von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Weltkriege

Stoessi’s Heroes: Meet the Heroes

Zwei neue Charakter-Miniaturen gibt es neu von Stoessi’s Heroes.

Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewes Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewes2 Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewes3 Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewes4 Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewesr5Stoessi's Heroes Jock Lewesr6

British Army Lieutenant – Jock Lewes – 5,90 EUR

Lieutenant John Steele “Jock” Lewes was a British Army officer during WW2 and the founding principal training officer of the Special Air Service. Its founding commander, David Stirling said of Lewes: “Jock could far more genuinely claim to be founder of the SAS than I.”
To destroy Axis vehicles, the SAS used small explosive charges. Lewes noticed that they failed to destroy vehicles in some cases, so he improvised a new, combined charge out of plastic explosive and cans of petrol which was used throughout WW2.
Jock Lewes was killed in action in December 1941.

Stoessi's Heroes Paddy Mayne Stoessi's Heroes Paddy Mayne3 Stoessi's Heroes Paddy Mayne4 Stoessi's Heroes Paddy Mayne5 Stoessi's Heroes Paddy Mayne6

British Army Lieutenant Colonel – Paddy Mayne – 5,90 EUR

Lieutenant-Colonel Paddy Mayne is a legendary figure in the history of the Special Forces. A celebrated sportsman with a turbulent character, he played a vital role in the early successes of the Special Air Service (SAS), becoming one of its most important commanders.

Lt. Col. Robert Blair “Paddy” Mayne was a founding member of the British SAS. Mayne participated in night raids deep behind enemy lines in Egypt and Libya, where the SAS destroyed many enemy aircraft on the ground. On one mission Paddy personally destroyed 24 German fighter planes with Lewes bombs. Finally, Mayne happened to find one Me-109 that somehow hadn’t been blown up, so, realizing that he was out of explosives, he walked over to the aircraft, ripped the control panel out of the cockpit with his bare hands, and walked out into the desert holding it like it was the severed head of a slain enemy.

Quelle: Stoessi’s Heroes

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Wie immer: very nice! Gibt echt das extra an Charakter, wenn man Stoessis Puppen in seine Sammlung integriert (und sie bunt zu machen, lohnt auch, ist ja bei den meisten WW2 Puppen jetzt nicht sooo der Malspaß im Vordergrund sonst).

  • Also ich kann mit dem Weltkriegsthemen nichts anfangen, möchte an der Stelle aber die Arbeit von Stoessi Loben. Die Figuren werden immer besser und haben Charakter. Weiter so 🙂

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