von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Miniature Scenery: Let’s build a Boat X-XVII

… die zweite Runde der Let’s build a boat Reihe – Teile X bis XVII.

Teil X:

Lets Make A Boat. Part X.

Nearly there. I want to do some basic stern decoration to keep the cost down, with an eye to doing a more complex add-on as a separate thing. That and a figurehead. I’m thinking we could allow folks to order custom names for their ship too.

Of course, it all becomes a bit tedious as I now have to do all of the engineering to make it fit together.

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Teil XI:

Lets make a boat: part XI.

last few deck details. (for this version at least….)

Added the Galley stove and Chainpumps. I think I’ll keep the captains cabin for an add-on kit.

Just basic exterior decoration to go.

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Teil XII:

Lets Make a boat. Part XII


Turns out my cannon are too big by about 20%. Ah well. Gives me an opportunity to improve them a bit. MDF/card and resin (?) shown.

Also had to completely re-do the stern gallery windows (too wide). Added an extra layer of detail though.

I’ve nearly finished with the main structure assembly, so a bit of a victory there. So many tabs and slots and things.

Nearly there. Decks done, most of the tabbing and slotting done, cleaned up the head timbers and fo’c’sle edges.

And some classy „pencil“ renders. ‚cos they look cool.

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Teil XIII:

Lets Make a boat. Part XIII

I’ve flattened and laid out the MDF parts of the hull. This involves taking each piece and rotating and moving them so they fit into our rectangular format. It’s a bit Like Tetris. Only the bits don’t disappear when you line them all up. Which would be annoying.

Now an enjoyable couple of hours converting them to cutting files…..

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Teil XIV:

Lets make a boat. Part XIV

Details details details. Lots in fact. Here’s an amusing picture (or two) with all of the hull parts turned off.

In other good news, we *think we will be doing the cannon in resin. More on that later.

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Teil XV:

Lets make a boat. Part XV

The day of cutting and test building is here.

Mousemuffins is currently gluing MDF bits to various appendages so I will be posting updates and pictures in the comments.

Plastic Space Mariner used for scale. This thing is big.

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Teil XVI:

Let’s Make a boat. Part XVI.

Plugging away at the test build. Lots of wee changes to make. But that’s normal for a kit this complex.

The Galley Stove went together well, as did the Belfry , chain pumps and forward riding bits. There a gap in the side rail that will need about 1.3mm added to it. I’ve also added a lot more support behind the planking at the front (but you can’t see that.)

The Quarter deck railing went on without trouble.

Overall it’s going together surprisingly fuss free considering the complexity.

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Teil XVII:

Lets Make a Boat. Part XVII

Having fun with a new cut and some colouring in. All seems to be going well, with just a few tweaks left to do. Pleasingly, it’s super easy to paint the separate assemblies before putting them all together.

Having said that, I did mask the deck planks with some sticky-notes and sprayed them slightly different wood shades for a bit of interest/ variation. Also found a spray-can of charcoal grey matt which looks excellent instead of stark black for the fittings.

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Link: Miniature Scenery FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich persönlich bin sehr begeistert, wie elegant hier ein Kompromiss zwischen gutem Aussehen und nicht übermässiger Komplexität gefunden wurde. Selbst mit einer einfachen (und bespielbaren) Takelung versehen, sollte das Schiff ein echter Blickfang werden.

    Auch wenn ich den Spass daran verstehe alles zu 100% aus MDF/Greyboard zu machen finde es manchmal übertrieben: bei den SF Modellen die Kabel und hier die Kanonenrohre (die Lafetten sind aber vollkommen okay)

    Der Preis – wenn ich bedenke, dass der kleine Raumfrachter Peregrine 150 EUR kostet und gerade mal ca. ein DIN A4 Blatt abdeckt… und ich finde er ist es wirklich wert 🙂 … dann werden wir bei dem Schiff wohl die 200 EUR Marke knacken.

    Die gute Nachricht ist, dass man dann wahrscheinlich das Porto spart 🙂 – ein nicht zu unterschätzender Vorteil, weil der Zoll ja oft das Porto mitverzollt.

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