von BK-Christian | 26.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Malifaux: 3rd Edition Ankündigung

Wyrd haben eine neue Malifaux-Edition angekündigt.

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The third edition of the Malifaux skirmish game is on the horizon! Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux – Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike – stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there’s never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!

Join Closed Beta playtest today!

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Models are now hired based on their Keyword, which encourages more thematic Crews while also allowing for abilities that more closely tie thematic models together. Faction models that don’t share a Keyword with their leader can still be hired, albeit at a slight penalty… as can additional Masters. Ever wanted to run two (or more) Masters together on the tabletop? Now you can!

Conditions & Tokens

The bewildering number of Conditions in M2E has been reduced down to a fixed list of 11 Conditions. Many of the Masters that once relied upon Conditions to function now use Tokens that serve as counters for their various abilities, whether that may be causing deadly plagues, spreading salacious slander about your enemies, or causing a crippling addiction to the raw essence of the Hungering Darkness.

New Masters

Nekima has reclaimed her birthright! Standing alongside her is Euripides, a prophetic giant who has followed the omens from his frozen mountain home into the lowlands. The Guild has responded by promoting the brutal Captain Dashel, elevating him to the position of Master… and providing him further assistance in the form of the no-nonsense frontier lawman, Cornelius Basse. These heroes must also contend with the recruiting efforts of the ghoulish University of Transmortis and its macabre headmaster, Professor Albus Von Schtook, and the subtle machinations of Youko Hamasaki, the cunning proprietor of the Qi and Gong, a mysterious brothel nestled at the heart of the Little Kingdom.

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Change can be a scary thing, but it doesn’t need to be. Without change, there are no new threats to encounter, no new obstacles to overcome, and no new adventures to await. In Malifaux Third Edition, we’ve stripped away the rust to make the old metal shine new again. Below, you can catch a glimpse into why Change is Good for a world where Bad Things Happen.

  • A New Coat of Paint: New art, new cards, and new models. Don’t worry, the models you currently own will still look just as good on the table now as they did before, and now they’ll have gorgeous, updated cards (with easier to read text) beside them.
  • An Enhanced (and not so Desolate) Engine: The core of Malifaux hasn’t been replaced; it’s been optimized. Those strange quirks and questions that wrinkled our encounters have been ironed out for a more streamlined game experience without cutting away the layers of strategic decision-making we’ve all grown to love.
  • Gameplay Firing on All Cylinders: With adjusted Deployment Zones, increased threat ranges, and more mobility options, your models will be getting into the action nearly as quickly as you can put them onto the table.
  • Lightening the Load: Ever eat one too many slices of cake and get that satisfied-but-bloated feeling? Well, we want our cake and will eat it, too. In addition to reducing the number of Conditions, we also cut down on the excess of Actions, Abilities, and Triggers to make sure the focus is on the fun and not on the memorization.
  • Treading New Territory Together: Don’t fear the unknown – become a part of the change! We are making Third Edition alongside you. Join the Closed Beta playtest so that you can make a positive impact on Malifaux. This is your game as much as it is ours.
  • A Fully Fueled Release: All model stat cards will be updated and available as soon as Malifaux Third Edition is at your local game store. There won’t be any waiting for cards to come in waves.
  • An Accessible Rules Manual: M3E’s rules and stat cards will be released online for free at release. The rules and stat cards will also be translated in seven languages at release as well: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.

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Distributors + Retailers

The community has been clamoring for it, and we felt that it was finally time to clean out the kinks, add some polish, and deliver a new edition to Malifaux. With this update, we didn’t throw the baby out with the bath water; Third Edition is an optimized evolution, and we are working behind the scenes to make sure the transition between editions is as effortless for the community, retailers, and distributors as possible.

What does it mean for you?

Upon Third Edition’s release, all stat cards for every model will be made available, which will grant players with immediate and direct access to their favorite past and future Malifaux characters. This instant access will allow for continued play across all communities from one edition to the next without a hiccup.

As Third Edition nears release, we will work closely with our distribution partners to update their existing products with the new stat cards. Additionally, we will encourage all stores to work with their distributors to bring the product on their shelves up-to-date, as well. What this means is that there will be no need to liquidate any product that you currently have in stock – everything in the previous edition will be compatible with Third Edition.

Players who already own their favorite models from the previous edition will be able to jump directly into Third Edition by converting their existing crews with Arsenal Packs, which are updated faction-wide stat card packs.

Malifaux models will still be offered in the high quality plastic everyone has come to expect. Over time, new boxes and sculpts will be released to compliment new crews and gameplay adjustments. With new releases, our goal is to fine-tune and reduce the overall SKU count to limit product bloat.

Strengthening the Community

Wyrd has been blessed by its Wyrdos, our giant extended family and community all across the world. Our closed beta will ensure that our vision for Malifaux’s future surpasses expectations while simultaneously eliminating concerns players might have during the transition.

Our Henchman are a vital part of our community, and we will be working closely with them to make sure that they are up to date on any changes with the rules and models so that their regular events can easily transition to Third Edition.

Players around the world won’t have to endure long delays for translated rules and stat cards, either. Shortly after release, Malifaux Third Edition’s core rules will be available in French, Italian, Polish, Russian, German, and Spanish.

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Quelle: Wyrd Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Welchen Maßstab besitzen die Miniaturen eigentlich? Habe die Miniaturen schon sehr lange nicht mehr in den Händen gehalten.

  • Ich bin erst mal positiv gestimmt. Die Reduzierung der unzähligen Konditionen und auch einzigartigen Aktionen die jeder Charakter mit sich brachte (Obwohl zum Teil sehr ähnlich hatte viele einen eigenen Namen) war unbedingt notwendig. Toll ist auch, dass wirklich alle Modelle Regeln bekommen werden und keines ausrangiert werden soll. Ob das Balancing noch aufgeht wenn man Fraktionen wild durcheinandermixen kann, weiss ich aber nicht… Da muss ich wohl auf die Beta-Tester hoffen. Ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt und hoffe, dass etwas sehr gutes dabei herauskommt.

  • Manche Sachen finde ich cool, manche Sachen gefallen mir gar nicht.
    Was mir gefällt, dass die Regeln wieder kostenlos und in mehreren Sprachen erscheinen sollen. Zudem soll es neue Master geben.
    Was mir nicht gefällt, ist dass manche Master rausfliegen, oder die Fraktionen wechseln oder von Dual-Fraktion auf Solofraktion und umgekehrt wechseln. Was ich unglücklich finde, ist das evtl. umstellen der Aufstellungszonen. Hier geht es aber mehr darum, dass ich mir extra eine Matte mit den Zonen geholt habe und wegen der Aufgrund von Qualitätsmängel, Umtausch, ewigen Wartezeiten und häufigen Nachfragen einen erheblichen Aufwand hatte. Hier muss man aber erst mal schauen, was hier wirklich der Fall sein wird.

    Ich bin trotzdem gespannt auf die dritte Edition. Immerhin geht auch die Story weiter und vielleicht wird vieles einfacher.

  • Was ist eigentlic haus The other side geworden? Wurde das inzwischen ausgeliefert? Im Shop von Wyrd ist es ja noch nicht angekommen.

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