von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Privateer Press: Mini-Crate Juni

PP zeigt die Juni-Figur des MiniCrate Abos.

PP Mini Crate Juni

Farrow Brigand War Valkyrie – Mini-Crate Juni Figur

The Farrow Brigand War Valkyrie (based on the original Farrow Brigand Warlord) is available if you subscribe by June 19th! Make sure it hits your mailbox by subscribing at mini-crate.com

Außerdem gibt es jetzt Bilder zur Blighted Ogrun Theme Force Box:

PiP Hordes Blighted Ogrun Theme Force Box 1 PiP Hordes Blighted Ogrun Theme Force Box 2

Blight Makes Right When Ogrun Attack!

Once the ogrun of the windswept northern mountains were a noble people who valued wisdom as much as strength. The touch of the dragon Everblight’s corruption has forever transformed them into a howling breed of bloodthirsty killers who act as the toughened shocktroopers of his Legion.
Warbands of blighted ogrun sweep down from territories the Legion of Everblight controls, crushing opposition before them and devouring the flesh of the living and the dead. The blight that enhances their physical strength and stamina has corrupted their minds, making them crave nothing but to spill blood in the name of their dragon god and his living messiah, Thagrosh.

Take command of these twisted, corrupted ogrun with this box, which contains a full warband of ogrun ready to support your warcaster’s battlegroup!


  • 73018 Forsaken – Legion Solo (metal)
  • 73038 Warmonger War Chief – Legion Blighted Ogrun Solo (resin/metal)
  • 73069 Blighted Ogrun Warmongers – Legion Unit (5) (resin/metal)
  • 73110 Blighted Rotwings – Legion Unit (10) (resin/metal)
  • 73112 Gorag Rotteneye – Legion Character Solo (resin/metal)

Combine this box with the Legion of Everblight battlegroup box to build a complete 35-point army!

Quelle: Privateer Press Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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