von BK-Thorsten | 16.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Red Beam Designs: Geschlossen

Red Beam Designs haben am 15.03. ihre Pforten offiziell geschlossen.

RedBeamDesigns Logo

*** We are closing tonight (March 15th) at 8pm ***

Our aim is to have our final orders dispatched before the end of March and due to the overwhelming support we’ve had from you all since first announcing we will be closing we have quite a substantial backlog of orders. We apologise that this is earlier than we first announced, but to meet the end of March target we have no choice I’m afraid. Hope you all understand our reasoning for this and thanks to everyone for your support.

We will of course still be processing orders for a few weeks yet so if anyone needs to contact us then please do so via email at info@redbeamdesigns.com

Thanks again

Graham and Kirsty

Der Onlineshop ist nicht mehr erreichbar. Stattdessen findet sich dort folgende Nachricht:

We are no longer accepting any new orders but rest assured we are still busy behind the scenes working through our backlog

For all enquiries please email us at info@redbeamdesigns.com

Thanks for all your support

Wer sich nach dem warum fragt:

It is with a great deal of sadness that I am writing this to let you all know that Red Beam Designs will be closing down. We will be fully open and continuing to take orders up until approximately 5pm on Friday March 23rd, after that we will have a few more days to cut and dispatch all the remaining orders and then we will be shut down completely. Hopefully this notice period will give you all plenty of time to place any outstanding orders you may have been considering, rather than us just suddenly closing one day without letting you all know.

The sadness of this announcement comes from the fact that in less than 18 months we have managed to create a thriving new business out of nothing. However, it has had its costs on us and continues to do so. Whilst Kirsty has always worked full time on RBD, I (Graham) have maintained a full time job as well throughout this entire time. The constant strain and pressure of working what has basically amounted to two full time jobs has left me in a position where I just don’t feel I am physically or mentally capable of carrrying on any further with RBD. I am also looking forward to finally being able to spend a more acceptable amount of time with Kirsty and our daughter Mia again, rather than working almost every single weekend and evening on designing new products and trying to grow the business.

Obviously we owe all our customers a massive thanks for all your support. We have also both made a lot of new friends during this venture so there is definitely no regret from us as it has been a very interesting time with plenty of positives that have come out of it.

If anyone is interested in buying any of our designs, or the business itself, from us then we definitely will consider this so please feel free to contact us via info@redbeamdesigns.com.

We are keeping one of our cutters so there is a slight possibility we may re-surface again in a much more limited capacity via something like Etsy or Ebay but we haven’t decided on this yet.

Thanks again to everyone


Quelle: Red Beam Designs auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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      • Gesättigt ist gut, gefühlt hat doch jede Laser Bude einmal das Schablonen Sortiement für alles im Angebot.

        Ist ja auch bei cut on demand jetzt nicht so schwierig.

  • Ich konnte die kaum zu ordnen aber das Internetz hilft da ja ungemein.

    Das Sortiement ist eher langweilig gewesen (was nicht heißt das das Design schlecht war) da sie gefühlt nur den Standardsatz der anderen Marktteilnehmer abgebildet haben.

    Überspitzt 0815 Metoo Produkte die weder in die eine noch die andere Richtung heraus gestochen haben. Wirklich schade das sie zugemacht haben bevor sie ihr Alleinstellungsprodukt erschaffen konnten.

    • Das würde ich nicht überbewerten, durch die MDF Revolution (und genau das ist es gewesen) hat halt, dank der relativ geringen Einstiegshürde viele Hersteller entstehen lassen, die aber sich kaum in Sortiment und Ideen unter schieden haben.

      Fast alle machen was für GW oder Infinity. Das ist ganz normal das die weniger kreativen und preislich nur mässig attraktiven einen schweren Stand haben. Gerade wenn das ganz fulltime Business und kein nebenbei Ding ist.

      Und wenn da mal einer auf der Strecke bleibt naja dann ist das die normale Marktbewegung.
      Von Marktbereinigung würde ich da noch nicht sprechen.

  • In dem Statement hört es sich nicht so an als hätten die keine Aufträge mehr bekommen, sondern eher zu viel für ein „Nebenherprojekt“.

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