von BK-Christian | 15.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Steampunk

Twisted: Zwei neue Fraktionen

Demented Games haben gleich zwei neue Fraktionen für Twisted vorgestellt.

It’s time to release the miniatures and rules for the two new Factions added to the Twisted: the Scions of the Sands, and the Guild of Harmony!

Two new FREE digital rulebooks give you the information you need to run these interesting and fun new forces on the tabletop, bringing more variety and fun to the world of Twisted.


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The Scions of the Sands

Carter’s expeditionary team, despatched by Queen Elspeth to covertly search for a link between a lost Engine Node and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt.

Find out more about the Scions of the Sands and download the FREE book here:


The 48-page free rulebook includes full rules for the Scions as a Twisted Faction, detailing the mysterious Canopic Jars and how they are used in game, lots of brand new art and full personality descriptions of each of the Characters you can field as part of the Scions of the Sands.

You can learn about the history of the ancient Node of the Engine in Nubt and how it came to be worshipped by the dark and power hungry priest Senusret, its discovery centuries later by Carter and his expedition and how the meddling of Horace De Havilland nearly brought the dig to ruin!

There is still more coming for the Scions as a Faction, meaning the rulebook will expand over time. We have some new Characters (already sculpted!) waiting in the wings. We would also like to include some new missions and even a new narrative campaign when time allows so keen an eye out for updates to the book as time goes on!

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The Guild of Harmony

The Guild of Harmony work tirelessly to ensure The Engine is free of any one group’s domination, keeping the balance between humanity and The Engine first and foremost in their work.

Learn more about the Guild of Harmony and download the FREE rulebook here:


The Guild of Harmony rulebook is deliberately a work-in-progress: the Guild of Harmony Faction is designed to expand and evolve in a more fluid way as we drill further down into the world of Twisted. There is plenty hinted at in the book and you can get a feel for how the Faction might develop but we want to spend more time thinking about how we want the Faction to grow and differentiate itself from the Dickensians, Servants and Scions.

We still need to finish writing up the backstories and personality guides to the Guild Characters produced so far [that is my first order of business – Pete], to really think about how we wanted these Characters to fit into the Twisted world. The Guild book will also be updated with new sections and missions as time goes on and we’ll again be sure to let you know when a new version is available.

Right now though, the book contains rules to field the Guild of Harmony as mercenaries in your existing Factions, possibly employing the vicious Vinnie and his various implements of pain, to bolster your fighting capacity!

Don’t forget to join the community group here on Facebook: Twisted- Minions of the Engine!


Sebastian and Pete

Im Shop von Demented Games sind beide Fraktionen ab sofort erhältlich:

Quelle: Twisted


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich habe mich sehr über die neuen Minis gefreut die ch mit der Wave 2 vom KS bekommen habe. Super Qualität. Und netterweise haben sie mir auf Anfrage auch gleich alle Karten für meine alten Guild of Harmony Modelle zugeschickt die ich zum Bemalen gekauft habe bevor es Twisted gab.

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