von BK-Nils | 19.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

LEVEL 7: [OMEGA PROTOCOL] (2nd Edition)

Die Zweite Edition des Brettspiels LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] von Privateer Press soll über Kickstarter finanziert werden.


Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 1

LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] is Privateer Press’ best-selling board game, which has been out of print since 2016. Since it sold out several years ago, we have received countless inquiries about when it would be coming back, and original copies of the game currently sell for nearly $300 on the aftermarket. From our perspective, it seems demand for a new edition has reached critical mass, and it’s time to reprint. But is it? You decide!

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 2

This Kickstarter campaign has been created to fund a newly printed, second edition of the LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] board game. As it is impossible for us to gauge the true demand for the game, speculating on a reprint and distributing it through traditional channels is too risky and could result in a warehouse full of product. So, we’ve turned to Kickstarter to determine the actual demand for a reprint with the express mission of fulfilling orders for backers of this campaign. Thus, the product will not be produced unless we hit our funding goal.

To keep things streamlined and deliver the new edition as quickly as possible, no stretch goals or add-ons will be offered through this Kickstarter. 

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 3

“There is no Subterra Bravo.”

LEVEL 7 is a sinister science fiction setting where nefarious conspiracies conceal the government’s collaboration deep within an underground research facility with an unspeakable alien menace. Officially, the top-secret military base doesn’t exist. There is no record of it: no blueprints, no photographs, no credible accounts. Rumors persist, but no one has ever found it. And those who have dared to look have disappeared…

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 4

“Their greatest weapon is fear. Yours is an assault rifle.”

Now overrun with swarms of monstrous genetic creations led by their nefarious alien overseers, the underground facility of Subterra Bravo is the epicenter of an unfathomable government conspiracy—one that must be kept secret at all costs. To cover up the truth, the shadowy agency in charge of the operation has initiated the Omega Protocol, dispatching an elite team of commandos to retake Subterra Bravo and eradicate all evidence of the sinister creatures within. But the threat these creatures and their alien overlords pose may be far greater than anyone can possibly imagine.

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 5

LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] is a semi-cooperative tactical miniatures game for 2–6 players. In it, a fire team of highly trained commandos sent by an unspecified department within the U.S. government attempts to pacify the situation at Subterra Bravo and the sinister swarms of inhuman creatures that have overtaken the facility. Up to five players take on the role of commandos while one player acts as the overseer and takes control of the creatures inhabiting Subterra Bravo with the goal of ensuring the human intruders know true terror before they meet their grisly fate.

During the game, commandos clash with the overseer’s creatures, and dice rolls determine the results of the conflict. In addition, both the commandos and the overseer manage a resource called adrenaline. Commandos use adrenaline to perform heroic actions; the overseer uses adrenaline to fortify his forces. Careful management of adrenaline is key to winning the game.

Before each game, players select one of the missions included in the mission guide. Each mission presents the players with specific objectives they need to complete to win the game and describes the Crisis Point at which each mission becomes more difficult. The commandos will either win or lose as a team while the overseer wins or loses as an individual.

The game can also be played as a campaign in which players play each of the nine missions contained in the mission guide sequentially to experience the epic story of LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL].

The EXTREME PREJUDICE expansion and this Kickstarter’s bonus content add new creatures, characters, missions, and game cards to continue your adrenaline-fueled adventure!


Download the full *First Edition* rules for LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] here (second edition rules coming soon):

First Edition Rulebook Download

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 6

—Tom Vasel

—Dice Tower

—The Esoteric Order of Gamers

—Drake’s Flames


Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 7

(Included in the Known Enemy, New Operator, and Fully Loaded Reward Tiers)

To celebrate the second edition of LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL], we’ve added a new exclusive Commander figure, available only through this Kickstarter, as well as new game cards, room tiles, tokens, and an exclusive white die that can be used with the all-new mission content. We’ve also collected existing support materials that had been printed in other publications or online into a single scenario booklet.

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 8 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 9

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 10

(Included in the New Operator and Fully Loaded Reward Tiers)

This second edition of LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] includes many clarifications and updated rules, including a new Line-of-Sight system, based on five years of player feedback.

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 11 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 12 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 13 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 14

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 15

 (Included in the Fully Loaded Reward Tier)

Go deeper into the terrifying depths of LEVEL 7 with EXTREME PREJUDICE, the expansion to OMEGA PROTOCOL. Add new game cards, enemy types, and commandos (including a hulking suit of powered armor!) and fight for survival through five all-new scenarios in this pulse-pounding sequel to the original epic campaign!

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 16 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 17 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 18 Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 19

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 20

Privateer Press LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) 21

The European Union, USA, Canada, and Australia will be “Shipping Friendly.” Backers from these countries will not pay import taxes.

Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter has completed, based on actual costs to ship the rewards. We will collect your shipping information through our pledge manager once the campaign ends.

Below is a list of rough estimates for shipping the three different reward tiers available through this campaign. These estimates are based on current shipping rates and the fulfillment fees of our regional fulfillment service partners. We will do everything in our power to keep shipping costs as low as possible, but costs could vary at the time shipping will be charged.

(All shipping cost estimates below in U.S. dollars.)


Continental US      $11-20
Alaska & Hawaii    $16-21
Canada                   $12-20
Australia                 $14-20
New Zealand         $16-20
United Kingdom    $11-15
Europe (EU Only)  $15-20
Europe (non-EU)  $15-25
REST OF WORLD   $18-25


Continental US     $16-22
Alaska & Hawaii   $20-25
Canada                  $21-32
Australia                $30-45
New Zealand        $40-45
United Kingdom   $35-40
Europe (EU Only) $40-55
Europe (non-EU) $45-60


Continental US     $20-25
Alaska & Hawaii   $25-30
Canada                  $23-35
Australia                $35-50
New Zealand        $45-50
United Kingdom   $35-40
Europe (EU Only) $40-55
Europe (non-EU) $45-60

In order to be as fair as possible to all backers, all rewards will be sent at the same time. Due to the unpredictability of postal and freight services, we cannot guarantee the order in which rewards may arrive.

Risks and challenges

The biggest risk in producing and delivering the second edition of LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] will be the voyage the container ship carrying the print run will make crossing the Pacific. But we’re confident they’ve got that covered!

And as for the rest of it, we’ve got that covered, too.

Privateer Press has created numerous high-quality board game products from scratch, and we’ve successfully fulfilled a board game Kickstarter project previously. Nothing we’re doing now is outside of our capacity or our day-to-day operations, and for the most part, it’s a fairly simple matter of ordering the reprint based on the number of pledges we receive here.

Of course, we’re not too proud to understand that even the best laid plans can sometimes go awry, but in 18 years of business, we’ve overcome countless challenges in bringing products to life and delivering them into the hands of players. So, no matter what comes at us, we’ll be ready for it!

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne steht aktuell bei 135.597,00 USD, hat sein Ziel von 100.000,00 USD überschritten und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL] Board Game (2nd Edition) auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Wieso?

      Das sind normale „über den Teich“ Versandkosten. Da PP keinen Europäischen Vertrieb mehr hat, versenden sie halt aus den Staaten, dann ist das so teuer.

      Wie sie dann auf Eurofriendly kommen ist mir schleierhaft.

      Mich schreckt eher das Spiel selber ab da die beiden vorgänger Versionen totale Desaster waren.

      • Gut, das sie keinen Vertrieb mehr haben ist mir entgangen, aber trotzdem bekomme ich alleine für die Versandkosten ein hochwertiges Spiel bei uns in Europa. Ob sie das über den Teich schicken oder nicht, ist mir egal, sie müssen die Händler ja auch irgendwie beliefern und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, das sich jemand PP Sachen bei den Versandkosten ins Regal stellt.

        Für mich geht die PP Spirale deutlich nach unten. Ich sehe in vielen Shops die Warmachine und Hordes Sachen zu Schleuderpreisen. Kein gutes Zeichen. Irgendwo habe ich auch gelesen, das es am amerikanischem Markt nicht besser asussieht.

      • Omega Protocol gibt es schon eingie Zeit, und ist auch gemäß Reviews spielerisch einer der besten (Sci-Fi) Dungeon Crawler überhaupt, für mich persönlich der beste.

        Ich finde halt das Material qualitativ im unteren Drittel angesiedet, was für ein Spiel, das Preislich eher im Oberen Bereich ist (90€ für eine Dungeon Crawler Grundbox … das können andere besser, mit mehr und/oder qualitativ hochwertigerem Material). Aber das ist ja eine PiP Krankheit – das machte (bis vor kurzem?) ja auch vor Warmahordes nicht halt.

        Die Kampagne an sich ist halt ein Witz. Abgsehen von den Versandkosten, ist es auch einfach lächerlich, keinen Pledgelevel anzubieten, der Upgrade + das AddOn bietet. Auf mehrere Wünsche der Backer wurde hier nicht reagiert, mit dem Hinweis, man bekäme das AddOn ja noch im PiP Store, es wäre also nicht ooP.

        Leider gibt es zumindest hierzulande keinen Shop mehr, von dem man dies bekommt, und dies dann in den USA zu ordern ist es mir leider auch nicht wert. Aus diesem Grund war ich aus der Kampagne auch schnell wieder raus. Montag starten StreeMasters Aftershock (Muss Kampagne) und The Edge – Dawnfall 1.6, die ich mir so genauer anschauen kann. Wenn PiP mein Geld nicht will, bekommen es andere.

        Da zeigt PiP halt leider wieder eindeutig, warum es in einer nicht zu unterschätzenden Abwärtsspirale zu hängen scheint. Sehr schade, aber da waren in den letzten 2-3 Jahren einfach auch zu viele falsche, strategische Entscheidungen.

  • Level 7 hatte gute Ansätze, aber da müsste eine Redaktion mächtig drüber gehen.

    Und zumindest für ihre Brettspiele haben sie keinen deutschen Vertrieb. Eurofreundlich ist aber wirklich was anderes.

    PP hat sich zu sehr auf den Turnierbereich und Hardcore-Gamer konzentriert und muss jetzt merken, dass sie auch sonst einige Trends verschlafen haben.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.