Warzone: weitere Preview auf Hartplastik
Prodos Games möchten in Zukunft Modelle für Warzone: Resurrection auch in Hartplastik anbieten und zeigen auf Facebook erste Previews.
While beings of other dimensions are arranged to cross Dark Symmetry portals to attack humanity, necrochambers work tirelessly. The Dark Legion hordes are in luck, Tekrons have begun to assemble bodies with a new material of higher quality than the putrefied flesh of the fallen in combat… The plastic!
New terrors approach the battlefield, while the Lord of Necrotechnology smiles at the Mistress of the Void.
The plastic test continues. What do you think about Templar of Ilian?
Our jurney with plastic is officialy starting. We are very happy with the progress and the things we have learned these days, thanks to professional contacts who are contributing their knowledge. The horizon that we glimpse is exciting.
One more pose. In the rule-book we also have Triangled Templars, for them we are going to design a head (classic spike one) and some other elements that can be glue on the model making them more bad ass.
Let me know in the comments below what extra elements you would like to see on a sprue for Triangled Templars mode.
Quelle: Warzone bei Facebook
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Sieht sehr, sehr gut aus ! Ich würde die kaufen.
Die Templar von Illian sehen schon sehr gut aus. Ich freue mich schon richtig auf die Plastikminis, obgleich ich auch mit den regulären Figuren schon sehr zufrieden bin. Aber Warzone hat es mir eh massiv angetan, auch wen ich gerade so gut wie nicht zum spielen komme.
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