von BK-Christian | 04.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Last Sword: Elven Lords II Kickstarter

Von Last Sword kommen neue Elfen.

LSM Last Sword Miniatures Elven Lords II Dragon's Roar 1

Elven Lords are back, with a brand new regiments and characters.

Dragons’s Roar is our second elven campaign. In the future, we would like to create a full elven army for The 9th Age and any others wargames!

Like our first campaign: Elven Lords, the models were designed, scultped and moulded before the launch of the campaing in order to no make you wait too long after you placed the order at the Pledge Manager.

Once again we would like to thank all backers and friends who supported us with their commitment and helped us to share this project through social media.

Unfortunately without your help we would not be able to achieve our goal so that is why we need you folks again!

Why do we still see the models of the first campaign?

If you are asking yourself why Dragon’s Roar contains all the models of the first campaign, it is because we want to provide a complete Elven army. Elite troops are important but in order to provice a full army we need core regiments like spearmen and archers.

That is the reason why everybody will have the chance to built their army with all our models.

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The elves are a powelful race. But it was not always in that way, elven race has grown like a tree from the ground to the sky.

At the beggining of the ages, elven race ramed with out a course learning from the land, until the discovered the power of the trees. Since that day, elven race has been growing, much than any other race in the world.

Beyond the secrets of fire and crafting, wind and sailing, soul and healing elves had knonw the secret of the magic, the way to use the flow of trees for their own purposes.

Elven race have a dream, and that dream is can see the stars in the sky as an equal. And like a star, can watch the world under their feet.

Nowadays elven roots piercing beneath the surface, and its leafs caress the sky. Are they getting their dream?

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Elven infantry is organice in four kits: Patrols, Detachments, Regiments, Cohorts and Legions.

  • Patrol include 4 miniatures.
  • Detachment include 3 Patrols, 12 miniatures.
  • Regiment include 20 miniatures and 1 command group sprue.
  • Cohort include 2 regiments, 40 miniatures and 2 command group sprues.
  • Legion include 4 Regiments, 80 miniatures and 4 command group sprues.

If you wish, mixed kits are possible, for example: a Legion can contain 1 Elven Archers regiment, 2 Albus Custodes regiment and 1 Dragon Guard regiment.

How to take a Pledge instructions at the botton.

Dragon Guard

We do not protect the fire that you can find in a forge, we protect the fire that you can find inside Imperial family hearts, the keystone of our race„.

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Albus Custodes

knowledge is a very dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. We are here to avoid you hurt yourself„.

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Elven spearmen

We are the elves, the kin that rule the destiny of the world. Our spears are the manifest will of the people who stand among the stars„.

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Elven archers

We watch the world as we watch the stars. Our arrows strike at the world like lightning„.

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Our miniatures are supplied with plain round or square bases. You will be able to choose the type during the Pledge Manager phase.


You can take your Add ons with a Pledge or as „Addons & extra pledges“.

How to take a Pledge and Add ons instructions at the botton.

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A character can be taken as a main Pledge or as an Add ons.

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  • Elf Princess – 15€
  • Lord Commander – 8€
  • High Custode – 8€  
  • Prime Draco – 8€
  • Elf prince – 8€
  • Elf mage – 8€

Gelände gibt es auch:

We have our own scenery range: ruined houses, the wood, stone walls, crates, barrels, etc.

For this campaign we have created new elements: Obelisk, Elf statue, Amphoras and Ornamental bases.

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  • Elven Statue – 6€
  • Elven Obelisk – 5€
  • Ornamental bases – 3,5€
  • Amphoras – 3,5€

Das sind die Versandkosten:

Shipping cost is not included into Pledge prices. Shippins cost depends on your location and parcel weight. That is the reason why we can not tell you now the price. You will find a shipping calculator at Pledge Manager web.

We can roughtly stimate that:

Sending a Dragon Guard Regimento (40 infantry miniatures, 2 command groups sprues with bases) will cost:

  • Spain: 6,5€
  • European Union: 15€
  • USA, Canada, Asutralia: 17€
  • Rest of the world: 21€

In addition, we are also offer the option of picking up orders in person during Hispania Wargames 2019 at Alhaurin de la torre, Malaga, Spain.

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 6 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Elven Lords II: Dragon’s Roar


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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