von BK-Christian | 25.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warzone

Warzone: Hartplastik-Previews

Prodos Games zeigen weitere Bilder der kommenden Warzone-Hartplastikmodelle.

PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 1 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 2 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 3 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 4 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 5 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 6 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 7 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 8 PG Prodos Warzone Hartplastik Preview 9

Disclaimer: model show is just a plastic test model. Couple zoom in shot of our plastics. This test model is 32mm tall (should be bigger). As always phone camer is not showing it in all glory.

Quelle: Warzone bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hmmm … auch wenn ich großer Warzone Fan bin hält sich mein Enthusiasmus gerade etwas in Grenzen.
    Mal aussen vor, das Prodos das über KS finanzieren will und man sich da durch Fehler in der Vergangenheit einen sagen wir mal durchwachsen Ruf erarbeitet hat.
    Der Plastikguss hinkt dem von GW oder Malifaux hinterher. Gusskanten sind nicht so scharf gegossen. Die Platzaufteilung im Gussrahmen ist eher antiquiert.
    Für eine Startbox sind es definitiv zu viele Einzelteile (Sorry aber für einen Neueinsteiger im Hobby sollten es maximal 2-3 Teile pro Modell sein)
    Ausserdem scheinen die Figuren Richtung Heroscale zu gehen, WRZ war bisher immer Truescale.
    Ganz nebenbei, was sind dass für Bases?

    Irgendwie bin ich nicht überzeugt. 🙁

  • Finde die Details sehen wieder eher schwammig aus und die Gussgrate auch nicht wirklich verlockend. Ansonsten: schön den Stil von 40k eingefangen, Bonuspunkt für die Transferleistung!

  • Gerade auf fb gelesen… Warzone ist tot! Die haben wohl Lizenzptobleme und haben im selben Atemzug ihre eigene IP angekündigt: Starcide

    • ja, auch gerade gelesen, ist echt zum heulen, eines meiner Lieblingssysteme ist zum zweiten Mal gestorben.
      Ich hatte ja schon schlimme Vorahnungen mit dem neu geplanten KS, aber dass es so schnell geht.
      Das Prodos dann aber im selben Atemzug ihr neues System vorstellen … irgendwie komme ich mir da leicht verarscht vor. 🙁

  • Ja, kein Warzone mehr von Prodos Games 🙁

    „Dear Warzone Fans,

    We have some great and exciting news and some not so great news.

    Let’s start with the not so great.

    Despite our best efforts, we were unable to reach an accord with Cabinet Entertainment (Warzone Licensor) over the design concepts for our planned Kickstarter for Warzone; therefore, Prodos and Cabinet have decided to part ways amicably. Furthermore, and sadly for our entire team and wargaming as a whole, Prodos Games will no longer be continuing the Warzone Ressurection product line. We are deeply saddened that the game that helped to build the foundations for Prodos Games as a company has been withdrawn.

    We feel that we have invested considerable efforts into its resurgence over the last five years and had great plans for the future, some of which I have shared with you over the past few weeks.

    Prodos Games will support Warzone Resurrection in a non-profit way, by releasing free to download PDF with new or updated rules or providing prizes for WZR tournaments. However, we will not be able to release any new miniatures or products from the Mutant Chronicles Universe going forward.

    You still can purchase Warzone Resurrection models from our online store until the 9th of October with a 30% discount, after which, Warzone products will be no longer available for sale from Prodos Games for both retailers/distributors and end clients on our webshop. In the meantime, we are negotiating with Cabinet Entertainment’s potential buyback of all Warzone Resurrection assets, including digital sculpts and rules to secure the future of the unique wargaming system. While it might be hard to be upbeat about this at this time, every challenge presents a new opportunity; therefore we are going to put our experience and skills learned from this venture to good use.

    To avoid similar situations with IP, we are working on a brand new wargame IP developed by our team, which we will be producing with a number of our partners, utilizing a plastic injection process. That’s right – plastic! We are determined not to allow another company to be able to withdraw support from, not just us, but also you, the fans, and investors into a wargame system.

    By creating our unique IP, we can give direction to the design process and make sure that the system is supported for years to come without any exterior issues. Here are some samples of exciting new hard plastic injection miniatures manufactured by our partners. Prodos Games and its partners are proud to announce the development of STARCIDE!

    A fast-paced, action, skirmish wargame in 32mm scale, set in a dystopian science-fantasy universe. Starcide reaches between the realms of sci-fi and fantasy with a dazzling variety of factions to select from including:
    Legion of the Black Sun (blood-thirsted vampires and Soul-rending necromancers), Empire of Man (Unified Noble Houses of mankind) , Na’vo (cold-blooded reptiles), Prometheans (a human-like Psionic race), and the Locust (deadly insectoids with biotechnological space travel).

    There are many other races we would like to incorporate in Starcide, and we hope you will join us for this experience as we want to include the best of your ideas in this game. Please join our Facebook Starcide Group and become part of this exciting new venture into wargaming. The release date for the game is to be confirmed. Also, for those who prefer e-mails, you can sign up to a mailing list below!

    Please join our Facebook Starcide Group and become part of this exciting new venture into wargaming. “

    Quelle: Prodos Blog

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