von BK-Herr Kemper | 18.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Bases, Terrain / Gelände, Zubehör

Micro Art Studio: Diverse Neuheiten

Bases, Marker und etwas Gelände gibt es bei Micro Art Studio.

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Star Wars Legion Desert Bases – Resin

  • 27mm (5x) – 4,92 EUR
  • 50mm (2x) – 8,61 EUR
  • 70mm (1x) – 6,15 EUR

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Infinity Arc Marker 40/55mm (4x) – 3,69 EUR

 A handy way to mark the Arcs of your miniatures when the model and scenery collide! This set consists of 2 front & rear defining arc markers for 40mm bases as well as 2 front & rear defining arc markers for 55mm bases. The markers allow overwriting the arcs on the miniature base in situations where the miniature can’t be placed where it supposed to be because of the dynamic pose, outstretched part or overlapping scenery.

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Infinity Arc Marker 25mm (5x) – 3,69 EUR

A handy way to mark the Arcs of your miniatures when the model and scenery collide! This set consists of 5 front & rear defining arc markers for 25mm bases. The markers allow overwriting the arcs on the miniature base in situations where the miniature can’t be placed where it supposed to be because of the dynamic pose, outstretched part or overlapping scenery.

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Infinity Smoke Grenade Marker – 9,84 EUR

A must have for any Smoke-spamming Infinity army! This set consists of Point of Impact markers for Smoke, Eclipse and Nimbus(six for each kind) as well as a half, a quarter and two 1/8th of a Circular Blast Template. The Point of Impact markers allow the use of numerous Smoke (or Eclipse, Nimbus) grenades quickly and clearly defining their centres without cluttering the battlefield with large and unwieldy Blast Templates. The small sections of the Circular Blast Template allow to place markers right next to walls and corners as well as between miniatures.

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Precinct Sigma – Base Topper – HDF

  • 25mm (12x) – 6,15 EUR
  • 40mm (8x) – 6,15 EUR
  • 55mm (4x) – 6,15 EUR

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Military Supplies – Resin – 30,75 EUR

The Military Supplies set consists of five unpainted crates and barrels piles. Made of high quality resin, supplied unpainted.
Link: Micro Art Studio
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • arc marker ..naja
    smoke template ja, endlich eine v2.0 version, ich markiere seit längerem schon nur noch die mitten der templates

    weiß jemand was es mit den einkerbungen in den bases auf sich hat?

  • Yay mehr Wüstenbases, damit kann ich meine Haqqi´s erweitern ohne den duptzigsten Scorpion zu bemalen 😀

  • Ähm, was ist denn das bitte für eine Mini bei den Infinity Arc Markern 40/55mm?
    Scheint ein Gecko zu sein, aber die Waffe stimmt nicht ganz, ebenso die Füße nicht.

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