von BK-Thorsten | 22.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Talon Games: CAV Kickstarter 3 läuft

Aktuell läuft ein weiterer Kickstarter zu CAV von Talon Games.

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Released in 2016, CAV: Strike Ops is an all-new edition of the classic game of combined arms warfare, CAV by Reaper Miniatures. Developed by Talon Games, CAV: Strike Ops is a tabletop game that requires miniatures and we need your help to bring more of these high-quality plastic figures to the existing line. This is our third Kickstarter to do so and with your continued support we hope to add as many new models as possible!

Thanks to our earlier Kickstarters we have already added over 70 new and updated models to the CAV: Strike Ops line and we are not ready to stop! Our customers are always looking to add to their existing forces but, while plastic is much cheaper than traditional metal figures, the molds to produce them are very, very expensive. Your support helps us get the molds made and in return, we are able to offer our backers first crack at these figures for a fantastic deal!

So you’re in luck! With our earlier projects we have only begun to scratch the surface of what’s possible. We have many more models that we think deserve to be added to the CAV: Strike Ops line, both new sculpts and classic updated favorites. We’d like to see if you think so, too!

Es geht also um weitere Plastik(PVC)-Miniaturen für CAV: Strike Force. Die Pledgelevel erscheinen zunächst übersichtlich, bei genauerem durchlesen aber auch wieder nicht. So hat man für 100 USD die Wahl zwischen einem Core Force Set oder sich für diesen Betrag beliebig Miniaturen zusammen zu stellen. Informationen zu letzterem fehlen. Für 125 USD erhält man ein T-Shirt, einen Patch, Dog-Tags  und Aufkleber obendrauf.

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Stretchgoals wird es geben, aber noch sind keine explizit ausgewiesen. Dafür gibt es ein optionales Add-On:

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Infos zum Versand:

Shipping: Starting with this kickstarter, we will begin charging shipping to ALL of our backers, regardless of which country you live in. We will charge shipping after the campaign concludes in order to be as fair as possible to all of our backers, as most shipping is not a „one size fits all“ sort of deal. This decision was not made lightly but was made to avoid a general pledge cost increase.

It is our intention to ship from four shipping hubs in an effort to save you money in regards to any duties, tariffs and fees that may be required. At this time, all US-based backers (and Central/South America) will ship from our location outside Wichita, KS. Canadian orders will ship from Brantford, Ontario, while UK and Europe will ship from the Nottingham UK hub (Reaper Miniatures/RHQ Zombie Co). Finally, the hub in Sydney, Australia (Aetherworks) will ship to Australia, New Zealand, and the rest of Asia.

NOTE: Any pledges that are finalized after the pledge manager deadline will be shipped from the Wichita, KS location and may be subject to increased shipping, duty and delivery costs. Also, due to the logistics of world-wide shipping, it is impossible for us to guarantee that all pledges will arrive to all backers simultaneously or even within a few days/weeks of each other.

Based on past projects, we are providing a rough estimate on shipping costs for an „average“ Core Set pledge. Your actual cost may vary based on your actual selections or future changes in world-wide shipping rates.

USA (and territories): $15-$25, Canada: $25-$35, Central/South America: $55-$75, Europe: $25-$40, Asia: $35-$45, AU/NZ/Pacific: $25-$45, Africa: $65-$85, Middle East: $65-$85, Russia/Balkans: $75-$95.

Der Kíckstarter läuft noch bis zum 21.10.2018.

Quelle: CAV Kickstarter 3


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich muss aber zugeben, dass ich die Präsentation schlecht finde. Keine echten nahaufnahmen von den Minis, nicht mal von den Rendern. Der Kickstarter sieht in meinen Augen von der Präsentation (auch auf der Kickstarter Seite) uninteressant und gerushed aus. Als wenn sie zu früh gestattet wären.

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