von BK-Christian | 10.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Red Box Games: Warbands of Wrath and Ruin

Ein neuer Mini-Kickstarter von Red Box Games ist gestartet.

RB Red Box Warbands Of Wrath And Ruin 1

Strong, brave, probably a little more than slightly insane the barbarian is the first tool in the arsenal of any self respecting megalomaniacal sorcerer hell bent to take over the world. Or in the warband of any ambitious Warlord seeking fame and fortune gold and glory!

Like walking piles of muscle held together by leather and chains and random plates of battered metal the barbarian flings himself into the fray frothing at the mouth and shouting unintelligible obscenities. God knows they tend to die a lot so you’ll need a lot of them…..so here we are!

Red Box Games makers of awesomely designed, exquisitely sculpted and expertly cast fine fantasy 28mm scale miniatures is very proud to present!!

RB Red Box Warbands Of Wrath And Ruin 2 RB Red Box Warbands Of Wrath And Ruin 3


With your generous support we hope to fund the production of a series of new high quality, finely detailed and beautifully sculpted, expertly produced DURABLE and SUPPLE RESIN cast “ 28 mm “ scale barbarian miniatures which are the initial warband starter set for an all new small scale skirmish game set in a brutal, fallen fantasy world ruled by capricious Living Gods and beset by the ravages of their eternal war for survival and supremacy. The rules for the game are not quite ready for print yet but it is the goal of this campaign to fund this initial set of figures which will help us to also afford to finish the rules and get the production process for the rules and game components started.

In the game Players take on the role of a powerful characters of super human or preternatural nature called “ Chosen “ in command of a small band of followers of various role and ability. These warbands , referred to in game as the “ Following “ expand in number and diversity as the Warlord grows in Power, Repute, Fortune and Favor of the Gods beginning in number between 6 and 9 followers, but growing to include as many as 24 followers at the Apex of the Chosen’s Stature.

These followers may be lowly slaves, cultists, warriors, champions, and even monsters. But the core of any Chosen’s following are the foot warriors.


The foot warriors are the most basic type of warrior follower. They are sparely equipped and basically trained and able. They are non specific to the character of their Chosen and can be of many different races or creature types but the first set of Foot Warriors we want to fund are the Human foot warriors. Rippling muscle and ready to slay in the name of any Chosen fit to lead them the foot warriors bear weapon and shield, or long weapon, or javelin and weapon. At the outset of the campaign we have 10 of these warriors ready for production ( outside of a few minor fixes and finishing touches ).

These figures are semi modular for VERY expansive customization options and are cast in a very high quality DURABLE RESIN that is VERY similar in feel and nature to HIPS but with the detail fidelity of Resin. We are VERY excited about this.

The items included in the pack are;

  • 10 Human Warrior head / helm options
  • 8 right hand weapon options ( 2 clubs, 2 swords, 1 spear, 2 axes, 1 javelin )
  • 4 heavy / long weapon options ( 1 spear, 1 club, 1 sword, 1 axe )
  • 5 weapon and shield warrior bodies
  • 1 weapon and javelin warrior body
  • 2 heavy weapon warrior bodies
  • 2 long weapon warrior bodies

All this in one set for $55.00!! High quality, finely detailed resin minis for $5.50 Each!


To keep the campaign simple there is only one pledge level available from the outset of the campaign. As the funding allows I WILL add more options to the campaign. These will include Chosen of different nature to lead the Foot Warriors and companions of different role and nature to aid these Chosen in their quest for power, survival, glory, favor and fortune. I do not anticipate being able to add other foot warrior types to this campaign BUT I DO have plans for other various types of foot warrior to expand the range of theme of the game.

Backers are free to add as many sets of foot warrior as they desire. This is accomplished by simply managing the amount of their pledge upward by enough value to cover multiple sets.


It is our hope to be able to expand the total offering of this campaign to include Chosen and Companions of different character such as an Amazon, A Mutant, a Beast Man, and a Hoplite, as well as a Sorceror, Sorceress, Priestess and Mystic as well as different head options for the Human foot warriors, and possibly other foot warrior themes as well! We can only do this as funding allows however and we will need to cover the costs of each new addition BEFORE it is a selectable add-on or substitution.


We have been producing miniatures in metal and resin for a long time….. 10 years actually. And in that time we have established strong stable partnerships with some of the best contractors in the industry. This project will be handled by one of those awesome professionals as well insuring promptly delivered awesomeness so that you can get started playing your games while the excitement is still fresh! This contractor is VERY well established in the industry having delivered in a timely fashion to high levels of quality on several very large products. Their system of manufacture is very well tested and efficient to make sure that delivery is handled swiftly. And being based in the US this means no lengthy delays in delivery, and no unexpected complications in that process.


We will not accept any payment for postage through the kickstarter. So please be aware that all of the money you add to your pledge WILL be applied to a reward selection and NOT to the postage needed to cover the shipment of your rewards. I have learned the hard way several times that trying to predict the postage costs of rewards packages can very easily become a serious problem.

You will be billed for postage during the pledge manager phase of fulfillment which will be very shortly before delivery commences. We work to keep the postage costs as low as possible and we will be certain that your rewards are securely packaged so as to avoid an damage in transit.

Quelle: Warbands of Wrath and Ruin


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Trägt der gute Mann eine Handschelle an der Gürtelschnalle?

    Natürlich bin ich mir bewußt, dass es nicht um die Abbildung der Realität geht – dennoch wäre ich gerne bei der Erklärung von der Konzeptzeichnung dabei gewesen.

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