von BK-Herr Kemper | 27.04.2018 | eingestellt unter: Antike

Victrix: Ancient British War Chariot Preview

Victrix zeigt ein Preview für einen keltischen Streitwagen.

Victrix Ancient British War Chariot Victrix Ancient British War Chariot2 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot3 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot4 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot5 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot6 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot7 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot8 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot9 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot10 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot11 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot12 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot13 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot14 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot15 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot16 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot17 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot18 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot19 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot20 Victrix Ancient British War Chariot21

Ancient British War Chariot  – Preview

Short on words but long on images. The Ancient British War Chariot design is now complete and all figures and components will now move to the pre tooling stage. As yet there is no release date.

This is the most complex 28mm set we have done to date and a big thank you to the design team who have worked hard to ensure this model maintains the highest standard of detail coupled with ease of construction. Some of the detail is exquisite, serpent styled grab handles on the rear of the chariot, Celtic gargoyles on the front of the yolk, lattice leather chariot floor are but a few of the highlights. This is before we look at the figures.

LittleBigMenStudios will be producing chariot markings specifically for the chariot sides and wheels, for the yolk and the spars that connect to the chariot and also for the leather pads that encompass the horses chests. The y will of course also be producing shield transfers for the fighting crew. All in all a combination of the model, the figures and the transfers will make this an outstanding asset to any wargaming army.

Contents of this set are still to be decided but it is likely to comprise 2 chariots with horses and drivers plus a number of armoured warriors plus drurd and Boudica figures.

By utilising the armoured fighting crew we will also be releasing a 16-24 man set of Armoured Gallic/Briton warriors.

Quelle: Victrix FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Finds cool, dass sie sich endlich den antiken keltischen Völkern angenommen haben. Da gabs auf dem Markt ja nicht wirklich was überzeugendes. Und Einsatzmöglichkeiten gibts ja einige. Die Kunststoff Kelten sind echt gelungen und passen anders als bei Warlord auch noch vom Maßstab her zu den Römern!

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