von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Mittelalter

Perry Miniatures: Agincourt Ritter

Ab jetzt vorbestellbar: Ritter zu Pferd (Agincourt 1415-29) von Perry Miniatures.

Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt2 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt3 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt4 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt5 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt6 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt7 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt8 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt9 Perry Miniatures Mounted Knights Agincourt10

Mounted Knight – Agincourt 1415-29 – 28mm Plastik – 20,00 GBP

Pre-orders are now being taken! Designed by Alan Perry

The figures in this set represent European Knights from 1415-1429. Armour and clothing variants allow European cavalry (French, English, German, Italian etc.) to be built. Up to half the figures can be assembled to represent light horse; mounted sergeants or archers. There are many arm, torso and leg variants to allow a huge amount of individuality and poses to be achieved. Many of the arms have the weapons attached but others are without hands (which are attached to various weapons) to allow more flexibility for those who like to personalize their figures. There are some bodies with fixed left arms but most are with separate ones.
The bodies are split so you can introduce a bit of movement from the waist as the helmets of the period didn’t allow the head much side to side movement. Three heads on each frame have the visors sculpted on them in the locked-down position. The idea was to fit as many variations of the riders as possible on one frame. You will also be able to use arms from the present Agincourt box sets with these.
The lighter armoured figures can also represent earlier (1390’s) or poorer knights in padded aketons or juppe de wambesons.
The horses are Michaels’ WotRs horses. There was no need to remake these or make additional ones as the basic tack remained identical through most of the 15th century. Alan has made a couple of additional horse heads with earlier chanfrons (as these were a little different) and shorter crinet on the neck. Up to half the horses can be armoured.
There are armorial banners for French English and German knights inclued.
If you buy 3 boxed sets direct from us you will receive a free metal mounted commander.
You can pre-order now from our website, the boxed set will be released on the 7th Jan 2019. Please note the payment will be automatically taken when you put the order in.

Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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