von BK-Rene | 07.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

PP- Warmachine neue Exemplar Concept Arts

Im Zuge des CIDs der Exemplar Theme Force bringt PP auch wieder Zeichnungen der neuen Modelle

PP Cyrenia

High Exemplar Cyrenia (Warcaster)

Cyrenia is a battle field commander of Idrian decent. Based on her rank of High Exemplar, she should excelle in battlefield command and inspiration of her troops. She should be focused on defensive tactical game play. Her feat, Vigilance of the Faithful should allow the army to react to oncoming attacks and is themed around both tactical acumen and divine intervention. Her Battle Plans should further reinforce these ideas. She is not a front line fighter herself but certainly should not be a weak combatant.

PP Hand

Hand of Silence (Solo)

Hand of Silence is a Reclaimer on a horse. Guiding spirits to Menoth is the primary function of the Hand of Silence. He should be a reasonable combat model while also fulfilling a powerful but niche support role. This is shown through Direct Spirits, Grave Resonace, Soul-Powered, and Strength of Death.

PP Cinerator

Exemplar Cinerator Officer (Command Attachment)

The Cinerator Officer brings a plethora of utility options to the Cinerators. Through his Shield Wall order, the Cinerator can become a very durable multi-would unit. Combined with the other defensive abiltiies of the protectorate arsenal this unit can become very difficult to dislodge from scenario zones. With Litany of Fire the unit picks up the ability to remove enemy upkeep spells. Tactics: Take Down is another utility piece to add to the now many options of the unit.

PP Shrine

Shrine of the Lawgiver (Structure)

The Shrine brings a soul mechanic to Exemplar Interdiction. As the faithful are struck down, more are inspired to join the cause. Returning models to play is an important aspect of the Shrine of the Lawgiver. Path of Urcaen brings additional utility and a unique effect to the army.

PP Warder

Exemplar Warder (Solo)

An exemplar body guard, the Warder is a solid defensive unit that is not afraid to step in front of oncoming fire or stand in front of his superiors and sacrifice himself for the cause. The Warder is a combatant and should not be passive on the field. The Warder should help some of the front-line casters in protectorate survive and remain relevant throughout the game with his combat abilities.

Quelle: Privateer Press CID Forum (leider nur nach Anmeldung einsehbar)


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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  • Schöne Konzepte. Ich bin mal auf die Miniaturen gespannt und virllricht sind sie so gut, dass ich mal wieder was für meine Menithen mache. Hab schon ewig nichts mehr mit Warmachine gemacht.

  • Die Meniten waren meine Hauptarmee bei Warmachine und die Truppe, die ich immer noch fast vollständig bemalt bei mir rumstehen habe. Die Konzepte hier gefallen mir alle sehr gut, aber da ich bei Warmachine schon Jahre raus bin, werde ich sie mit mir mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht zulegen.

  • Die sehen ein bisschen so aus als ob man die als multipler raus bringen könnte

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