von BK-Christian | 20.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

The Lost Islands: 3D-Druck Terrain Kickstarter

Auf Kickstarter läuft mal wieder ein Projekt für 3D-Druck-Gelände.

Swashbuckling adventure awaits. Sail with your motley crew from the wretched streets of Port Winterdale to the jungle tribes of the Lost Islands. Defeat monsters, pirates and explore the world with nothing more than a barrel of rum, a fine ship and the stars to guide the way.

The Lost Islands is a 28mm scenery collection, designed for Wargames and Role Playing Games. Each pledge is delivered as an STL file pack to print on your home 3D printer.

There are three pledges. If you take a combo pledge or the ‚All-In Pledge‘, you also receive the free bonus items.

Es gibt 3 Pledges. Einzeln kosten sie 70 Neuseeländische Dollar, als Doppelpack 120 und alle drei zusammen liegen bei 150 NZ$

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PLEDGE: The Lost Ships include two mighty fine, highly detailed ships. They are complete with cannons, swivel guns and rigging clips. It also contains a Longboat, a Skiff and a rowboat (To make the rigging, all you need is wax string and dowel). The Lost Ships pledge includes the stretch goals labelled Lost Ships.

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  • Ballista Options each ship will come in two options. A Ballista Option and a Cannon Option
  • Also… Each ship will come complete with sepperate below deck layouts. So you can eaisily move your charcters around the interior without taking the ship appart

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PLEDGE: Port Winterdale, a rowdy ramshackle town of merchants and Magic. These highly detailed buildings are suitable for any Fantasy, Medieval or Historical setting. The Port Winterdale Pledge includes The Lighthouse, Warehouse, Port Merchant, Port House and the stretch goals labelled Port Winterdale.

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Und das ist Pledge Nummer 3:

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PLEDGE: The Lost Tribes offer mystery and mayhem to the swashbuckling adventurer. This pledge contains Tribal Tower,  Bone House and a set of modular Tribal Ramparts that will connect with OpenLOCK Clips. It also includes the stretch goals labelled Lost Tribes.

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Stretch Goals gibt es auch:

The Free Mega Stretch Goals are a big part of our Kickstarters. The more stretch goals we hit, the more models you will get. So embark on this expedition with us and discover what hidden treasures lay beyond the horizon.

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The Add-Ons are bundles items that have been requested by backers from previous campaigns. Mash-Ups are combined files from other models from our site. To get the add-ons simply add the amount to your pledge.

Add-ons will be added on the last week of the campaign.

NOTE: Mash-Ups are combined and modified files from other models on our site that have been re-configured into new models.

Join us on this epic voyage of discovery and adventure. We are www.printablescenery.com.  The best 3D printable models in all the worlds.


When you contribute to This campaign, you will receive STL files for the models as per your selected pledge. The pledge files will be delivered May 2018, with successful stretch goals arriving later.

You can print these files for your personal use, but you may not sell the printed items or distribute the digital 3D models. We are happy for you to print and sell the models to your friends and club members, but you can’t go into business selling the models for profit or publicly advertise that you print and sell the models.

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Quelle: The Lost Islands – 3D printable Terrain for RPG and Wargames


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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