von BK-Nils | 31.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Hobby Holder: Kickstarter 2

Mit der zweiten Kampagne von Game Envy sollen weitere Optionen für den Hobby Holder über Kickstarter finanziert werden.


What is the Hobby Holder?

The Hobby Holder is the only all-in-one mini holding solution and the most versatile painting handle and grip on the market.

And now it is better than ever with the addition of an injection molded Ergonomic Grip Mod and XL Stability Bar that seamlessly integrate with the original Hobby Holder!

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 1

Since our first campaign was a smash hit last year, the original Hobby Holder All-in-one Miniature Painting Handle and Grip (Patent Pending) by Game Envy has had a global impact on miniature painting with well over 4000 painters in 54 countries now using the Hobby Holder as part of their painting arsenal!

We have talked to hundreds of painters across the globe at conventions, online and in person, and we have listened to your wants and needs. Now we are back to add two new pieces to the Hobby Holder system: the Ergonomic Grip Mod for even greater control and comfort and the XL Stability Bar for more support with a wider range of miniature sizes. We are also adding more color to your desks with New Colors of the original Hobby Holder parts with a second production run!

Make painting more miniatures a New Years resolution!

Amazing Features

The Hobby Holder is the World’s Most Versatile, All-in-one Miniature Paint Handle And Grip

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 2

Accepts 28mm plastic caps; Citadel ™ Paint Caps; Formula P3 paint caps; and 20mm wine cork.

With the innovative bottle cap attachment method, just stick your miniatures, based or unbased, to a standard soda/water bottle cap with your favorite sticky stuff (we use Loctite Fun-tak, the best blue-tak on the market!) and you can quickly and easily screw them on and off without ever touching the miniature! Perfect for batch painting because you can switch even wet miniatures without smudging.

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Batch paint with ease and never touch a wet miniature again!

Pin your miniatures? No problem! The center hole of the Hobby Holder is perfectly sized to press fit standard wine corks or any 20mm cork. Just push them in, place in the pinned miniature and get painting! Done with the cork? Insert a paintbrush through the middle hole in the bottom of your Hobby Holder.

Full 360 Degree Rotation in Any Position

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Overhead Stability Bar Mode with the New XL Stability Bar

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 5

Stability Bar Grip Mode

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New Ergonomic Grip Mode

With our unique patent pending design, the Hobby Holder threaded base can easily rotate 360 degrees in the Overhead Stability Bar mode, with the Stability Bar functioning as the grip in Grip Mode and now when clicked into the Ergonomic Grip Mod, with or without the Stability Bar attached, in Ultimate Support mode. This affords more control and and the ability to get all around your miniature without letting go!

New Ergonomic Grip Mod Provides Even More Control and Comfort Tailored to How You Paint.

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Clicked into the Ergonomic Grip rotate your mini 360 degrees easily with one hand!

The new Ergonomic Grip Mod gives even more support when attached to the bottom of the Hobby Holder Base and allows the use of the Stability Bar and Grip at the same time. Simply click in your Hobby Holder Base and start painting. The QuickClick design allows for Full 360 Degree Rotation of the Base with one hand while attached to the Grip Mod.

The Ergonomic Grip Mod is two pieces and can be taken apart and weighted if desired. It also has the option to add two standard nuts to screw in the original #6-32 bolt to lock down the Hobby Holder Base and now a 1/4″ bolt to attach larger platforms if desired.

NEW XL Stability Bar Offers More Room For Larger Miniatures With the Same Superior Support.

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The New XL Stability Bar uses the same QuickClick design as the Standard Size Stability Bar and attaches right onto the Hobby Holder base in Upright or Grip modes.

The XL Stability Bar accommodates miniatures with up to 70mm bases with ease and the offset finger support design allows you to attach miniatures that are even taller than the bar itself. The angle of the XL Stability Bar has been adjusted slightly so that even with the taller profile it is comfortable and easy to use with large or small hands.

Ultimate Support, Brush Control and Comfort with the Original Stability Bar and NEW XL Stability Bar

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The stability bar rotates 360 degrees so you never have to let go of your miniatures.

The original offset Stability Bar allows you to paint miniatures with 50mm bases in Overhead Stability Bar. Now with the XL Stability Bar you will be able to paint miniatures with up to 70mm bases and even taller and wider miniatures.

Want to paint even larger miniatures? Simply flip either Stability Bar over into Grip Mode or click on the new Ergonomic Grip Mod and the Hobby Holder will accept any size miniature with ease.

Easily Switch Between Base Only, Holder, Grip and Ultimate Support Modes with the QuickClick Connection.

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High-strength ABS plastic means durable, longlasting QuickClick connections

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As the Hobby Holder can be customized so can your support and comfort!

More Great Features

  • Made from strong, yet lightweight ABS plastic
  • 4mm center hole for removing corks. Just push a brush, file or cork popper through and out pops the cork.
  • Ergonomically designed and tested for maximum comfort while painting or sculpting
  • Dishwasher and Simple Green safe for quick cleaning
  • Reduced mess! Keeps your hands and work space cleaner
  • Made in the USA
  • Great for everyone – from those just getting into a hobby to seasoned professionals!

What the Painters are saying!

Hobby Holder Testimonials 

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„As essential as a brush and pallet, the Hobby Holder is a must.“ – Sam Lenz

„I have been painting for over 20 years  and one of the things I advise everyone on is how to hold your miniature while painting. The Hobby Holder is the best on the market for this. You customize the grip to how you paint and it has endless options to personalize your painting experience. Hands down the best holder I have used.“ – Neil Hollis

„You can’t paint miniatures without a brush, shouldn’t paint without a lamp and you won’t want to paint without the Hobby Holder once you have tried it.“ – Watch It Paint It

„Well, in short, it’s really dope… I’m doing all sorts of flips with this beast and got mad angles sniped with the brush with fluid ease. Highly recommended y’all!“ – Malev Minis

„I’ve been painting for about a decade now, and one thing I’ve always struggled with was holding the miniature well; to help stabilize it, I always pinched down on the top of the model, which often lead to rubbing away some paint. The Hobby Holder has been a game-changer here – the vertical stability bar takes the place of that pinch, without needing to touch the model at all. The handle is comfortable and easy to use, and you can modify it to suit your needs – I’ve filled mine with a bit of wine cork for holding pinned models.“ – Mike Cousins, Epic Duck Studios

„From the first use, I fell in love with Hobby Holder, and MANY of my viewers in my stream have also fallen in love with theirs as well. Now with all of these great accessories available, how could you not use and love these products? Hobby Holder is the perfect tool for commission painters like myself, who need to quickly switch from model to model while batch painting, or get in tight on a competition piece. Hobby Holder is for literally anyone and everyone, and I feel it will help elevate any skill level!  Thank you Kit, for such a great set of products!  They really have changed my painting in a great way!“ – Impending Duff

„The Hobby Holder has truly been a game changer for me! Not only for improved comfort while painting, but an overall improvement in the quality of my work. The handle is just amazing! I no longer have to touch my minis messing up the paint, and the handle has an area wide enough for me to stabilize my pinky on while I paint the tiniest of details. If that isn’t amazing enough,  the addition of the large hand grip is just icing on this already amazing cake. I highly recommend the Hobby Holder and the super comfortable grip for every mini painter!“ – Super Sarah

„The Hobby Hobby is hands down my favorite way to hold miniatures.  It gives me a consistent, adaptable way to hold just about anything.  I’ve used it for everything from mouselings to large terrain pieces due to its flexibility of use. With the large grip mod attached to the bottom I always have a perfect hold on my piece, no matter the size.  It’s the tool I reach for with every mini.“ – Spotted Painter

„The Hobby Holder is seriously the best holder I have used; for my shaky hands, the Hobby Holder miniature holder, gives me the stability, control, and comfort I needed.“ – Brushforhire

Check out #hobbyholder and be sure to follow us Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see all the amazing painting happening on the original Hobby Holder!

How can you help

Injection molds are expensive. With the creation of the original Hobby Holder, we put a lot of research into finding a US-based manufacturing partner who could produce exceptional quality parts. We have been thrilled with the results and our painters can attest to the quality of the parts. With this new campaign, we plan to have the molds made by the same company to get that same superior quality.

When the funding goal is reached with your help, we will be able to produce a family mold for the Ergonomic Grip Mod, a 3-part mold for the new XL Stability Bar, and machine time to get parts made from our existing molds.

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Packaging proofs for various parts

Timeline Moving Forward

Working closely with our US-based manufacturer we have the injection mold files approved and waiting for the thumbs up to move forward. Once the go-ahead is given, we will see injection molded samples in about 15 days.

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During this time, we will be sending out surveys through BackerKit for you to select the various painting handle and grip parts and add-ons you would like. Once the surveys are completed, we will place the order with the manufacturer and anticipate receiving the new parts at the beginning of February, with pledge fulfillment starting by the end of February.

Pledge Rewards!

All pledge levels will let you select the exact parts you want in the pledge manager based on the number of parts you pledged for.

Mix, match and personalize your choices so you get the exact painting support you need and want from the Hobby Holder, All-in-one Miniature Painting Handle and Grip! 


Available Parts

Threaded Base, Standard Stability Bar, New XL Stability Bar, New Ergonomic Grip

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 15

Threaded Base, Standard Stability Bar, XL Stability Bar, Ergonomic Grip Mod

Available Colors

All four parts (Threaded Base, Ergonomic Grip Mod, Standard Stability Bar and XL Stability Bar) are now available in Sky Blue, Fresh Green, Black, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver!

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Sky Blue – Available in All 4 Parts

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 17

Fresh Green – Available in All 4 Parts

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 18

Black – Available in All 4 Parts

Game Envy Creations The World's Most Versatile Painting Handle And Grip Returns! Kickstarter 19

Purple – Available in All 4 Parts

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Orange – Available in All 4 Parts

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Red – Available in All 4 Parts

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Silver – Available in All 4 Parts

Number of Parts Choices Per Pledge Level

  •  Just A Taste: Choice of ANY 1 PART
  •  The Hobbyist: Choice of ANY 2 PARTS
  •  The Discerning Hobbyist: Choice of ANY 3 PARTS
  •  The All-in Hobbyist: Choice of ANY 4 PARTS
  •  The Wargamer: Choice of ANY 6 PARTS
  •  The Professional: Choice of ANY 8 PARTS
  •  The Ultimate Painter: Choice of ANY 12 PARTS

You can choose any combination of parts (Threaded Base, Standard Stability bar, New XL stability Bar, New Ergonomic Grip Mod)

Reward Selection Example:

If you pledge at the The All-in Hobbyist level, you get your choice of any four Hobby Holder parts in any configuration and color you choose. You could choose to receive four New Ergonomic Grip Mods, or one of each of the four available pieces, or two Hobby Holder Bases and one of each Stability Bar Size, or any combination in between.


Don’t Already Have a Hobby Holder? Not sure what to get?

Below is an outline if you do not have a Hobby Holder. This is just a guide. Remember you can choose any combination of parts you would like.

  •  If you want the very basic setup you just need 1 PART: the Threaded Base. This allows you to screw on minis on caps or on corks and offers some grip support.
  •  If you want the original design you would want 2 PARTS: the Threaded Base and either the Standard (50mm) or New XL (70mm) Stability Bar.
  •  If you want the full grip experience you would want 3 PARTS: the Threaded Base, either the Standard (50mm) or New XL (70mm)  Stability Bar, and the New Ergonomic Grip Mod.
  •  If you want the complete Hobby Holder line  you would want 4 PARTS: the Threaded Base, the Standard (50mm) Stability Bar, the New XL (70mm) Stability Bar, and the New Ergonomic  Grip Mod.


If you want to add additional Hobby Holder parts, brush stands, extra bottle caps or even our very own mascot miniature, The Miniature Knight, simply add that additional cost to your pledge and you will be able to specify your selections in the pledge manager

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The Miniature Knight comes unpainted ready for your brush!

  • Additional Hobby Holder New XL Stability Bar – $9
  • Additional Hobby Holder Base – $9
  • Additional Hobby Holder New Ergonomic Grip – $9
  •  The Miniature Knight 32mm Mini, Sculpted by Bobby Jackson – $8
  • Brush Bastion – $7
  • Brush Bastion Plus – $12
  • Brush Beam – $2.50
  • 10 Bottle Caps – $2.50

Additional shipping will be applied and charged via the pledge manager if your add-on selections bring your order over 8 o.z.

Stretch Goals

20K Stretch Goal UNLOCKED – Stone Polish Finish

With  this stretch goal we will be able to get a Stone Polish on the injection molds so that they have the same amazing feel as the original  Hobby Holder parts. While this doesn’t sound too exciting, it makes the  pieces look and feel SO MUCH BETTER when they polished.

25K Stretch Goal UNLOCKED – New Colors

With the 25k Stretch Goals unlocked we will be adding Black as an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

28K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Colors

Fresh Green is now an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

30K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Colors

Purple is now an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

35K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – Guaranteed Molds

With the unlocking of the Guaranteed Molds stretch goal we can now upgrade the injection molds to a full production mold! With this process the molds are now guaranteed for life, so if they ever begin to loose quality the molds will be recut for free. This means we will always be able to produce Hobby Holder for you from now on!

40K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Colors

Orange is now an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

45K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Colors

Red is now an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

50K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Order of the Miniature Pin

With this stretch goal unlocked every pledge at the Just a Taste  level and above will receive an awesome new Order of the Miniature Pin  with their pledge! We are bringing back the amazing Justin Shepherd, who did our original illustrations, to do another custom illustration for the pin!

60K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – CAPS!

And a big stretch goal gets knocked down! With this stretch goal  unlocked we are including 5 bottle caps with each pledge at the Just a Taste level and above. This is the  first part of the „Hit the Group Running“ Pack!

70K Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – New Colors for All Parts

Silver is now an available color for the New Ergonomic Grip Mod and New XL Stability Bar! All four parts are available in Sky Blue, Black, Fresh  Green, Purple, Orange, Red and Silver.

Holiday Stretch Goal – UNLOCKED – Fun-Tak Sample

Happy Holidays! We wanted to thank everyone for the amazing support, so we are unlocking the Fun-Tak Sample! We will include a sample of our favorite and the best Loctite Fun-Tak in the „Hit the Ground Running“ Pack with the caps so you can start painting as soon as your Hobby Holders arrive. This is available at the Just a Taste level and above.

75K Stretch Goal – LOCKED – Large Fixed Platform STL File

About the Creator

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My wonderful, supportive family <3

As many of you now know, my name is Kit, I am the founder of Game Envy Creations and creator of the Hobby Holder and many unique hobby accessories. I am a husband to a wonderful wife, father to two sweet boys and one cute kitty. I am self employed and dedicated to bringing amazing hobby products to life through Game Envy Creations and creating beautiful design through my freelance graphic design business. Making makes me happy and being able to share it with the world makes me even happier!

Risks and challenges

In our first Kickstarter campaign we learned a lot about the manufacturing process and acknowledge there is always the risk of delays. Working with a US-based manufacturer means we have better communication, only being one timezone apart. It also means we can get changes and parts done in several days, rather than months.

We are using our same trusted vendors who we are in close communication with to make sure everything is on track and have backup plans available if there are any hiccups. This combined with open and quality communication with our backers we were able to start delivering rewards within three months (two weeks early) in the original Hobby Holder campaign.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne steht bei rund 76.071,00 USD, hat ihr Ziel von 15.000,00 USD bereits gut überschritten und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: The World’s Most Versatile Painting Handle and Grip Returns! auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Sieht ja nicht schlecht aus, nur dass man die Figur auf den Deckel kleben muss finde ich etwas ungeschickt.
    Man könnte auch Korken nehmen, wie sie schreiben. Aber ich klebe meine Minis eigentlich immer auf die Base, da ich auch den Sand vor dem grundieren aufbringe.

    Da warte ich lieber auf den Kickstarter von Redgrass Games. Die haben auch so einen Halter geplant, aber da ist so eine Art Pattafix oben drauf, mit dem die Figur ohne kleben hält.

    • Was spricht dagegen, Pattafix zu nehmen, um deine Figur, mit oder ohne Base, auf diesem Halter zu befestigen?

      • Nichts. Aber bei dem von Redgrass Games, kann ich die Figur einfach draufstecken und fertig. Da muss ich nicht mehr lange rummachen.

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