von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Privateer Press: Monsterpocalypse

Privateer Press veröffentlicht neue Erweiterungen für Monsterpocalypse.


PP Terra Khan

Terra Khan – Terrasaurs Monster

Of all the great beings defending the planet, Terra Khan is perhaps the most terrifying, a gigantic reptilian creature that embodies the rage of nature itself. His roar can send saucers falling to the ground, and his step can provoke high-magnitude earthquakes. The destruction left in his aftermath is an inevitable price required to obliterate those threatening all life on Earth. Yet no monster fights with more determination than Terra Khan—he has been seen avoiding stepping on fleeing civilians as well as moving to shield beleaguered G.U.A.R.D. forces.


Agenda: Protectors

Faction: Terrasaurs

Type: Monster


Base Size: 60 mm

PIP: 51016

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

PP Carnidons

Carnidons/Spikodons – Terrasaurs Unit Expansion 1

Though dwarfed by greater monsters like Terra Khan, carnidons are among the greatest apex predators on the planet, capable of hunting in packs and possessing claws and fangs that can easily rend metal and concrete. While other Terrasaurs close on prey to attack them directly, the cagey spikodon destroys from a distance, launching armor-piercing bony projectiles from its tail with surpassing accuracy.


Agenda: Protectors

Faction: Terrasaurs

Type: Unit (Elite)


Base Size: 30 mm

PIP: 51017

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

PP Raptix

Raptix/Brontox – Terrasaurs Unit Expansion 2

Among the swiftest and most agile of Terrasaurs are the raptix, smaller but still lethal carnivores that are noteworthy for their powerful legs and leaping ability, allowing them to intercept low-flying aircraft. Brontox are herbivores and among the gentlest of Terrasaurs, bringing instead a stoic disregard and virtual immunity to small weapons fire, protected by thick hides and muscle mass. Brontox are sent forth to expand Terrasaur nesting grounds, protecting eggs until they can mature.


Agenda: Protectors

Faction: Terrasaurs

Type: Unit (Elite)


Base Size: 30 mm

PIP: 51018

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

PP Ares

Ares Mothership – Martian Menace Monster

The Ares Mothership is a large Martian vehicle propelled by unknown means, and it represents the first extraterrestrial construct to enter Earth’s atmosphere in recorded history. Its powerful lasers immediately answered the question of whether alien intelligence would be friendly or hostile. As the vanguard of the Martian invasion of the planet, Ares Mothership prosecutes a campaign of destruction across the globe, securing valuable resources that it can transform into new Martian assault craft.


Agenda: Destroyers

Faction: Martian Menace

Type: Monster


Base Size: 60 mm

PIP: 51013

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

PP Martian Exp1

Saucers/Power Pod/Hunter – Martian Menace Unit Expansion 1

Often the first sign of the invading Martian Menace is the eerie glow of an approaching saucer—just before a paralyzing beam emerges from its underside to kidnap a hapless victim or to deliver a power pod to facilitate the invasion. Martian power pods are an ominous sight, each a simple but effective device that siphons energy from human cities at a prodigious rate to feed the greater host vessels. The silent Hunter is an effective aerial killer, leveraging advanced Martian technology to attack on the approach from a great distance well before the enemy knows it is there.


Agenda: Destroyers

Faction: Martian Menace

Type: Unit (Elite)


Base Size: 30 mm

PIP: 51014

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

PP Martian Exp2

Vanguard/Hunter – Martian Menace Unit Expansion 2

Vanguards make up the bulk of the attack force sent by the Martians against Earth, swift fighters that fire disintegration beams to obliterate the defense forces trying to stop them. The silent Hunter is an effective aerial killer, leveraging advanced Martian technology to strike on the approach well before the enemy knows it is there.


Agenda: Destroyers

Faction: Martian Menace

Type: Unit (Elite)


Base Size: 30 mm

PIP: 51015

Release Date: December 21, 2018

Status: Coming Soon

Quelle: Privateer Press

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ach ja, der Emmerich-Godzilla aus den späten 90ern und die typischen Klischee-Ufos vom Mars.

    Monsterpocalypse ist nicht mein Ding, aber die Fraktionen sind schon echt witzig…

  • Ich fands als prepainted genial… Weil die Bemalung auch extrem gut war.

    Aber zu dem Preis selbst bemalen… Gerade bei dem damaligen transparenten teilen die man so auch nicht hinbekommt. Ne danke.

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