von BK-Herr Kemper | 29.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Moderne

Spectre Miniatures: BMP1 & Drohnen

Neuerscheinungen von Spectre Miniatures: Drohnen und ein BMP1.

It’s new releases time, and this time it’s a big one!

We are very excited to release our first ‚proper‘ armoured vehicle, the BMP1. Although antiquated, it is still a common sight on the battlefield today.

Next are our long awaited drones. We’ve added a Puma UAV, MAARS UGV as well as a Tier 1 Operator to control them (with his own micro drone).
They aren’t without opposition though, we’ve also added an Insurgent drone operator complete with laptop and a commercial quad rotor drone, which could be modified to carry any number of things… https://www.spectreminiatures.com/collections/drones


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BMP1 – Resin 1/50 – 24,99 GBP

The BMP1 has been a popular infantry fighting vehicle for decades, and employed by many forces whether build, purchased or captured and put into use.  It is still in use today in many variants and is deal for the use in many roles in games of Spectre: Operations.  This is the standard variant equipped with a 73mm main gun and coaxial 7.62mm machine gun.

Complete resin 1/50 scale model

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Tier1 Drone Operator – 2,99 GBP

This Tier 1 operator is using a small handheld device to control a drone.  He is carrying a backpack containing spares and other equipment and is equipped with a suppressed MCX Rattler Personal Defence Weapon with red dot and suppressor.  This model can be used in a variety of roles and with various unmanned systems in games of Spectre: Operations. This model comes with a small military heli-drone.

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Insurgent Drone Operator – 2,99 GBP

This drone insurgent operator is using a laptop and other devices to control and gather information from an unmanned air system drone.  This model comes with a small heli-drone.

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Puma UAV – 2,99 GBP

This propeller driven drone can be used to gather information and intelligence in games of Spectre: Operations.

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MAARS Robot – 4,99 GBP

This unmanned tracked ground combat vehicle is equipped with day and night optics, a medium machine gun and 4 x 40mm single shot grenade launchers.  It can be played as being controlled by on or off-table operators in games of Spectre: Operations.

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Flying Base – 0,50 GBP

This unmanned tracked ground combat vehicle is equipped with day and night optics, a medium machine gun and 4 x 40mm single shot grenade launchers.  It can be played as being controlled by on or off-table operators in games of Spectre: Operations.

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Link: Spectre Miniatures FB



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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