von BK-Herr Kemper | 29.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Midlam Miniatures: Gnome KS

Midlam Miniatures kickstartet ein neues Set von Common Gnomes – also Gartenzwergen.


Projektbeschreibung & Infos:

Midlam Gnome Ks

It was, the Baron was told by the Wizard Gudgrief, a great honour to host the Gnome Royal Family and their entourage as they wintered in Midlam.  The Baron muttered that he was indeed blessed as he saw the second Gnomish hill growing at the bottom of his estate.

He had yet to receive an invitation to visit the royal family, and wasn’t going to impose as he had already seen an alarming number of gnomes armed with spears, halberds, bows, crossbows roving the grounds, firing and jabbing at everything that dared to move.

There had also been quite the crop of mushrooms the size of which the Baron had never heard tell.  The Wizard Gudgrief said he’d had quite an illuminating conversation with Moonwort the Mystic who puffed away on a pipe as he sat on one of the mushrooms and contemplated all manner of Gnomish mysteries.

The Royal Court of the Common (or Garden) Gnomes

Midlam Miniatures are pleased to present a collection of thirteen 28mm scale figures, for all of your Fantasy games. There are a variety of both male and female gnome miniatures.

The Stretch Goal is Coming!  

We will be announcing our stretch goal for The Royal Court of the Common (or Garden) Gnomes at midweek, or £3000, whichever comes first! We typically introduce a special goal in our Kickstarters which lets backers gain a bonus miniature free of charge (with the larger pledges), or as an option for those backers who pledge for one or two miniatures.

Art Card Production has Begun!  

As we have reached £2000, we are pleased to say that we will be including an art card with every pledge. Approximately 4″ by 6″, this card will be printed on textured paper in full colour. The artwork, will be an original piece by our regular illustrator Graeme Neil Reid, who specialises in acrylic paintings.

Minimum Funding Goal Reached!  

We are pleased to say that we have reached the minimum funding amount of £600 to allow us to start work on getting the miniatures into production. Thank you all so far, but we still have some work to do!

An Art Card Guaranteed for every backer at £2000  

Should we reach £2000, then we will produce and include a Gnomish art-card printed on high quality paper with every reward, created by our regular artist to Gnomish Royalty, Graeme Neil Reid!


Midlam Gnome Ks2 Midlam Gnome Ks3 Midlam Gnome Ks4 Midlam Gnome Ks5 Midlam Gnome Ks6 Midlam Gnome Ks7 Midlam Gnome Ks8 Midlam Gnome Ks9 Midlam Gnome Ks10 Midlam Gnome Ks11 Midlam Gnome Ks12 Midlam Gnome Ks13 Midlam Gnome Ks14

The Original Common (or Garden) Gnomes

If you missed out on our first gnome Kickstarter, there is a chance to pick up all 14 of the original Kickstarter gnomes alongside this one (supplied unpainted).

Midlam Gnome Ks15


  • eine Mini – 3,00 GBP
  • zwei Minis – 6,00 GBP
  • 13 Set – 32,00 GBP
  • 13-Set & altes 14-Set 60,00 GBP


2.600+ GBP (Ziel: 600 GBP)

60+ Backer

Ende: 3. Dezember 2018 14:00 CET

Link: Royal Court of Garden Gnomes KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die sehen mir leider zu sehr nach Überraschungs-Ei aus 🙁

    Oder Unterhosen-Wichtel… hmmm… vlt für ein South Park Diorama?! 😀

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