von BK-Christian | 30.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

TTCombat: Halflings and fantasy friends Kickstarter

TTCombat haben ein kleines Nebenprojekt auf Kickstarter gepackt.

It started in January of 2018 with a bowman, then a spear man, then a swordsman all of which became full units of course. It was a natural progression for a goat rider regiment to be created. Now with so many troops in commission commanders were a necessity. Lead by an assortment of heroes the halfling army was starting to look fearsome! However, they needed some more punch to defend their lands. The newly 3D rendered engineers set about making rockets and catapults but still, something was missing.

Monstrous support! A dragon seemed ill fitting, trolls, while a favourite again didn’t really gel with the rest of the force. The sage advice of the google elders was sought in order to try and come up with a solution and it was then that we saw one of the finest pieces of fantasy art ever stumbled across. The Cockatrice was often considered a bit of a silly monster, simply an overgrown chicken, this imagery however would strike fear into the hearts of men and beasts alike! A quick message to the artist of said work was fired off to see if we could collaborate to create a model version. RJ seemed as delighted with the concept as we were and so the feathered beast joined the fold.

An army was ready to be moulded, but was there scope for more? Would people want more? Kickstarter will surely help us answer that question!

This project is to fund the moulding and further expansion of a characterful halfling army for painting and use in miniature wargames. Our initial funding target will cover the moulding costs and the stretch goals will allow us to make even more exciting things! More poses, halfling zombies, more regiments, halfling zombies and exciting character figures to lead your halflings and halfling zombies.

TTCombat is perhaps best known for our MDF terrain and as such some fantasy scenics are also planned should we get further down the stretch goal chain. Social goals include the sculpting of a party of halfling adventurers. There may also be halfling zombies.

All of these models are 28mm scale resin figures produced in house at TTCombat HQ in the South West of England. If the project is successfully funded we are aiming to deliver the pledges in April 2019. While much of the work is already done we have learned from previous Kickstarter campaigns that it is better to overestimate the delivery date and be early than have delays!

TTC Halflings And Fantasy Friends 1

The majority of this army come supplied with 20mm square bases to form regiments. Some items are on different bases which are noted on the add on image. Round bases are available as a bargain add on should you wish to base them differently.

The models are full of character and a delight to paint.

TTC Halflings And Fantasy Friends 2

Many of the miniatures in this Campaign are one piece however some of the more dynamic models are multi part and will require assembly.

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Und das sind die Pledges:

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Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Ein Rumbleslam Crossover gibt es auch:

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Something for Rumblefans! A 5 Halfling team, A treeman superstar (Mushcles on 25mm base) and a Halfling ref. 7 Miniatures! This box set will only be available on this Kickstarter and at shows we attend.

Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

  TTC Halflings And Fantasy Friends 31

Die Kampagne läuft noch 15 Tage und ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: Halflings and fantasy friends!


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Verdaaaaaaaaaammmt! Da könnte ich glatt schwach werden, vor allem weil die Render/Modelle super gut aussehen!

    Außerdem werden da viele Einheiten Auswahlen für Kings of War abgedeckt und wer wollte nicht schon immer mal eine Halbling Bande bei Frostgrave, The 9th Age, Warhammer oder Kings of War/Vanguard ins Feld führen!?

    Ich glaube da werde ich nicht widerstehen können 😀 …

  • Anfänglich war ich hier auch echt begeistert, aber letztlich wurde das nur durch die bemalten Charaktermodelle ausgelöst. Die normalen Truppen wollen mir nicht wirklich gefallen.

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