von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Losblock: Neuheiten

Bei LOSBLOCK gibt es Neuheiten, die sich besonders für Infinity eignen.

Losblock Comm Units Losblock Comm Units2

Comm Units – 5x – grün, rot oder orange – 13,87 EUR

Comm Units represent Antennas and Advanced Communications Consoles the ITS season X. They are used in: ACQUISITION, HUNTING PARTY, LOOTING AND SABOTAGING, POWER PACK, SHOW OF FORCE, TRANSMISSION MATRIX.

For COMMS CENTER, THE GRID, TIC-TAC-TOE missions you wil need 2 sets of Comm Units.

Perfect for futuristic game tables and dioramas.

40 mm * 123 mm


HDF, Methacrylate

This set includes 5 pieces.

Schon etwas länger im Programm, aber dennoch für die neue ITS Season gut geeignet:

Losblock Hub Losblock Hub2 Losblock Hub3 Losblock Hub4 Losblock Hub5

Central Hub – 23,56 EUR

ITS season X has returned Objective Room missions: The Armory and Engineering Deck. So its time to remember one of our bestsellers – Central Hub – 8х8 inch building with 4 openable doors and removable modular roof, specially designed for missions of such type.

Central Hub is 8х8 inch building with 4 openable doors and removable modular roof. Perfect for any game table. Designed for Infinity The Game but can be used in other sci-fi wargames.

  • Can be used in Infinity The Game ITS missions, such as The Armory,  Beacon Race etc.
  • Removable roof with different options. Install a helipad of put handrails around the skylight.
  • Universal joints. Compatible with all items from CITY 3000 series.
  • Doors can be opened by sliding them aside.
  • You can add additional floors.

Exterior size:
24 cm * 24 cm * 9 cm

Interior size:
20 cm * 20 cm * 6 cm

HDF, fluorescent methacrylate

This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.

Losblock Hub6 Losblock Hub7 Losblock Hub8 Losblock Hub9

Central Hub – Zusatzetage – 15,56 EUR

Additional floor for Central Hub.

  • Easy to install/remove from the building.
  • You can increase the quantity of levels with no limit.
  • Different optiion for wall panels. Before each battle you can choose where to put a passage, window or solid wall.
  • Inside, instead of handrails you can install a ladder to provide access to the lover levels.
  • Compatible with all items from CITY 3000 series.

22 cm * 22 cm * 6 cm

HDF, fluorescent methacrylate

Link: Losblock


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich überlege nun schon seit längerem dort zubestellen da es das erste MDF Gelände ist welches mir tatsächlich mal gefällt.
    Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit deren Onlineshop? Muss ich bei Lieferungen aus Russland irgendetwas beachten (Zoll etc pp.)?

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