von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.04.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Midlam Miniatures: Halfling Kickstarter

Midlam Miniatures finanziert eine Reihe sehr klassischer Halbling Miniaturen per Kickstarter. 

Midlam Halflings KS

Das Projekt:

Über uns

Although some infamous halflings had gone ‚Adventuring‘ from time to time, and others were occasionally called away on important matters, for the most part, these small peaceful folk kept to themselves and didn’t feel the need to bother others, or care much about what lay beyond their own doorstep.

However, as far as anyone could remember, the halflings had never ventured beyond the large hill at the end of their valley.  They had been curious of course, and there was much speculation as to what was on the other side, but as the hill had been inhabited by Gnomes who didn’t take kindly to such impudent questions, the matter was largely left alone.

Now, seemingly in the middle of the night, the gnomes have disappeared, and the big question (apart from where have all the gnomes gone) of what lies on the other side of the hill is now very much the talk of the town.  Some think it might be an orchard, full of apples.  Others, that a very big dragon has eaten all the gnomes and may well be coming for them next.

The Halfling Town Council declared an emergency meeting, and decided there’s only one way to be sure – an adventure.  Under such dire circumstances, they are seeking brave (or at least moderately confident) adventurers, from different backgrounds to form a Party (the very worst kind, without cake or even paper hats) to investigate the other side of the hill…

The Way of the Mini-Ninja! – Stretch Goal Announced

Midlam Halflings KS2

So far, the Halfling Town Council had interviewed a motley collection of individuals from all walks of life and professions.  It had been decided however, that eager though the bakers were, they were far too vital to the town to risk, and that something else was needed. At that moment, from out of the shadows of the room, two totally silent black-clad figures triple back-flipped into the interview chairs.

„And you are…“

As suggested by one of our loyal customers, we present a male and female halfling ninja from one of the more obscure character classes. 

Should we reach £7000, then we will include one of each miniature free with every Halfling Lady and Gentlemen Adventurers pledge, and the appropriate one free with each Ladies or Gentlemen Adventurers pledge.  Backers who pledge for a single or double miniature set will be able to choose one of these miniatures as one of their options.

Midlam Miniatures are pleased to present a collection of sixteen 28mm scale halfling miniatures for use in all of your fantasy games.

Die Miniaturen:

Midlam Halflings KS3 Midlam Halflings KS4 Midlam Halflings KS5 Midlam Halflings KS6 Midlam Halflings KS7 Midlam Halflings KS8 Midlam Halflings KS9 Midlam Halflings KS10

Choosing Your Class

We have chosen a range of different character classes for the ‚A Class of Their Own‘ Kickstarter, which we hope will help flesh out your fantasy adventures. However, while we couldn’t include all the possible choices in the campaign, we will consider any suggestions for a follow up Kickstarter in the future, should this Kickstarter is successful.  Please leave any suggestions (from the obvious to the obscure) in the comments page!

Pledge Level:

The Lone Adventurer – 3,00 GBP

Sponsor the Halfling Town Council to send one Adventurer on the Great Expedition.

By choosing this reward you will receive 1 Halfling Miniature of your choice as a reward.

An Adventuring Duo – 6,00 GBP

Sponsor the Halfling Town Council to send two Adventurers on the Great Expedition.

By choosing this reward you will receive 2 Halfling Miniatures of your choice as a reward.

Halfling Gentlemen Adventurers – 20,00 GBP

Sponsor the Halfling Town Council to send 8 Halfling Gentlemen Adventurers on the Great Expedition.

By choosing this reward you will receive all 8 Halfling Gentlemen Miniatures as your reward.

Halfling Lady Adventurers – 20,00 GBP

Sponsor the Halfling Town Council to send 8 Halfling Lady Adventurers on the Great Expedition.

By choosing this reward you will receive all 8 Halfling Lady Miniatures as your reward.

Halfling Lady and Gentlemen Adventurers – 35,00 GBP

Sponsor the Halfling Town Council to send all 16 Halfling Adventurers on the Great Expedition.

By choosing this reward you will receive all 8 Halfling Lady Miniatures and all 8 Halfling Gentlemen Adventurers as your reward.


Derzeit steht die Kampagne bei über 7000 GBP und hat damit das Ziel von 600 GBP erreicht. Der Kickstarter endet am 22. April 2018 14:01 CEST.


Link: Halflings Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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