Star Wars Legion: Chewbacca und Wookiees
Fantasy Flight Games bringen mit Chewbacca und einer weiteren Erweiterung, den Wookiee Warriors, die tapferen Krieger von Kashyyyk auf die Schlachtfelder von Star Wars Legion.
–Chewbacca, Star Wars: A New HopeThe Rebel Alliance is made up of diverse beings from across the galaxy. Each of these has something to contribute to the Alliance’s mission, but few can match the raw strength of a Wookiee. Soon, you’ll have the chance to bring one of the most well-known Wookiees in the galaxy to your tabletop. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Chewbacca Operative Expansionfor Star Wars™: Legion!
Chewbacca Operative Expansion – 12,95 USD
Han Solo’s ever-faithful companion, Chewbacca isn’t afraid to follow his friends into battle. Once there, it isn’t hard to see how he can aid Rebel commanders as they attempt to capture crucial objectives or secure a foothold on the battlefield. His immense strength and personal connection to Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa make him a natural choice to join these iconic heroes on the battlefield as an operative.
Inside the Chewbacca Operative Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add Chewbacca to your Rebel army. A single unpainted, easily assembled miniature depicts Chewbacca roaring into battle, his trusty bowcaster at the ready. Three upgrade cards provide more tools for preparing Chewbacca and your other units for battle, and three command cards can add more variety to your hand, allowing Chewbacca to team up with the three Rebel commanders.
Han Solo’s ever-faithful companion, Chewbacca isn’t afraid to follow his friends into battle. Once there, it isn’t hard to see how he can aid the three Rebel commanders as they attempt to capture crucial objectives or secure a foothold on the battlefield. His immense strength and personal connection to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa make him a natural choice to join these iconic heroes on the battlefield as an operative.
Inside the Chewbacca Operative Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add Chewbacca to your Rebel army. A single unpainted, easily assembled miniature depicts Chewbacca roaring into battle, his trusty bowcaster at the ready. Three upgrade cards provide more tools for preparing Chewbacca and your other units for battle, and three command cards can add more variety to your hand, allowing Chewbacca to team up with the three Rebel commanders.
Releasing alongside the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion, you’ll be able to bring your own detachment of mighty Wookiees to the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War late in the fourth quarter of 2018.
More than a Walking Carpet
With the Chewbacca Operative Expansion, Rebel generals have new options for building their armies. In Star Wars: Legion, every army can pair up to two operatives with the one or two commanders that they’ve chosen to lead their foot soldiers and vehicles into combat, and Chewbacca makes a welcome addition to any army.
Towering over most of his foes, Chewbacca can easily overpower any enemy units that stand in his way, making him one of the most powerful melee characters in the game. When it comes time to fight, though, Chewie would just as soon use his bowcaster. This powerful weapon packs quite a punch, both cutting through enemy blocks and blasting through their armor.
Despite the raw power that he brings to every battle, Chewbacca’s greatest strength might be the relationships he has built with the commanders he’ll join on the battlefield. He was flying with Han Solo long before they joined the Rebellion, so it’s only natural that the pair should be fighting in sync in the heat of battle. Both heroes are formidable combatants on their own, and Chewie’s Teamwork ability further encourages him to work side-by-side with Han. This ability simply allows Chewbacca and Han Solo to gain an aim or dodge token whenever the other unit gains a token of the same type!
Chewbacca gains an aim token whenever Han Solo gains an aim token and is in range!
These strong relationships are even more evident in Chewbacca’s signature command cards. In addition to Han Solo, Chewbacca also formed a strong connection with both Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa during the Galactic Civil War and each of his command cards gives you the power to use Chewie in tandem with one of these iconic heroes. For example, the strong affinity he shares with Han Solo allows you to ignore the normal rules concerning command cards. Normally, a command card is discarded at the end of the round it is revealed. But Chewbacca and Han Solo have a reputation as Notorious Scoundrels,
allowing you to bring one of Han’s discarded command cards back to your hand for another use.
We’ll take a closer look at Chewbacca and all of the cards included in this expansion in a future preview!
Medal Worthy
Chewbacca brings a new level of ferocity to the battles of the Galactic Civil War, and he doesn’t like to lose. Soon, you’ll be able to tap into this untamed power during your games of Star Wars: Legion.
“It’s not wise to upset a Wookiee.”
–Han Solo, Star Wars: A New HopeDespite their imposing size, Wookiees are normally peaceful and proud. After years of suffering under Imperial rule, however, many Wookiees have taken to the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War as members of the Rebel Alliance. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansionfor Star Wars™: Legion!
Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD
Despite their imposing size, Wookiees are normally peaceful and proud. After years of suffering under Imperial rule, however, many Wookiees have taken to the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War as members of the Rebel Alliance. Although they are a rare sight on the battlefield, Wookiees can quickly enter a berserker rage that any surviving enemies will not soon forget.
Within the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion, Rebel generals will find everything they need to add a group of Wookiees to their army as a special forces unit. Four unpainted, easily assembled miniatures show the Wookiees charging into the fray brandishing their Ryyk Blades while five unique upgrade cards can prepare them for whatever they may face on the battlefield.
The Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk has seen its share of intergalactic conflict in recent decades, and the Wookiees will do whatever it takes to protect their home. Although they are a rare sight on the battlefield, Wookiees can quickly enter a berserker rage that any surviving enemies will not soon forget.
Within the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion, Rebel generals will find everything they need to add a group of Wookiees to their army as a special forces unit. Four unpainted, easily assembled miniatures show the Wookiees charging into the fray, brandishing their Ryyk Blades. In the same expansion, you’ll find five unique upgrade cards to prepare the Wookiee Warriors for whatever they may face on the battlefield.
The Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion will release alongside the Chewbacca Operative Expansion in the fourth quarter of 2018, giving you the chance to bring Kashyyyk’s finest to the battles of the Galactic Civil War as they play out on your tabletop.
Relentless Assault
With their introduction into Star Wars: Legion, the Wookiee Warriors take their place alongside the Rebel Commandos as the Rebellion’s options for special forces. Standard infantry units, such as the Rebel Troopers, are more than capable of battling Imperial Stormtroopers head-on, but your battles will rarely focus solely on destroying enemy units. You’ll need specialized troops if you’re going to accomplish your objectives, and the Rebel Commandos and Wookiee Warriors present drastically different options for doing so.
Unlike the Rebel Commandos‘ tendency for stealthy infiltration and sabotage missions, the Wookiee Warriors prefer more direct confrontations. As you might expect, their massive strength serves them well in melee combat and their Ryyk Blades make them all the more deadly. Each Wookiee wielding these weapons contributes two black dice to a melee attack, making them ferocious opponents up close.
Ryyk Blades aren’t the only weapons Wookiees carry into battle, though. The bowcaster is a traditional Wookiee weapon, and if you’re looking to attack from a distance, a Bowcaster Wookiee heavy weapon miniature is a perfect complement to the Kashyyyk Pistols carried by standard Wookiee Warriors. This weapon helps you cut through enemy blocks and armor, but it’s most effective when it’s being used within the more limited range of the Kashyyyk Pistols.
Every Wookiee Warrior contributes two black dice to a melee attack!
There are few who can match Wookiee Warriors in terms of raw combat strength, but perhaps their biggest contribution comes in their other natural abilities. Wookiees are strong climbers, and can easily clamber up obstacles that other species would find too treacherous. Likewise, they have no problem moving across difficult terrain, making them a unit uniquely suited to rush straight toward the nearest objective with little worry about what’s in the way.
We’ll take a closer look at everything included in the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion in a future preview!
Unleash Your Fury
The warriors of Kashyyyk are some of the most ferocious in the galaxy. Soon, they’ll be able to lend their strength to your fight against tyranny in all its forms.
Look for the Chewbacca Operative Expansion(SWL24)and the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion(SWL25) to release together in the fourth quarter of 2018! You can pre-order your copy of the Chewbacca Operative Expansion at your local retailer or online through our website today.
Immerhin scheinen sie mitlerweile eine bessere Studiobemalung zu haben.
Leider legen sie 0 wert auf die Bases, da könnten sie mMn ruhig noch eine Scheibe von GW abschneiden.
Die Sturmies haben ja schicke Bases auf den Bildern. Sieht mir ganz so aus, als ob die Zeit nicht mehr reichte 😉
Endlich kommen die Wookies und Chewie! Die werden auf jeden Fall in meine Rebellemarmee wandern.
Die Wookies kommen überraschend. Nicht so sehr Chewbacca, mit dem man rechnen musste, sondern dass eben eine volle Einheit der laufenden Bettvorleger erscheint. Nun, die Modelle sehen gut aus und die Rebellen sollten damit besonders zähe Truppler erhalten.
Die Modelle schauen gut aus und die Studiobemalung ist hier wie erwähnt mal besser als sonst.
Wenn das Han Solo ist, bin ich ein Gummibärchen !
Wenn sie was leider gar nicht hinbekommen haben, dann die Gesichter der ikonischen Charaktere. Vielleicht fehlt da aber auch die entsprechende (Unter-)Lizenz? Ich hatte ein wenig darauf gehofft, dass irgendein Resingießer auf die gute Idee kommt, hier Austauschköpfe anzubieten, aber bisher habe ich in diese Richtung leider nichts gefunden. Ist leider einer der großen Negativpunkte bei Legion für mich…
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Jo, leider sehen Han und Leia wirklich nicht sooo gut aus. Man kann aber viel mit einer guten Bemalung herausreißen, siehe Sorostos Painting Tutorial für Leia!
Es kursieren mittlerweile schon Bilder vom unbemalten Han im Internet und da sieht man, dass es eher an der Bemalung hängt. Das Gesicht ist zwar sicher nicht optimal, aber deutlich näher an Han als die Preview-Artikel vermuten ließen. Das gleiche gilt für das Leia Modell. Und es gibt bei Shapeways mittlerweile auch Köpfe Hauptcharaktere.