von BK-Markus | 20.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Legend of the Five Rings: Neues Clan Pack

Fantasy Flight Games präsentieren ein neues Clan Pack zu Legend of the Five Rings.

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While the Phoenix consider themselves the best equipped to handle the problems of the Emerald Empire, their relationship with other clans has begun to strain. It is because of the visions of the Phoenix that the Unicorn must teach others of their mysterious meishōdō magic, and tensions have risen between the two clans. Meanwhile, the Crane Clan believe only they have the knowledge and beauty to fix the flawed Emerald Empire… and while the Phoenix may make for wise allies, it is the Crane who know best.

Disciples of the Void features a wide variety of Phoenix cards that will expand their strategies, but also features three copies each of nine non-Phoenix cards, many of which are specifically designed to counter the powerful new strategies the Phoenix Clan will find in the pack. Join us today as we preview the non-Phoenix Cards featured in the Disciples of the Void Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, available for pre-order now from your local retailer or our website!

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Words and Deeds

Like the other Great Clans of Rokugan, the Unicorn are honorable samurai, but they place a special emphasis on their actions over their glory. Moto Nergüi  (Disciples of the Void, 17) is one of the Unicorn’s fearsome Cavalry, and she says more through her deeds than her words. At zero glory, Nergüi’s stats will most likely remain static at two military skill and two political skill, regardless of her status. However, she truly shines in her ability to lock out those who focus too much on their own glory. As an Action during a military conflict that she’s participating in, Moto Nergüi can move the character with the highest glory home. This will almost never be Moto Nergüi and since you get to choose in case of a tie, you can manipulate the game in your favor by turning the conflict’s tide to your favor… or save one of your own characters from committing to a losing battle.

This ability is especially effective against the Phoenix Clan, who often rely on their high-glory characters to break provinces and win conflicts.  An honored Serene Warrior  (Core Set, 88) or Shiba Tsukune  (Core Set, 93) are some of the most dangerous characters in the game, but their high glory makes them an easy target for Moto Nergüi, making your opponent think twice before committing them to a military conflict.

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Beauty and Grace

With a barrage of powerful Spell cards introduced in Disciples of the Void, the Phoenix’s hand of conflict cards will become a terrifying and dangerous mystery for their opponent. Luckily, as with all matters in Rokugan, the Crane are well suited to keeping the other clans in check. Doji Shigeru  (Disciples of the Void, 14) is a powerful Crane Courtier who severely limits the cards your opponent will play during a conflict. After your opponent plays an event during a conflict in which Doji Shigeru is participating, that opponent must choose and discard a card from his or her hand.

Hemorrhaging cards in this way can make your opponent think twice before they try to swing a conflict with an event. In the case of clans like the Phoenix and the Scorpion, this can be devastating, as Doji Shigeru can force them to throw away vital Spells and events that they would otherwise rely on to tilt conflicts in their favor. It’s also important to note that this ability only affects your opponent, meaning the Crane are free to express themselves through powerful events with no such penalty.

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Guardian Spirits

Though much of the drama found in Rokugan centers around the Great Clans, these samurai are far from the only inhabitants of Rokugan, mortal or otherwise. Disciples of the Void represents this by featuring two powerful, neutral conflict characters that mirror one another.

The Guardian Kami  (Disciples of the Void, 26) is a Keeper role only Spirit, and while it is defending, you may sacrifice it to resolve the effect of the contested ring as if you had won the conflict as the attacker.

The effects of the five rings can each turn the momentum of the game in your favor, but resolving them in the middle of a conflict can give you an even greater boost. Using the Water ring to bow an opponent’s character normally weakens your opponent’s skill in a later conflict, but using it in the middle of a conflict can bow one of your opponent’s participating characters, negating their skill from the conflict. The Fire ring works in a similar way, giving you the power to honor one of your characters or dishonor an opponent’s at a critical moment. Sacrificing a character can be a tall order, but the benefit could swing the entire game in your favor.

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Kami Unleashed  (Disciples of the Void, 27) is nearly identical, but is limited to clans with a Seeker role and can only be sacrificed during a conflict in which you are attacking. This can put extreme pressure on your opponent, and should you win the conflict, you’ll be able to resolve the ring effect a second time! A successful Fire conflict could net you two honored characters. Or, you could use the Earth ring to refill your own hand while destroying your opponent’s plans.

The New Disciples

While Disciples of the Void places an emphasis on the mystical Phoenix Clan, every Great Clan in Rokugan will receive new tools for the conflicts to come. As the elements continue to shift in the land of Rokugan, the focus turns to the unique Shugenja and Spells available to every clan. What awaits the Emerald Empire?

Unleash your magic and pre-order Disciples of the Void (L5C08) from your local retailer or our website!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Endlich erhält dieses wundervolle Spiel neue Karten. Egal ob Miniaturen-, Kartenspiel oder Tabletop: es ist das beste Spiel was ich je gespielt habe. Ich kann es kaum erwarten!

    • Ja, das Spiel ist klasse, geht durch die Koteis derzeit aber ziemlich auf meine Reisekasse. 😀

      Bei uns hat L5R LCG ziemlich eingeschlagen und hat ein paar Leute wieder zu Kartenspielen gebracht, womit wir, inklusive Altspieler, aus dem Stand bei einem harten Kern von acht bis zehn Spielern waren.

      Den Ansatz mit den Klanpacks finde ich recht gut, wobei es ein paar Jahre dauern wird, bis jeder Klan sein Pack bekommen hat. Nach einer Aussage von Alex Watkins auf dem Kotei in Cork kommt nach diesem Pack erst mal ein normaler Zyklus und dann eine Deluxe-Box, das zweite Klanpack kommt dann frühestens danach.

      Das Phoenix-Klanpack enthält den bisherigen Spoilern nach ein paar richtig schöne Karten, auch für die anderen Klane. Die beiden Kami setzen da dann auch noch einen drauf, und dank der aktuellen Rollenverteilung dürfen sich zumindest ein paar der Klane über passende Unterstützung freuen.

    • Die Regeln passen auf ein paar wenige Seiten, insofern ja. Andererseits ist L5R eines der komplexeren Kartenspiele, es ist definitiv nicht einfach, alle Mechaniken und deren Zusmamenspiel zu verstehen. Die ersten Partien werden etrem verwirrend sein. Danach geht das Gameplay aber durchaus gut von der Hand, ohne dass man viel Zeit ins Kartenstudium versenken müsste.

      Auch würde ich darauf hinweisen wollen, dass man mit der Grundbox zwar Spaß haben kann, man, um etwas ernsthafter zu spielen, allerdings 3 davon braucht (da sämtliche Klankarten nur einmal enthalten sind, man aber bis zu 3 pro Deck spielen kann).

    • Ergänzend zu der Aussage von Derfalk:

      Die grundlegenden Regeln sind relativ überschaubar, allerdings ist L5R ein Spiel, bei dem man extrem viele Entscheidungen treffen und viele Dinge im Blick behalten muss, was den Einstieg nicht all zu einfach macht. Anfangs dauern Spiele dann auch gerne mal deutlich länger als die angegebenen 60 Minuten (die das offizielle Zeitlimit im Turnierbereich sind), man wird aber mit der Zeit routinierter und damit auch schneller)

      Die genannten 3 Grundboxen haben den Vorteil, dass sich damit problemlos zwei vollständige Decks verschiedener Klane bauen lassen.

      Aus welcher Gegend kommt ihr denn? Die L5R-Community ist in der Regel sehr offen gegenüber Interessenten, die auch mal nur rein schnuppern wollen. Möglicherweise könnt ihr da Kontakt aufbauen, euch die Regeln erklären lassen und ein paar Testspiele machen, bevor ihr eine Entscheidung trefft.

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