von BK-Nils | 25.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Project Elite: Weitere Previews

Für den kommenden Kickstarter zu Project Elite zeigen Cool Mini Or Not weitere Previews auf Facebook.#

CoolMiniorNot Project Elite Kickstarter Preview Janusians

The Janusians are masters at bio-engineering. They can create a creature for any situation. When their regular troops were proving to be too slow, they worked on new hybrids. The Runners are mutations of the baseline Proxie form, designed for incredible bursts of speed, often exceeding those of a horse at full gallop. While they sacrifice some strength for this capability, their mouths are lined with serrated teeth capable of severing a limb with ease. These vicious monsters are best kept at a distance. Too bad their speed means they’re not distant for long. Yet this is not the end of the horrors you’ll fight in Project: ELITE. More briefings to come.

#ProjectELITE comes to Kickstarter on October 30 at 3PM EST.

CoolMiniorNot Project Elite Kickstarter Preview Sergeant Gherid Bennett

There have been many casualties during the war with the aliens. Sergeant Gherid Bennett was critically injured during the Siege of Boston, but the Project: ELITE medical corps kept his broken body alive inside the fusion-flamethrowing Flare MkIII exoskeleton. Gherid was shattered, but ELITE psychologists used experimental processes to erase the mental trauma and re-program it with a dedicated soldier subroutine – the ‘Flattop’ series veteran combat protocol. Now Gherid gleefully sends the Proxies to a fiery grave and doesn’t care at all that he lost everything just a few months ago. Help him send the Proxies to a flaming end in Project: ELITE.

#ProjectELITE comes to Kickstarter on October 30 at 3PM EST.

CoolMiniorNot Project Elite Kickstarter Preview Gutslug

The Gutslug received its designation from a field scientist that remarked that it resembled an intestinal parasite. Indeed, given the Proxie habit of utilizing Terrain samples for their horrific creations, it may well have been based on some Earthly creature caught alongside its human host.

#ProjectELITE is coming to Kickstarter October 30 at 3PM EST.

CoolMiniorNot Project Elite Kickstarter Preview Sergeant Kara Raimes

Facing a foe like the alien invaders, sometimes the straight-forward approach is the most practical and effective. Sergeant Kara Raimes began her military career in the British Royal Naval Marines and rapidly transitioned to their orbital corps. When the Proxies invaded, hers was one of the only ships to successfully subdue an alien vessel. This action was in no small part due to Raimes’ unflinching savagery in combat. While not much of a ‘planner’, Sergeant Raimes can make the most out of any battle, usually by going straight through the nearest enemy line. She’s ready to rush into battle with her teammates when #ProjectELITE comes to Kickstarter on October 30 at 3PM EST.

CoolMiniorNot Project Elite Kickstarter Preview Dreadspit
Although the Dreadspit seems to have a head, its primary sensory organ is the tentacular protrusion emerging from its digestive tract. As one scientist put it, the beast is like “human and Proxie DNA put through a blender.” The results are a creature of minimal intelligence but armed with a potent caustic bile that it uses as a weapon on the field. Project: ELITE will have to face this Alien Boss when the Kickstarter launches on October 30 at 3PM EST.
Quelle: CMON auf Facebook

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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