von BK-Christian | 18.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Nemesis: Kickstarter läuft

Nur einen Tag nach HATE startet direkt der nächste große Brettspielkickstarter!

Welcome to the world of Nemesis! This new board game, designed by Adam Kwapiński, is the result of a collaboration between Awaken Realms (creators of This War of Mine: TBG, The Edge: Dawnfall and Lords of Hellas) and Rebel (creators of Drako, Dream Home and K2) . It’s a 1-5 players semi-cooperative Sci-Fi horror where you and your friends try to survive while attempting to fulfill your secret objectives that may sometimes collide. It will also enable full co-op as well as solo play experience. 

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 1 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 2

Nemesis offers one-of-a-kind gameplay, that you currently won’t find anywhere else in the board game world. It has been in professional development for over three years, so it already plays very well, provides good balance and contains a multitude of interesting mechanics, as proven by the prototype reviews below.

If you like Sci-Fi survival settings and ships swarming with alien life forms, you will love it – and if that genre was never on your radar, this game is likely to change your mind!

So sieht die Box aus:

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 3 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 4 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 5 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 6 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 7

Das sind die Stretch Goals:

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 8 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 9 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 10

Die Core Box kostet 70,00 Pfund, für 100,00 Pfund gibt es die Captain’s Collection:

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 11 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 12

Add-ons gibt es auch:

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 13 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 14 AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 15

Und dann gibt es natürlich noch mehrere Videos zum Spiel:

During the game, you will control one of the crew members with a unique set of skills, personal deck of cards, and individual starting equipment. These heroes cover all your basic SF horror needs. For example, the scientist is great with computers and research, but will have a hard time in combat. Soldier on the other hand…

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Your characters complement each other and will need to collaborate in order to survive. There’s one catch: you are never sure who can you trust!

Cinematic experience

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 19

You drift back from the cold void of the hyper sleep. At first, you only feel a tingling in your mouth and a taste of your blood, but soon all the other symptoms hit you. Your head is exploding. Your stomach is turning. A strange noise rings in your ears. This sound is loud, piercing. An alarm!

Fighting through dizziness, you open your eyes, the lights of other hibernation chambers blinding you momentarily. Broken glass. Wet floor. A stasis pod burst open like a ripe watermelon, dripping with red. The thing inside was once your friend. Now it barely resembles a human, ripped open from the inside – damage too severe for a simple stasis pod failure. You raise up and check if your other mates are all right. The good news is: they are. You all gather in the middle of the room, shivering, half-naked. The bad news is… plentiful. Ship stuck in the middle of nowhere. Many systems damaged. Bulkheads breached. Unknown contaminants in the air. You also hear noises in the hollow halls of the ship. You’re not alone! 

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Playing Nemesis will take you into the heart of Sci-Fi survival horror in all its terror. A soldier fires blindly down a corridor, trying to stop the alien advance. A scientist races to find a solution in his makeshift lab. A hacker breaks into ship’s navigational system and enables self-destruction. A pilot sets the alien nest on fire, while his friend seals himself in the control room. A traitor steals the last escape pod in the very last moment. All this – and other memorable actions – await!

Ship exploration

One of most important parts of Nemesis gameplay is exploration. Every room of the ship may contain useful items and enables a different special action, from activating fire extinguishers to cutting out infected tissue. This makes it necessary to reveal as many room tiles as possible. But beware, while searching for a proper room, you will make noise that may draw some uninvited guests.

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Ship’s layout is randomized before each game, so you are never sure what to expect behind next corner…

Unique combat

AR Awaken Realms Nemesis 22

This game is more about surviving than killing. When you face horrors from outer space, you may panic, and even if you manage to put up a fight, you will never know how much punishment your opponent can take. Killing intruders is a tough challenge, especially since ammunition is a rare commodity on the ship.

Evolving Intruders 

Jerry, big news! We’ve received the first transmission with some preliminary data. It seems it’s an auxotrophic, anaerobic, mineral-based trans-dimensional life form (what a mouthful). No DNA, XNA or anything else we could expect. Instead, a strange self-propagating crystalline structure. Outer skin layer? Pure Lonsdaleite! We’ve never seen more than few grains on Earth, and this thing is covered in it! Fifty percent tougher than diamond, go figure.

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It sheds this outer skin during each development cycle, thanks to a violent thermochemical reaction. But that’s not the worst part. You’ve heard about this research into weird crystals with a structure partially hidden in other dimensions? Well, our guys say these creatures employ a similar process. Much of their growth happens… elsewhere. Then, when they gather enough energy, they shift modified organs and body structures back into this world. The may also be native to deep space, as they survive vacuum well enough to put Tardigrades to shame. Anne also believes they’re an extremely adaptable omnivore. Sounds scary, right? I hope the top knows what they’re doing with this one.

Intruders you meet on the ship are not only reacting to the noise you make but also evolve as the time goes by. The longer the game takes, the stronger they become.

Time pressure

Encroaching enemies are not the only thing that pushes you to work faster. The ship is already counting down to the emergency hyper-jump. If you fail to repair the engines before that happens, or if the jump catches you outside of your stasis pod, extreme acceleration is going to turn your character into a red splatter on one of the walls.

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World and design 

We’ve reached for the stars. Asteroid mining was booming. Colonies on Mars and Venus approached self-sufficiency. Then, a wanderer came from far depths of the universe at half the speed of light. It glanced the Earth’s moon, ripped it apart, threw out of its orbit, and caused catastrophic damage below. Solar system plunged into crisis.  

Still, many chose to focus on profit, as the residue from the impact contained unknown minerals and exotic matter that made our plain old asteroids seem boring. Obsolete spaceships, previously used for colonizing the solar system, were refitted and crewed by people desperate enough to spend years in vast spaces between the stars, hunting for the next big catch. They became whalers of deep black, scavenging for comets, asteroids, dead proto-planets, and other strange objects coming from far corners of the universe.

Die Kampagne ist bereits überfinanziert und läuft noch 20 Tage.

Quelle: Nemesis Board Game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Single-Player, Competitive & Full Co-Op, Regeln um als Aliens zu spielen, komplette zusaetzliche Alienrasse angekuendigt – was will man mehr?

    Bei Awaken Realms hab ich auch keine Sorge, was die Qualitaet der Minis angeht.
    Jetzt mus ich nur noch sehen ob ich das Gelaende haben will oder nicht 😀

  • Extrem selbstbewusst wie der Ks gg Hate ins Rennen geht. Und wie es scheint kann man mit guter Vorarbeit es sogar schaffen einen cmon Kickststarter die Stirn zu bieten. Und sogar komplett in den Schatten zu stellen.
    Respekt dafür. Backen tue ich aber beide KS nicht😊.
    Ich genieße meine beiden friedlichen KS in einem entspannten Waldsetting

    • Bei Hate scheinen viele halt auch einfach das Problem mit der Meta-Ebene des Spiels zu haben. So stark beworben, wie der KS war, und so „schwach“, wie der für einen so stark beworbenen CMon KS startete…

      Awaken Realms haben für diesen KS bereits auf der Spiel angefangen zu werben, in den letzten Tagen auch massiv auf FB Werbung gemacht, und das Ergebnis ist mit 1 Mio in unter 24h jetzt durchaus gut.

  • Ist die Medic Figur wirklich nur für die, die bei den ersten 24h dabei waren? Oder bezieht sich das nur auf die 10%

  • Das Spiel und die Xenos selbst reizen mich nicht, aber die Minis der Helden fänd ich ganz spassig.

    • Geht mir auch so. Zuerst wollte ich Hate backen, aber die Regeln können mich momentan nicht überzeugen . Es ist eher ein 1v1 skirmish als ein Multiplayer Game .

      Zudem spielen wir gerade in der Gruppe This War of Mine und finden es sehr gut. Da war ich auch beim KS dabei und bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis .

  • Da ich sowas noch nie gemacht/unterstützt habe, hier ein paar Fragen meinerseits: Was bekomme ich denn jetzt für mein Geld genau, wenn ich die Core Box nehme? Was bekomme ich bei der anderen? Wo kann ich da mitteilen das ich das in deutsch möchte?

  • Du bekommst das Grundspiel und alle unter Stretch Goals als „added free“ erreichten Stretch Goals.
    Zusätzlich wird es noch addons geben , die allerdings extra kosten.

    Beim 100£ Pledge Level ist noch das Terrain Set und ein Art Book dabei.
    Da mich das Art Book nicht interessiert, werde ich vermutlich die Core Box und das Terrain addon (70£+20£) nehmen.

    Die Sprache wählst du im Pledge Manager nach der Kampagne aus. Da kannst du deinen Pledge Level auch noch ändern bzw. Addons kaufen

  • Sieht schonmal sehr gut aus. Wenn ich nicht noch andere Sachen auf dem Tisch hätte, gern.
    Kann man sich eigentlich irgendwo solche Spiele mal ausleihen? Die Stadt-Bibo hat ja nur Monopoly und co.

  • Verdammt eigendlich will ich ja nicht mehr Kickstartern, aber das hier sieht echt dermaßen gut aus, dass ich mal kräftig nachdenken muss.

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