von BK-Nils | 09.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Privateer Press: Dawnguard Trident

Exklusiv bei Privateer Press vorbestellbar ist ein weiteres Großmodell, der  Dawnguard Trident der Vergeltung für Warmachine.

Privateer Press Warmachine Retribution Dawnguard Trident 1 Privateer Press Warmachine Retribution Dawnguard Trident 2

Dawnguard Trident (PLUS Black Anchor Pin) – 84,99 USD


Preorder the Dawnguard Trident by December 3rd, 2018, and receive a FREE Black Anchor
Preorders are expected to ship at the end of December 2018. Preorder quantity is limited to
the first 1,000 preorders. The Dawnguard Trident will be available as a normal item in the
online store after February 5th.
Black Anchor Heavy Industries Shipping

All BAHI preorders ship for free in the U.S. Any additional items ordered with the
preordered item will ship at the same time as the preordered item.

All BAHI preorders ship for free internationally if they are ordered alone. Shipping charges for
additional items ordered with the preorder are reduced by 50% (applied after customer
selects a shipping option at checkout) and will ship with the preordered items.

Built expressly to serve as an armored assault platform for the Dawnguard, the Trident
unleashes a blistering barrage of fire. Utilizing advanced gravity-mitigating fields first
developed by House Shyeel allies, the arcanist guiding the Trident can impel it forward at
great speed, also accelerating accompanying myrmidons or warcasters, before delivering its
weight with ramming force. It follows this crushing assault with an onslaught of its primary
weaponry—a trio of heavy thresher cannons, each crewed by an expert gunner.

The Trident is an excellent ranged piece that also provides utility to any Dawnguard army.
With its ability to place friendly models as it moves, it can pull friendlies out of danger or
increase threat ranges of key models to ensure they get where they need to go. Its massive
thresher cannons can output an impressive amount of firepower when combined with some
of the ranged-centric warcasters of the Retribution such as Ravyn, Eternal Light and Lord
Arcanist Ossyan.

Quelle: Privateer Press Online Store

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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