Clock Tower
  • Assembly Instructions

Please note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.

Quelle: Warcradle Studios


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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