von BK-Markus | 16.04.2018 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Weltkriege

Perry Miniatures: Neue Previews

Perry Miniatures präsentieren Preview Bilder von neue Rittern und WW2 Amis.

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Salute- Next plastic sets revealed!
We had a great day at Salute Saturday, ably assisted by Colin Dixon and Steve Taylor. As with all Salutes it was great meet up with customers and chat about the new sets etc. We didn’t have much time to emerge from behind our stand so we don’t have pictures of Salute in general to show, but there are many sites with these up now.
We had two new sets to reveal ……

Mounted Agincourt Knights 1415-29
These, designed by Alan, are next in line for plastic production. He’s only just started, so when more variants done we’ll show them.
The bodies are split so you can introduce a bit of movement from the waist as the helmets of the period didn’t allow the head much side to side movement. There may be one or with bodies and legs attached to allow a looser coat, fashionable during the period, to be included. There will be some bodies with fixed left arms and others with separate ones. The idea is to fit as many variations of the riders as possible on one frame. You will also be able to use arms from the present Agincourt box sets with these.
The intension is to do one large frame as per the WotRs mounted men at arms. Horse armour was tending to go out of fashion during this period as fighting on foot became more popular, so space on the frame will dictate if any is included (although something probably will). Likewise cloth barding was usually now only reserved for commanders, kings and tourneys. Again it would be nice to include it if there is enough space.
The horses are Michaels’ WotRs horses. There was no need to remake these or make additional ones as the basic tack remained identical through most of the 15th century. Alan plans on making a couple of additional horse heads with earlier chanfrons (as these were a little different) and shorter crinet on the neck.
Obviously no release date on these as they’re only just started.

WWII US Infantry
Michael was showing the very early stages of some WWII US Infantry (Mediterranean theatre) he’s been working on. Only two at the moment but the will be twelve torsos (with enough frames for three squads) on the main frame plus more on the command. They are wearing the M1941 Parsons field jacket, standard in Tunisia and Italy although still seen on troops up to the end of the war, plus canvas gaiters. There will be all the weapons you’d expect on the frame and more if we have room. There is no release date for these either (mainly as Michael has only just started making them!) but they will be after the HYW cavalry.


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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    • @Eylandas
      Mein Tip: Mach mal ne Bildersuche „Vergleich Games Workshop Perry Miniatures“.
      Außerdem: https://www.brueckenkopf-online.com/2012/review-perry-miniatures-mounted-man-at-arms/
      Da hast Du zwar keinen Vergleich mit den Bretonen, aber zumindest den Imperiumsrittern von GW; wenn man davon ausgeht, dass sich Perry Miniaturen durch die Bank nicht sonderlich in der Größe unterscheiden.

      Zur Sache: Die neueren Ritter der Bretonen (Multi-Part) sind echte Monster. Die Pferde sind riesig, dazu noch der 28mm Fantasy Heroic-Scale Maßstab (der in meinen Augen eher schon in Richtung 32mm geht). Die passen schon kaum zu den Imperiumsrittern (deren Box seit 20 Jahren unverändert sein dürfte).
      Die alten Metall(und Plastik) Modelle von GW sind größenmäßig den Perrys recht ähnlich, allerdings passen dort die Proportionen nicht besonders.

      Soweit ich weiß, gibt es keine Alternativmodelle für die Bretonen, die eine tatsächliche Alternative ohne nennenswerte Einschränkungen wären (wobei es einige Jahre her ist, dass ich mich intensiv dafür interessiert habe).

      • Die Fireforge Fantasy-Ritter haben zusätzliche Schulterpanzer, um sie was aufzupumpen. Ob das reicht, weiß ich aber nicht.

      • Außer man baut seine gesamte Bretonen-Armee aus historischen Minis auf. Dann eignen sich die Perry Minis sehr gut.

  • Endlich mal wieder etwas anderes als Gegner für den alten Korsen ;).
    Sehr schön, wie üblich. Da zeigt sich einfach mal wieder die Erfahrung der Jungs.

  • Das Konzept hört sich soweit schon mal sehr gut an. Hoffe nur dass man doch den Platz für Pferderüstung finden wird.

  • Super endlich kommen die Ritter auf die ich schon so lange warte. Sieht sehr vielversprechend aus.

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