von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Micro Art Studio: neues Kokkyo-3 Gelände

Micro Art Studio erweitert seine Kokkyo-3 Reihe.

Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 34 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 35

The time has come for premiere of new Kokkyo-3 scenery!

The Quarter and Market sets, stackable in many various combinations allow to choose a desired density of your oriental themed gaming table. Build your own Kokkyo-3 skyscrapers or go for cosy ground-floor suburbs. No matter which option would you prefer, let the stackable Kokkyo-3 scenery be your choice!


The Kokkyo-3 showcase table is available for gameplays at Infinity Interplanetario this weekend!

Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 3 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 32 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 33

Kokkyo-3 Market – 36,90 EUR

The Kokkyo-3 Market set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Market and Quarters buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and unpainted.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 36 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 37 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 38 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 39 Micro Art Studio Kokkyo 310

Kokkyo-3 Quarters – 20,91 EUR

The Kokkyo-3 Quarters set consists of 2 buildings, which can be combined in various positions. What’s more, multiple Kokkyo-3 Quarters and Market buildings can be stacked together! The set is dedicated for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and unpainted.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out.

Quelle: Micro Art Studio


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Also mir gefällts ganz gut. Auch preislich okay (wobei mir die beiden Packs hier etwas seltsam vorkommen, sind die ggf. vertauscht?). Ich steh aber momentan mehr auf PrePainted!

  • Dem TAG nach istz das eine Gebäude wirklich größer und deshalb der Preis. Scheinbar aber nicht von Innen bespielbar….

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