von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Rogue Spirit

Fantasy Flight Games kündigt die nächsten Erweiterungen für Star Wars Legion an: Jyn Erso und die Rebel Pathfinder.

FFG SWL Rogue Spirit

Rogue Spirit

“If we can make it to the ground, we’ll take the next chance. And the next. On and on until we win. Or the chances are spent.”
Jyn Erso, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

After years of escalating tensions, the Galactic Civil War finally erupted when members of the fledgling Rebel Alliance mounted a bold attack on the top secret Imperial research facility on Scarif. Soon, you can experience this battle through the eyes of the Rebel forces who fought there. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce two new Rebel units for Star Wars™: Legion:

  • Jyn Erso Commander Expansion
  • Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion

These expansions capture the essence of the Rebel Alliance, giving you everything you need to build a strike team that can quickly infiltrate Imperial lines and complete their mission no matter the cost. Containing a crack unit of elite Rebel soldiers and a new commander bold enough to lead them on even the most dangerous missions, these expansions give you exciting new options for constructing your Rebel army and pushing back against the Empire.

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Jyn Erso Commander Expansion – 12,95 USD

The shadow of the Death Star looms across the galaxy, threatening any planet that doesn’t fall in line with the Empire. Only those brave—and perhaps foolish—enough to stand against the Empire can hope to save the galaxy from this technological terror. Raised by the extremist Saw Gerrera and on her own from a young age, Jyn Erso embodies both of these qualities.

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Reckless and aggressive, Erso is nonetheless a brave leader who can contribute to your battle plan in many ways. Unafraid to wade into battle with her collapsible tonfa drawn, her quick thinking often gets her out of tricky situations. In fact, her Rebellious streak often comes in handy, letting her make a quick strike against an enemy unit or dive for cover before she can be targeted.

The Jyn Erso Commander Expansion includes one finely sculpted, easily assembled Jyn Erso miniature to lead your Rebel army into battle, complete with three new command cards to field in battle. Along with Jyn Erso, you’ll find the associated unit card and four upgrade cards for you to enhance Jyn Erso and your other units.

We’ll take a full look at everything inside the Jyn Erso Commander Expansion, including all of her signature command cards, in a future preview!

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Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD

Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite, and the most deadly, of the Alliance’s soldiers. These grizzled combat veterans need unwavering dedication to their cause in order to endure the horrors of their operations and missions. Those for volunteered for the Battle of Scarif in particular were willing to sacrifice everything for the dream of the Rebellion.

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No strangers to operating behind enemy lines, a group of Rebel Pathfinders is the perfect special forces unit to take your enemy by surprise and keep them off-guard from the very beginning of a game. Since they’re usually already operating on the battlefield before an engagement starts, traditional deployment zones mean little to these troops. Instead, they can deploy anywhere on the battlefield beyond Range 3 of all enemy units. Once they’re in position, you’ll find the Rebel Pathfinders can quickly adapt to the changing tenor of a battle as they reconfigure their A-300 Blaster Rifles to be effective at both short and long range.

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The Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion features six finely sculpted Rebel Pathfinder miniatures, enough for one special forces unit. This expansion also includes the unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to outfit your Rebel Pathfinders for any operation.

We’ll take a closer look inside the Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion, including all of their upgrade cards, in a future preview!

I Rebel

The Galactic Civil War has begun and the Empire looks to end the Rebellion in one decisive blow. Keep the Rebel spirit that began on Scarif alive with these expansions for Star Wars: Legion!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Also von denen bin ich echt schwer begeistert ! Jyn Erso ist super getroffen und auch die Pathfinder sind der Hammer.
    Vielleicht doch mit Star Wars anfangen ? 🤔😃

  • Allso wenn die Death Tropper auch als Minis erscheinen werd ich mir die Box glaub ich gönen die Rebellen san aufjeden fall schn mal super 😀

    • … gerüchteweise soll der nächste Release Orson Krennic & the Deathtroopers (klingt wie ein Bandname 🙂 ) sein… zumindest gab es da wohl eine leere Produktseite als Platzhalter bei FFG 😉 thematisch würde es in jedem Fall gut passen.

      • Wäre sehr wünschenswert für ein SWLegion-Imperiumspieler und Fan von R1!

        PS: Welche Musikrichtung würde denn die Band „Orson Krennic & the Deathtroopers“ spielen? Death Metal? 😛

  • Ich muss ja sagen das die Figuren echt klasse aussehen.

    „Orson Krennic & the Deathtroopers“ klingt nach Country-Metal wenn es sowas gibt…

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