von BK-Thorsten | 30.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Victrix: Römer Kavallerie Gussrahmen

Victrix zeigen auf Facebook Bilder der Gussrahmen ihrer Early Imperial Roman Cavalry.

Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 01 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 02 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 03 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 04 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 05 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 06 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 07 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 08 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 09 Victrix EarlyImperialRomanCav Sprue 10

Quick post to show some sprue shots of the Early Imperial Roman Cavalry frame. Not the best quality images due to poor light and a broken flash but it will give you an idea.

Quelle: Victrix auf Facebook


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