von BK-Christian | 06.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Malwettbewerbe

Mantic Games: Brush with Death

Der Mantic-Malwettbewerb geht in eine weitere Runde.

MG Mantic Games Brush With Death

We’re delighted to announce that Brush with Death – the official Mantic painting competition – is back and it’s better than ever.

Launching today ahead of the Autumn Mantic Open Day on the 10th of November, you have more than 2 months to get your award winning entry painted. The closing date for entries will be Saturday the 3rd November to allow the judges 1 week to go through the entries. The winners will then be announced by Ronnie Renton at the Open Day! Tickets still available here for that, by the way.

This is the start of a twice a year event, each coinciding with a Mantic Open day.

How to enter:

All submissions should be photographed at least 3 times, from different angles and emailed to brushwithdeath@manticgames.com. Make sure your pictures are well lit and sharp – so we can see your amazing paintjobs. There are plenty of guides online to help you when it comes to photographing your minis. You can also choose to send in or drop off at HQ in Nottingham too.

We received some feedback that previous iterations of the competition were too complicated, so Brush With Death will now simply be split over 4 categories. All categories are for ANY GENRE. There are no restrictions for our Fantasy, Sci-Fi or licensed ranges.

  • Single Figure
    Single figure from the Mantic range. There is no size restriction on the figure or the base size, so your miniature can be on a plinth or display base. The figure can be anything from a Goblin Wiz to a Tree Herder… but remember that bigger is not always strictly better!
  • Unit, Squad, Team or Warband
    A minimum of five miniatures from the Mantic range, displayed on the appropriate base sizes for the game the miniatures are used in. Figures may be mounted on a single display base, be multi-based or individually based. The unit must be able to function within the game it is from.
  • Diorama
    At least two figures from the Mantic range, of any genre, mounted on a base no larger than 300mm in diameter. There is no height restriction.
  • Army
    At least 1,000 points army from either the Mantica or Warpath universes. Must be 100% Mantic Miniatures and must be a usable army.

And here is what you will win:

We have teamed up with Artis Opus who have been making waves in the industry with their new range of incredible Kolinsky Sable brushes. Our very own Hellboy: The Board Game and Here’s Negan The Board Game miniatures were painted by Angel Giraldez using these fantastic brushes. The winner of each category will receive an engraved collectors box with 4 brushes and brush soap.

MG Mantic Games Brush With Death 2 MG Mantic Games Brush With Death 3

Each category winner will also receive £100 Mantic online-store credit per category winner!

For full rules and conditions for entry, make sure you read the blog.

Viel Spaß, wir drücken die Daumen!

Link: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich finde diesen Wettbewerbsnamen unglaublich… dämlich und gezwungen. Ist das ein Wortspiel aus dem Mantic-Franchise?

    • Glaube ich nicht, ich bin auch nicht sicher, wann der das erste Mal aufkam, könnte mir vorstellen, dass der in der Community entstanden ist und aufgegriffen wurde – aber wie gesagt, kein Plan.

      So dramatisch finde ich ihn allerdings dann auch nicht. 🙂

    • To have a brush with death ist ein englisches Sprichwort und heißt am Tod vorbeischrammen. Für den Malwettbewerb ist das dann halt ein Wortspiel. Kann man gut finden oder nicht, aber im Englischen funktioniert es eigentlich ganz gut.

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