von BK-Rene | 08.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Privateer Press – November Neuheiten

Wir präsentieren den Rest der im November erschienenen Neuheiten von Privateer Press

PP Vanguard WEB

Der Vanguard bekommt passend zum Release der Crucible Guard einen Resculpt

Vanguard (29,99$)
Originally designed and crafted from the finest materials and the skilled hands of the Golden Crucible, only a small number of Vanguards were ever produced. Able to keep pace with the fleetest of warcasters, and to set their cannon-laden shield and long hafted poleaxe against their foes, the Vanguard is a highly prized masterpiece on the battlefield.

PP AurumAdeptusSyvestro WEB

Aurum Adeptus Syvestro (14,99$)
Syvestro represents the ideal blend of alchemist and soldier. His demeanor is serious, and he does not succumb to fanciful obsessions over every new alchemical discovery, preferring to keep his work pragmatic and focused on advances in military alchemy. Whenever possible, he hones his battlefield capabilities, pushing himself to improve his martial skill through practice bouts with other soldiers, physical trials, and simulated combat between actual engagements. While others rest, he tests his mind by studying and refining formulae long into the night by the light of an alchemical lantern.

PP AurumOminusAlyceMarc WEB

Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc & Big Alyce (24,99$)
Alyce Marc personifies the volatile and sometimes unpredictable nature of alchemy in a way few others ever have. In a moment of pure desperation, she consumed an unstable experimental serum, which gave her the ability to transform into a powerful monster. Alyce’s body can become that of a hulking, muscular beast with a thick hide able to slow bullets and turn blades. This new form allows Alyce to tear through enemy attackers before succumbing to exhaustion and returning to her original body’s shape. She is still learning how best to govern this unusual ability but stands ready to unleash her inner strength against the Order’s enemies in the days ahead.

PP RaillessInterceptor WEB

Railless Interceptor (119,99$)
The Railless Interceptor is an advanced new type of military hardware, representing an evolution of armored transportation. Weighing in excess of 150 tons, the Railless is a rolling fortress of weapons and armor plating. It is crewed by a dedicated team of warriors who must serve as a hybrid of traditional crew, artillerists, and field mechaniks in order to keep their vehicle at peak operation during the course of a battle.

PP CrucibleGuardAssaultTroopers WEB

Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (49,99$)
Assault troopers are the Crucible Guard’s dedicated melee infantry. Relying on their armor to allow them to reach enemy positions, these soldiers carry only oversized thermal hammers as weapons. If not for the protection of specialized armor, the thermal hammer would inflict painful burns on its wielder. The heat ripples the air and flash-ignites any combustible materials within several feet, including anything struck by the weapon’s heavy striking surface.

Quelle: Privateer Press Hompage


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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