Overlords 2: Alien Miniatures Kickstarter endet
Der aktuelle Kickstarter von Krakon Games endet.
Overlords 2 offers a selection of new alien Overlords models, plus a few forlorn hunters ready to oppose their incursion.
Welcome trooper. Our preliminary reports confirmed the Overlords threat is very real and its containment is of critical importance. Though we identified several classes of Overlords during initial encounters, more and more data is arriving – new Overlords are being sighted with each day.
The Models
This second wave of Overlords explores new forms as well as expanding upon familiar classes of these alien creature.
Das sind die Pledges:
Das sind die Add-ons:
Und das sind die Stretch Goals:
Die Kampagne endet heute.
Quelle: Overlords 2 – alien miniatures
Da hat sich Kosh von Babylon 5 reingemogelt
Überhaupt sind die Designs schwer 80er-Jahre-mäßig, auch qualitativ.
Wems gefällt…. mir nicht.