von BK-Nils | 17.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

The Everrain: Kickstarter läuft

Grimlord Games haben eine Kampagne für The Everrain auf Kickstarter gestartet, mit Segelschiffen und einem Alten Gott.


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“There is a great evil coming. It will arrive and unmake the world, whether we choose to believe in its existence or not. Perhaps I am too late, and my discoveries only burden me with a knowledge of the inevitable….yet I cannot succumb to such invasive notions! Action must be taken, or a watery grave will be the shared fate of us all.”

The Everrain is a cooperative story driven exploration game 1-4 players. The world is drowning beneath an endless deluge of rain as an ancient deity awakens to remake the world in its image, and players must head out into this dark and foreboding seascape to discover the source of the Everrain and prevent it from unmaking the world.

Players must work together to advance the player track around the board by finding ancient relics, exploring the map and launching expeditions ashore. But the enemy is also on this track, and should they advance quicker than the player then the game will become harder as the Old One stirs from it’s slumber.

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Add Ons
If you’re interested in purchasing any of these optional buys, please click the „Manage Your Pledge“ button on this page and simply increase your pledge amount of the items you’d like to get. We’ll sort out what your extra money is going towards via our Pledge Manage sent to you after the campaign ends.
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Stretch Goals
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In the Everrain, each player takes control of their own ship, and with it their own unique crew. Each crew member has their own composition of stats and personality traits that effect how they behave and interact with the world. Your crew are the lifeblood of your ship, and their placement and use greatly affect what you are able to do. Issuing orders allows you to operate your ship, traverse the world and explore a variety of locations.

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The Ships

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All captains live and die by their vessels. Above deck, Crew will need to man the various nodes of the ship to move, explore and fight. Below deck, a variety of rooms and weapons can be constructed to change the functionality of the ship and tailor your craft to your play style.

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Though the Old One sleeps, its presence can be felt in the world. Creatures that work to hasten the arrival of It will try to impede your progress by any means they see as necessary. As your adventure progresses, you will encounter increasingly more twisted and dangerous enemies that will push the limits of any crew.
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A narrative rich Voyage
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Your story in the Everrain is told through the multitude of story cards that are drawn when mounting expeditions to locations, exploring sunken shipwrecks or simply sailing across the seas.
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Read more about Traits here!

Read more about Combat mechanics here!

Red more about Narrative and storytelling here!

Read more about playing co cooperatively and advancing in the game here!


Following our successful partnership on Village Attacks we are excited to announce that we have the following partners on board again for The Everrain who will produce the game, rulebook and add-ons in their native tongues.

Legion Distribution will be flying the flag for the French.

Last Level Distribuciones will be delivering our Spanish version.

You can pledge for these language versions in the pledge manager survey after the kickstarter campaign has ended by selecting the pledge with the appropriate flag.

We are also working hard to confirm our German partner and hope to announce this news in the coming days.

Retailer Pledge

GG is happy to offer a Retail Pledge option for The Everrain Kickstarter campaign.

Beginning from the launch on Tuesday, October 30 at 20.00 GMT and until the pledge manager closes, you, as a retailer, can be part of the Kickstarter Campaign, receiving the game along with all unlocked stretch goals in increments of 4, 8 or 12 copies.

Only retailers with a brick and mortar store are eligible for the Retail Pledge. Proof of business authenticity will be required. Retail Pledges will contain all the Stretch Goals unlocked during the campaign, and will be delivered at the same time as normal backers. A minimum pledge of £100 in the Kickstarter campaign is required for all those who wish to take part in a retail pledge. These funds will then count towards your order in the pledge manager. Retail Pledge backer will be limited to a maximum of 3 pledges. Those who wish to order more please contact us from a wholesale point of view. Retailers agree to not breakdown any pledge bundles or resell promotional items separately. All retail customers in the UK and EU will be subject to VAT. For information on the Retail Pledge discount, please email: enquiries@grimlordgames.com

Shipping Information

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UK – £5-£10

USA & Europe – £10-£15

Canada – £15-£25

China & Hong Kong – £15-£20

Latin America – £40-£50

Oceania – £25-35

Everywhere else – £35+

Shipping and fulfilment is something we work hard to improve on each new Kickstarter. We have learnt a number of lessons with each new title distribution and try and implement positive changes to cater for any issues incurred the next time around. With this campaign, more than ever we are moving to make it the smoothest and most efficient campaign across all areas, and especially the fulfilment process.

In the interest of being transparent we like to give everyone a bit of clarity on the shipping process. Once the games have finished in production they need to be transported to our fulfilment hubs ready to be processed, packed and posted to you. Usually this means freight shipment from China to the US and the UK in the first instance. Once the goods arrive at their destination port, they need to clear customs before they can be moved to our fulfilment partners‘ warehouses. Generally once the games have left port in China, backers can expect approx 6-8 week minimum period to receiving their games.

We have listed a breakdown on shipping by region below. Please note the shipping fees listed on this page are estimates only and subject to change. They are based on the weight of a standard miniature game (4kg volumetric weight) however final weights of packages will depend on how much extra content we manage to unlock!

Final shipping costs will be detailed in the pledge manager where you will be asked to confirm your final order, pay shipping fees and input your shipping address after the Kickstarter campaign has finished.  You will never be up-charged for shipping once the pledge manager has closed. The exception to this rule is if you should change the country to which your order has been addressed.


We are currently reviewing our partners for UK and European fulfilment. The imminent weight of Brexit will inevitably have an impact on this. Critically we must weigh up when choosing a fulfilment company, including reviewing how well they pack the parcels, speed and efficiency, customer service support, and of course cost of postage.

We are in the process of vetting a number of companies and will confirm our chosen partner once the campaign and pledge manager has closed.


We have had enjoyed great success working with Quartermaster Logistics (QML) in the USA. It is likely we will continue to use them as our fulfilment partner for The Everrain but as always we will assess rates, packaging and other factors before committing the game with them. QML generally use FEDEX and USPS as their main carriers. All orders will be tracked with a tracking email sent directly to your email once the order has been dispatched.


We plan to ship all Canadian orders from within Canada and are currently working with QML to find the right logistics partner for this to ensure cost, efficiency, speed and packaging suitability are above par.


Generally all pledges from outside of those listed above will be shipped from  either our UK or US fulfilment partner’s hub. We will confirm which nearer the time. All shipping to Australia is categorised as ‚friendly‘ as goods sent fall under the customs threshold and therefore backers are unlikely to be charged. For backers based in Brazil, please be aware you will be charged 100% customs tax and handling fees on your order and will need to provide your CPS tax number.

Please note we cannot ship to PO Boxes or Armed Forces Post Offices (APOs). 

Risks and challenges

This is our 4th Kickstarter. As with all board game projects, there are potential unforeseen delays, especially with production, shipping and customs, though we’re confident that game will be delivered with the time frame set out on the campaign page.

Please remember that the shipping date is a general estimate and that backers in different regions of the world may receive their pledges earlier than others.

We have established a reputation for communication and transparency with our backers. We post regular updates and involve our backer community in game development every step of the way. Unforeseen delays, if they happen, can be frustrating for all concerned but rest assured these are usually due to improvements made to ensure you receive the best quality product at the end of the campaign.

Currently we are in the final stages of delivering Village Attacks with most of the world having received it, and have one on-going project about to enter into the last stages of production (Endure the Stars 1.5).

Refund Policy
We will refund you in full for any pledge made during a Kickstarter campaign. Once the campaign has ended we will refund you your pledge amount minus the Kickstarter and payment processing fees (which we cannot get back from them), which is usually 10% of the original pledge.

Once the pledge manager is closed no refunds are possible, as we have begun production of your order.

If a component cannot be delivered at all we will refund it completely including fees.

All refunds will be processed in GBP.

Terms & conditions
If you do not confirm your shipping and pledge details prior to the pledge manager closing or within 8 weeks of our notification to do so it will be treated as abandoned. We will however look at each case sympathetically and try our best to satisfy each customer.

By pledging on Kickstarter you agree that our responsibility to you is for shipping your order as entered into our pledge management system. You are responsible for updating or changing your shipping address as well as import or other duties that may be payable to relevant tax authorities. You accept that you are fully liable for incorrect shipping details and will risk your pledge being unable to be delivered or lost in transit.

Should an order be ‘returned to sender’ we will endeavour to send it out to you, the customer again, at your additional shipping cost.

Please note we are unable to ship to PO Boxes.

If you do not accept the proposed terms please do not pledge on this Kickstarter project and wait for general retail release.

Privacy policy
To read our full privacy policy and how we handle your data in line with GDPR regulation please click here https://www.grimlordgames.com/privacy-policy

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne hat ihr Ziel bereits erreicht und steht bei fast 400.000 USD, die Restlaufzeit beträgt noch sechs Tage.

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Ui
      Ist da irgendwas konkret in der Kampagne vorgefallen,das der KS die letzten Tage in Folge so sehr Geld und Backer verliert?

      • Ich habs nicht so direkt verfolgt aber bei uns inder Spielgruppe sind zwei dabei und die sagen das es einfach zu viel konkurrenz im moment gibt.

        Und da bei Everrain irgend wie nicht klar ist was das spiel überhaupt sein soll und wo es hin geht gibt es da wohl genug die sagen dann halt was anderes.

        Das aber eigentlich bei KS normal, hier scheint es aber den Machern nicht zu gelingen die aktuellen bedenken aus zu räumen oder die im Raum stehenden Fragen zu klären.
        Aber das wie gesagt nur zweite Hand, aber da beide ihre KS-Teilnahmen immer gut im Auge habe glaube ich ihnen.

      • Klaus1510 gibt dir die Antwort. Es gibt halt leider viele die gehen aus Dem KS wieder raus wenn sie nicht mit Tonnen von SGs zugebombt werden auch wenn dann das Spiel eventuell gar nicht verwirklicht wird.
        Traurig aber wahr.

  • Habe auf der Spiel2018 mit den Leuten von Grimlord gesprochen und Village Attacks gespielt. Die Spiele sind voll in Ordnung, aber die Miniaturen Qualität konnte besser sein. Hat alle am Tisch etwas ernüchterd. Daher bin ich unentschlossen über den kickstarter.

  • War seinerzeit beim ersten Kickstarter dabei und kann nur Gutes über Grimlord sagen. Das Spielsetting hier ist sicherlich eher ein Nieschenprodukt, vielleicht daher.

  • Es gibt halt auch echt viele kickstarter in letzter Zeit und die Neuerungen der Spiele an sich sind nicht wirklich spürbar für mich. Daher bin ich neben der Qualität der Figuren und des settings einfach skeptisch.
    Kickstarter sind jetzt etabliert und die Kunden fordern mehr. Ist doch eigentlich nur in Ordnung, wenn Spender aktiv ein- und aussteigen. Ist der erste Schritt hin zu einem besseren Verständnis von KS. Es sollte kein Spiel obligatorisch unterstützt werden. Dann endet eventuell auch der kickstarter hype etwas und es werden weniger Spiele, aber dafür wieder besser

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