von BK-Nils | 20.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Runewars: Viper Legion und Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar

Die Horden der Uthuk Y’llan bekommen mit der Viper Legion Unit Expansion und der Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion Nachschub für Runewars von Fantasy Flight Games.

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The land of Terrinoth is thrown into chaos in Runewars Miniatures Game! In the broken steppes of the Ru Darklands, the locust hordes of the Uthuk Y’llan rise up to seek revenge. After a thousand years of gathering their strength in secret, their army is nearly ready to take to the field, filled with berserkers, demons, and countless deadly creatures that thrive in the unforgiving Ru. But there is one band of warriors among the swarm that practices a subtler, but no less deadly form of warfare.

The archers of the Viper Legion practice Hgri’ech, roughly translated as “hero-living,” where they devote themselves to embodying the ideal set long ago by Kul the Serpent, who killed thousands though his use of ambushes and mastery of poisons. These warriors hope to honor Kul by continuing his life’s work, and as Terrinoth goes to war, there are countless enemies waiting to be sacrificed.

Today, we’re pleased to offer you a closer look at the Viper Legion Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game—now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website!

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Viper Legion Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD

Darken the skies with the Viper Legion Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game! Armed with piercing arrows and venom from the most dangerous serpents, these cunning circumspect warriors are perhaps more dangerous than the Uthuk’s Berserkers or demons as they strike their enemies with poisoned volleys across great distances. Those infected with their toxins rarely have the strength even to whisper a final curse before they perish. Learn the secrets of the serpents and purge the unworthy from the world!

The Viper Legion Unit Expansion includes eight unpainted figurines, one command tool, a collection of tokens, and five upgrade cards to further customize your demonic army.

This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of the Runewars Miniatures Game Core Set and the Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion to play.

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The Path of Hgri’ech

In any Uthuk army, Viper Legion archers can provide ranged support to your Uthuk Y’llan, allowing you to ambush your opponent with unprecedented proficiency. Their arrows are tipped with sorcerous poisons blessed by the Blood Coven, and the Viper Legion archers are natural raiders, training in the treacherous Darklands where they test their hunting skills on vicious beasts and hapless travelers alike. In order to survive in the wastes, the Viper Legion must be ready to adapt on the fly, able to spring away from danger. As such, their command tool features more maneuverability than many of their Uthuk brethren, with three blue march actions in the middle of the round and two green shift actions to help them navigate amid tight terrain.

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But where the Viper Legion really shines is with their attack actions. Similar to the Latari’s Deepwood Archers, the Viper Legion can launch a ranged attack at initiative five, but if the two even meet face to face in melee combat, the elves will be instantly remorseful. Every aspiring member of the Viper Legion crafts their own longbow, fitting it with jagged spikes or the teeth of wasteland beasts so that the bow may be used in close combat should the need arise. With these dual-purpose weapons in hand, these Uthuk warriors can strike earlier their Latari rivals with a melee action at initiative eight, and they are much more likely to find hit icons on the red die they roll in melee combat.

Bought in Blood

In the Viper Legion Unit Expansion, you will find a full unit of eight archers that you can customize in the colors of your Uthuk army or to reflect the sect your archers hail from. The Viper Children, for example, proudly protect a sacred ravine filled with vipers, which they believe to be Kul’s final resting place. Meanwhile, hunters of the Ash Walkers favor cunning and concealment as they slink across the Ru and the mysterious Scions of the Lotus brew their own venom and consume it in sacred rites to inoculate themselves against its effects.

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In addition to the figures themselves, this expansion also provides you with two movement trays, a command tool and a collection of tokens, and five upgrade cards to strengthen your archers’ serpentine skills. You can add a Viper Trapmaster to your ranks,

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allowing you to set traps on the battlefield and spring banes upon your enemies. Otherwise, you may choose to bring the wisdom of the Blood Sisters to your Viper Legion if you train them in the use of Ritual Venom.

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Before activating your Viper Legion, this upgrade allows you to offer your own blood in sacrifice, suffering wounds to gain access to the same number of bane tokens of your choice. Once you have paid your blood price, you may freely inflict one of these banes on your target during a melee or ranged attack! This low-cost upgrade makes your Viper Legion masters of manipulating the battlefield, forcing your opponent to fight on your terms.

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For example, the Viper Legion could have Ritual Venom equipped when they face the noble Daqan Lords. In the first round, there are three natural energy runes on the field. Much of the Daqan’s strength lies in their Oathsworn Cavalry, the powerful vanguard that can ride down opponents across great distances. Upon seeing this threat, the Viper Legion decides to suffer three wounds, sacrificing three of their archers, to gain access to three immobilize tokens. The moment the Viper Legion is within range of the cavalry, they may use ranged attacks to spend these tokens and force the cavalry to a full halt, potentially tying them down for nearly half the battle. Best of all, Ritual Venom does not replace the Viper Legion’s attack—rather, it adds to it, meaning that the archers can spend up to three turns raining deadly arrows on the Oathsworn Cavalry while they are unable to escape.

The Viper Strikes

After centuries of secrecy, the time has finally come for the Uthuk to proudly return to the battlefield. With each drop of blood you spill, you will honor the memory of Kul the Serpent and bring your spirit closer to the Uthuk hero. Add the Viper Legion to your ranks and rain death upon your enemies from the skies!

Pre-order your copy of the Viper Legion Unit Expansion (RWM36) at your local retailer today or on the Fantasy Flight Games website here!

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From his infancy, Th’Uk Tar’s parents knew that he was destined for great and terrible deeds. He was born to an ancient Uthuk tribe, and the moment his mother saw his hooked legs and razor-sharp fangs, she gave thanks to her Ynfernael masters and took the child to the heart of the Ru Darklands, where he was left to grow hard and strong in the inhospitable wastes or die. For three days, the child was left to the mercy of the elements and the creatures of the Ru. But he did not whimper or cry. He simply stared at the world around him, watching. Waiting.

On the fourth day, a caecilian discovered the babe beneath the spines of a bloodthorn bush, and rather than devour him, the creature took the child away and raised it as its own. Years later, Th’Uk Tar returned to the village from whence he came, accompanied by the caecilian and a pack of flesh rippers, all loyal to their bonded master. Now, as the four great factions of Terrinoth clash, he prepares to lead his new pack to war.

Today, we’re pleased to offer you a closer look at the Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game—now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website!

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Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion – 34,95 USD

Bend the creatures of the Ru steppes to your will with the Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game! When the Uthuk march into battle, their ranks are filled with not only tribesmen of the Ru Steppes, but also deadly beasts that thrive in the broken lands. Only Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar can bend them to his will, using his spine whips to beat the creatures into submission. Marked by the Ynfernael with hooked feet and razor fangs, this Uthuk tribesman was destined for glory from infancy. Now a chieftain, he uses his unholy link to lead his pack to war, and all shall either submit or perish!

The Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion includes two unpainted figures, one command tool, a new objective and deployment card, thirteen upgrade cards, and a collection of tokens to further customize your demonic army.

This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of the Runewars Miniatures Game Core Set and the Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion to play.

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The Lone Tyrant

The Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion provides you with everything you need to add the merciless master to your ranks, including two miniatures and unit cards so that you may send either form of the hero to lead your locust swarm, as well as one command tool, a collection of tokens, a new terrain piece, an objective card, and a deployment card to further customize your battles. In addition to these implements, you will also gain an incredible thirteen upgrade cards for Th’Uk Tar to increase his effectiveness on the battlefield, whether he is fighting alone or alongside Gorgemaw.

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The Lone Tyrant

The Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion provides you with everything you need to add the merciless master to your ranks, including two miniatures and unit cards so that you may send either form of the hero to lead your locust swarm, as well as one command tool, a collection of tokens, a new terrain piece, an objective card, and a deployment card to further customize your battles. In addition to these implements, you will also gain an incredible thirteen upgrade cards for Th’Uk Tar to increase his effectiveness on the battlefield, whether he is fighting alone or alongside Gorgemaw.

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You can further hone Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar’s unit card ability by equipping him with the Fearmonger’s Whip,

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which uses his enemy’s fear to give him the Lethal keyword, or with the Tyrant’s Lash.

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This vicious technique allows the Uthuk Hero to treat his front edge as touching the front edge of all nearby enemies in his side firing arcs, rather than just his front firing arc. Additionally, as a skill action, where Th’Uk Tar can normally only punish his allies to force them to move, this upgrade lets him whip an ally to have them discard all their banes, for a small blood price.

Never Bet Against a Caecilian

While Th’Uk Tar is an undeniable threat in his own right, a Beastmaster of the Ru is never respected without a truly monstrous ally to strike fear into the hearts of those who would threaten his authority. In the case of this Uthuk hero, he is often accompanied by the very beast that raised him, Gorgemaw. Should you choose to send these two into battle together, Th’Uk Tar and Gorgemaw have their own unit card with costs, keywords, and abilities distinct from those of Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar. For example, while Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar can increase the mobility of his allies, Gorgemaw can increase the mobility of Th’Uk Tar himself, allowing him to easily modify his march or shift actions without even using his command tool. By relying on his connection with the beasts who have mastered the inhospitable lands of the Ru, Th’Uk Tar can rival the agility of even the Latari’s mighty Leonx, which the Beastmaster hopes to soon add to his pack.

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Even when Th’Uk Tar does not bear his vicious whips, enemies would be fools to step too close to him and Gorgemaw with the caecilian’s Thrashing Tail that can cause two damage to each nearby enemy when he performs a reform action.

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This upgrade can be further synergized with Whirling Sinew which allows the creature to perform a reform action after he uses his unit card ability to perform a melee action while not engaged.

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For the ultimate devastating blow, Th’Uk Tar and Gorgemaw can dial in two melees into their command tool while unengaged to attack a nearby enemy, reform and deal two more damage, and then execute the entire attack a second time!

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Now, Th’Uk Tar drives his new pack to war. As he stalks across the field, Gorgemaw is never far from his side. When he howls, packs of flesh rippers and spined threshers bound forward, eager to slay at his command, and the Uthuk have learned to fear his lash, preferring to fall to their enemies’ spears than suffer Th’Uk Tar’s wrath. As the Beastmaster marches out of the Darklands, his gaze is fixed on the Aymhelin. The brave Latari will cower before the might of the Uthuk and once their people have been wiped from the world, their once-loyal animals will be added to Th’Uk Tar’s pack, increasing his power until none can stand against him!

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Ruthlessness of the Ru

Th’Uk Tar has seen the full terror of the Ru Darklands and he has not only survived, he has thrived. Now, he will proudly lead his monsters into battle on your behalf, showing all of Terrinoth the full power of the Uthuk Y’llan. When the cruel Beastmaster unleashes his pack, all will submit to his will or be consumed!

Pre-order your copy of the Beastmaster Th’Uk Tar Hero Expansion (RWM33) at your local retailer today or online through our website here

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • Ebenfalls zusammen mit 5 weiteren (davon sind vier allerdings nur Gelegenheitsspieler, aber trotzdem begeistert). Ist ein tolles, spaßiges Spiel.

    • Ist ein tolles Spiel. Richtig schönes Blockarmeebewegen, mit erfrischenden (funktionierenden) Regeln.
      Und das Hauptargument so mancher Leute: Uih, das ist aber teuer..
      Naja. Der letztjährige Weltneister hat knapp 220 $für seine Turnierarmee bezahlt..

      • Ist nicht teurer als andere Tabletops, da man insgesamt trotz „Regimentern“ nicht so viele Modelle braucht. 200 Punkte hat man schnell zusammen – die Armeen sind dann auch schon sehr vielfälltig von der Mischung her. Manche Einheiten sind was überzogen vom Preis (Zentauren z.B.), aber insgesamt alles im Rahmen.

        Was die Regeln angeht finde ich auch, dass es da nichts zu meckern gibt. Ist ein schönes, schnelles und sehr elegantes Regelsystem.

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