von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

The Under City: Terrain Kickstarter

Ein Kickstarter für SF,Fantasy & Gothic Gelände – modular und mit mehreren Ebenen.


Das Projekt:

The Under City is a new gaming system by Wargame-model-mods, it can double your play area and add a new dimension to your games. The set up provides you with a new upper play area supported above your current board using several towers, with your existing board acting as the lower play area.

These towers are very strong with a lattice structure and external cladding, they have large bases making them stable.

I have designed three complete versions for a wide range of games. A medieval / fantasy board, a grim dark / Gothic theme and a scifi / futuristic design, allowing these to be used with a large range of games..

This system is perfect for games such as, 40k, infinity, kill team, necromuda, AOS and other 28mm games.

House Rules:

Some house rules to use this board would be advised, any set with towers come with 2x free lift access points to be placed on the over city above the towers, each tower has an access point on it.

A simple rule such as models can enter either access point to move between the top and bottom tables could be used.

An example would be a model enters the top and then disembarks at the bottom on the same turn, the model has used all its movement and can then shoot or proceed with any abilities as though it had moved.


Under City KS

The main parts of this system are the towers, which you add to your existing table and all you will then need is a sheet of wood or similar to use as the board for your over city. For 2 x 4ft or 3 x 4ft (60 x 120cm or 90 x 120cm) tables I recommend 6 towers, for 4 x 4ft or 4 x 5ft (120 x 120cm or 120 x 150cm) tables 9 towers and for 4 x 6ft tables (120 x 180cm) 12 towers.

The towers are spaced 1ft (30cm) apart on the demos as that is the length of the bridges / platforms. The towers can be spaced differently if you are not attaching the bridges.

The configuration of the tower is also optional they do not have to be lined in a grid as per the examples.


Under City KS2

To move between the under city and over city. There is a design of lift for each theme.

Any orders with tower will get two free lifts. Extra lifts can be pledged for if desired. They are in the add-on section.

Which Pledge to go for:

The pledged titled under city are just the bottom parts of this set, The towers / walkways and related parts. There several different sizes.

The complete city sets are both the bottom part of the sets and building for the top.

If you are wanting to have a over city supported by the tower you will need to get a sheet of 9mm mdf or similar. Other sheet materials such as plywood, chipboard and plastic will work.

The contents of the sets are listed below.

KS Exclusive Cathedral:

Under City KS6 Under City KS7 Under City KS8 Under City KS9 Under City KS10 Under City KS11 Under City KS12 Under City KS13 Under City KS14

This huge building is available only during this kickstarter It has a large internal area of 30×60 cms and both the inside and outside feature a raised walkway and the walls feature a huge amount of details and etching. The windows are perfect for making into stained glass windows. The cathedral supports a range of addons / extras see below. On either side of the cathedral there are walkways, these are loose so that they can be easily stored inside. It also means they do not have to be used every time you use the cathedral in your games. The top section of the walkway is removable to allow inside access. Along the outside there are several arches, each arch comes with an optional defensive barricade, these can be left loose or glued in place. Each one has room to fit a figure on a 32mm base. The roof is removable allowing internal access. Inside there is a walkway at the same height as the external ones. There are several doors to provide access to the outside walkway. The floor of the cathedral features a detailed etch pattern. The entrance are flanked by two large towers, access to the upper floors by ladders, these two towers are loose and not attached to the main cathedral. They can be stored inside. The tower and upper floor of the tower is removable to allow internal access. The rear of the towers allow access to both floors of the external balconies.

The dimensions of the cathedral are.

Internal 30x60cms with 5cm wide walkways.

External size is 76x40cm with 5 cm walkways along the sides. The optional barricades add 5cms to three sides making it 81x50cms.


  • Numerous large and small entrances.
  • Huge internal play area separated from the outside making it perfect to house objectives
  • walkways on the outside and inside to fire from
  • Large front entrance with optional doors
  • removable roof Add-ons
  • Main building is in two separate parts for easier storage

The Cathedral is £60 to pledge for on its own or you can add it to any other pledge for £55.

Medieval & Fantasy:

The medieval design consists of 8 different kits which can make up fantasy towns or villages, there are a range of designs and sizes from small cottages to a windmill and a large mage quarters.

The under city for this theme is a series of wooden platforms and bridges. The towers are able to support raised platforms that bridges and platforms can be attached to.

 Under City KS3 Under City KS4 Under City KS5Under City KS15 Under City KS16 Under City KS17 Under City KS18

Gothic & Grimdark:

The Gothic design has 7 kits that are highly detailed and cover a large range of sizes and styles. The buildings support a range of bridges and walkways to connect them together.

The under city is a range of industrial platforms and walkways spread over two raised levels with access via ladders and stairs.

The 8 sided platforms have mounts for 4 items, these can be bridges, steps and other items. Each platform comes with 4 railings that can be mounted in these slots and are removable to swap for other items.

Under City KS19 Under City KS20 Under City KS21 Under City KS22 Under City KS23 Under City KS24 Under City KS25 Under City KS26 Under City KS27 Under City KS28

SF & Futuristic:

The scifi design features two very detailed main building deigns. The two designs stack and support a large range of customizations and both have detailed interiors.

The under city is themed around a crime ridden street with several vendors, merc for hire and a bar for those who dare to drink there. The entire area is overshadowed by the wealth of the over city with its underground transport network.

The railway track has three height adjustments so you can place it at the height you want.

Under City KS29 Under City KS30 Under City KS31 Under City KS32 Under City KS33 Under City KS34 Under City KS35

Pledge Level:

Choose any building from any theme – 18,00 GBP


  • 1 building of your choice

Choose any two buildings from any theme – 35,00 GBP


  • 2 buildings of your choice

Undercity set A – 50,00 GBP

Under city set A

One under city set A, 2 Towers, 2 Walkways, 3 Small platforms, 1 M platform, 6 Small bridges, 2 Access points, 2 Stair sets. 4 Triple ladders

Choose any three buildings – 52,00 GBP


  • 3 buildings of your choice

Kickstarter exclusive cathedral – 60,00 GBP

1 exclusive cathedral with Christmas delivery


  • 1 cathedral

Under city set B – 80,00 GBP

4 towers. 4 walkways, 2 L platforms, 1 S platform, 1 M platform, 2 step sets, 8 S bridges, 2 Access points 4 Triple ladders

Choose any 5 buildings from any theme – 85,00 GBP


  • 5 buildings of your choice

one standard undercity 3x4ft – 110,00 GBP

See pictures captioned standard under city pledge
One standard under city 3 x 4ft (90 x 120cm)
Under city only
6 towers plus theme related items
No buildings


  • 1 complete undercity of your choice

One complete over city – 110,00 GBP

One of each building from a theme (The building choice can be customized if you don’t want one of each and would rather choose them)

Gothic 7 kits
Scifi 8 kits
Medieval 8 kits

No towers or other under city items

One standard city set 3×4 ft – 199,00 GBP

See pictures captioned complete city set pledge
One standard 3 x 4ft (90 x 120cm) city set
Both the under city and 6 over city buildings
6 towers plus theme related items
6 buildings of your choice

… und noch ein paar Pledges für größere Sets.

Stretch Goals:

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


Als Zusatzkauf gibt es eine Reihe von Scatterterrain-Sets, Bodenplatten und Extras – hier ein paar Beispiele…

Under City KS50 Under City KS51 Under City KS52 Under City KS53 Under City KS54 Under City KS55 Under City KS56


Finanzierung: über 17.000 GBO (Ziel 500 GBP)

Backer: 144

Ende:  1. Oktober 2018 00:00 CEST

Link: The Under City KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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