von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare Kickstarter

Obwohl der Red Alert Kickstarter schon beendet ist – ein Late Pledge ist noch möglich.

Red Alert KS Red Alert KS2 Red Alert KS3 Red Alert KS4 Red Alert KS5 Red Alert KS6
Red Alert KS8 Red Alert KS9 Red Alert KS10 Red Alert KS11 Red Alert KS12 Red Alert KS13Red Alert KS7

Das Projekt:

Richard Borg heads into Space in this exciting new Commands & Colours board game – including two complete fleets of plastic starships (92 models in the core game – 133 models for Kickstarter backers as we stand after 17 unlocked stretch goals)!

In case you are wondering, yes, the playing mat is BIG! It’s made of a crease-resistant fabric approximately 130 x 100 cm!


Watch this space for the latest exciting developments as our Kickstarter campaign progresses…


Stretch goals unlocked:

1…. you’ve got yourselves the Vice Admiral Escalation Pack FREE (MSRP: GBP £18)!

2…. and an extra Commonwealth long-range fighter squadron (3 fighters and bases)!

3…. and an extra Confederation long-range fighter squadron (3 fighters and bases)!

4…. and the Carrier Escalation Pack as an optional buy (Kickstarter price £14.50; MSRP £18)!

5…. and the Dreadnought Escalation Pack as an optional buy (Kickstarter price £14.50; MSRP £18)!

6…. and the Logistics and Space Platform Escalation Pack FREE to all backers (MSRP £20)!

7…. new ship designs for the Confederation fleet in the core game!

8…. and the Space Rift Escalation Pack FREE to all backers (MSRP £13)!

9…. and an extra Confederation destroyer squadron (3 destroyers and bases)!

10…. and an extra Commonwealth destroyer squadron (3 destroyers and bases)!

11…. and an extra Commonwealth cruiser squadron (3 cruisers and bases)!

12…. and an extra Confederation cruiser squadron (3 cruisers and bases)!

13…. and an additional unit markers pack for all your extra squadrons (Kickstarter Exclusive)!

14…. and a set of 12 KS exclusive silver Admiral’s battle dice!

15…. and an extra Commonwealth battleship squadron (3 battleships and bases)!

16…. and an extra Confederation battleship squadron (3 battleships and bases)!

17…. and the Meteor Storm Escalation Pack FREE to all backers (MSRP £13)!

Das Spiel:


RED ALERT allows two to six players to duke it out in Space using the opposing fleets of the Commonwealth Alliance and Rebel Confederation: battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, backed up by long-range fighters and the Fleet Commander’s all-important flagship. Each unit type has its own special capabilities.

Bonding With Board Games talk through a digital draft of the rulebook – you can watch it here.

If you’ve already played any of Richard Borg’s Commands & Colours games, you’ll be on very familiar ground with RED ALERT. If you’ve not…

Commands & Colours is an easy-to-learn, card-driven wargame series. It uses a hex-grid game board divided into three sections – a centre and two wings.

The command cards in your hand determine which section(s) you can activate units, and how many units you may activate when you play that card. The play of these command cards drives the action and creates a ‘fog of war’.

Combat is fast, simple and somewhat deadly. In addition to the hits scored when you roll your battle dice, red alert icons rolled represent non-fatal crises onboard a ship – such as collateral damage, shields going down, and engineering issues – that need to be resolved.

Combat cards give players all manner of sci-fi themed advantages, add an element of suspense, and challenge players to maintain their star token reserves to power decisive actions throughout the battle. The action on a combat card may hinder the opposition forces, enhance a player’s units, or instantly change the course of a battle.

Players alternate turns until a set number of victory points are gained. Victory points are gained for each enemy unit entirely eliminated. When the last ship of an opposition unit is eliminated, its unit marker is taken from the battlefield and placed on a player’s victory stand with the victory point side face up. In some scenarios, occupying a certain space feature hex or completing other scenario objectives may gain additional victory points.

Scenarios are important in the Commands & Colours historical game series, and RED ALERT is no different. Unlike the historical battles scenarios, however, RED ALERT offers players the chance to customize their fleet and allows freedom of unit deployment.

An assortment of Task Force cards allow players to quickly deploy a fleet of starships that can be augmented and customized with support vessels. RED ALERT’s fleet customization and deployment rules, and its challenging scenarios, will provide an almost endless amount of replay value.

Pledge Level:

Admiral – 90,00 GBP

This pledge level gets you one copy of the RED ALERT board game and all unlocked, free stretch goals. You may use your pledge manager to add optional buys.

The MSRP for this pledge level is £99.95.

Stretch Goals:

Red Alert KS14 Red Alert KS15 Red Alert KS16 Red Alert KS17 Red Alert KS18 Red Alert KS19 Red Alert KS20 Red Alert KS21 Red Alert KS22 Red Alert KS23 Red Alert KS24 Red Alert KS25 Red Alert KS26 Red Alert KS27 Red Alert KS28 Red Alert KS29 Red Alert KS30


We’ll add further Optional-Buy choices here as soon as they are unlocked (see above).

To add Optional Buys: Click the ‚Manage your pledge‘ button on the Kickstarter page and in the pledge manager add your desired amount of funds. When the Kickstarter campaign ends, you will be able to confirm your extra items using the pledge manager survey we send out.

Choose any or all of the following Optional Buys:

  • Complete 46-Ship Commonwealth Fleet @ GBP £40 (KS Exclusive offer)
  • Complete 46-Ship Confederation Fleet @ GBP £40 (KS Exclusive offer)
  • Vice Admiral Escalation Pack @ GBP £14.50 (MSRP £18 – please note that all backers already get one of these packs for free)
  • Carrier Escalation Pack @ GBP £14.50 (MSRP £18)
  • Dreadnought Escalation Pack @ GBP £14.50 (MSRP £18)
  • Logistics and Space Platform Escalation Pack @ GBP £16 (MSRP £20 – please note that all backers already get one of these packs for free)
  • Space Rift Escalation Pack @ GBP £10.50 (MSRP £13 – please note that all backers already get one of these packs for free)
  • Another copy of the core game plus unlocked stretch goals @ GBP 90 (MSRP £99.95)

Red Alert KS31 Red Alert KS32 Red Alert KS33 Red Alert KS34 Red Alert KS35 Red Alert KS36


Die Kampagne wurde erfolgreich finanziert und der Kickstarter ist beendet – Late Pledge via Backerkit sind derzeit noch möglich:


Red Alert KS40


Link: Red Alert Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ein Anschlag nach dem anderen auf meinen Geldbeutel…. aber der KS ist mir jetzt doch durch die Lappen gegangen.

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  • Sowas auch schon lange nimmer gesehen 😀

    Bitte um ein follow-up, ist die Redaktion nun täglich um 150$ reicher? 😛

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