von BK-Christian | 13.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Ouroboros Miniatures: A.I. Kickstarter läuft

Der neue Kickstarter von Ouroboros Miniatures läuft.

OM Ouroboros Miniatures AI Kickstarter 1

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to our 6th campaign here on Kickstarter. Sorry we took so long! 😉

This campaign is about 3 robot busts with a human touch. We also have some guest stars from the CP Yakuza range later in the campaign, but let’s focus on the robots first!

The range is called A.I. which stands for artificial intelligence. There is no doubt that robots will play more important roles in our future at some point. But what if these robots start evolving on their own? Gain more sentient thoughts than might be good for them? It’s a theme that rises up in a lot of films and books and I guess this range ties into that.

The busts have been created by Oleg Aleinikov, a genius from Russia. He came up with the concepts and sculpts and then digitally colored them in so realistically that it looks like they walked straight out of a movie!

Below you see the pictures I fell in love with as soon as I saw them. I just knew we had to try to get permission and the rights to make them into busts! Luckily, we did!


OM Ouroboros Miniatures AI Kickstarter 2


OM Ouroboros Miniatures AI Kickstarter 3


OM Ouroboros Miniatures AI Kickstarter 4

While these are digitally painted and not done by hand and paintbrush, the sculpts are so good that they resemble the art above very well! Only Fractured has been slightly altered to make it possible to cast (see examples of the renders, prints and casts below!) and Alpha got a new sword as the one printed was just way too thin. Other than that, every detail has been carried over to the prints and casts and the quality is amazing!

As mentioned, the busts have been created by Oleg Aleinikov. A brilliant digital sculptor hailing from Russia. Oleg’s sculpts are hyper realistic and while his subjects are mostly fantasy and sci-fi orientated he makes them look so real that you’d almost start to believe they are! Good thing that in some cases they aren’t! 😉

You can check out more of his work on his Artstation page;


The Busts

Here you can see the various phases of what work is involved during the creative process. That it’s a lengthy process is needless to say but in the end… so worth it!!!


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Das sind die Pledges:

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Shipping will be charged during the Kickstarter and is €10,- for all single bust pledges while the combo pledge of all three A.I. busts is €15,-. It includes tracking, signed for delivery and insurance.

We have set the date for delivery at the end of September. After speaking with the caster for this campaign, Darkstar Miniatures, we believe this is a realistic date.

The company who handles our shipping proved he does a good job with our last five Kickstarters and shipping in general. We have every faith we can deliver on time once again. We don’t think there will be a delay in packages going out to backers but would just like to add that delays can happen. Once the shipping company has your parcels it is out of our control. However we will do everything possible again to fulfill this Kickstarter on time.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: A.I. by Ouroboros Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • phuh.., nochmal Glück gehabt, ich dachte schon es ist wieder so ein Tabletop Game wo man nicht widerstehen kann

  • Gestern ist noch die DUO Pledge dazu gekommen, sprich: 2 der Büsten nach Wahl für 85 €

    Habe selber schon auf diese gewartet und netterweise Backer#1 geschafft (personal achievement unlocked 😉 )

    Die Bloodpeak Barbarians waren sehr gut. Warte im Moment auf die CP_New_Skin wo es durch den alten Caster etwas Verzögerung gab, diese sind nun aber auch losgeschickt.

    Freu mich schon auf die Büsten.


  • Die Büsten sehen gut aus, keine Frage. Und sie sind definitiv eine Herausforderung für Maler. Für mich ist das aber eher nichts – ich hätte schon nicht die Zeit, sowas anständig zu bemalen – von den fehlenden Skills mal ganz zu schweigen.

  • Die Artworks sind schon cool. Aber gerade der Watson-Sculpt ist ziemlich unspektakulär von den Texturen her. Da hätte gerne der Mantel und Hut noch etwas verlebter gesculptet sein. Daher ist gerade Watson eigentlich ein einziges riesiges Freehand, wenn man da etwas Charakter in die Figur kriegen will.

    • Das ist im Kern nicht ganz richtig – die Artworks SIND die Sculpts, wurden nur warscheinlich für den Druck noch etwas angepasst.

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